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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2014 in Posts

  1. Oh. OK. I didn't know that. So you should be fine.
    1 point
  2. Infrasound has not been proven, only described by those that claim to have experienced it. I myself have experienced a strange fluttering noise in my ears when I believed I was in the presence of the creature, but never a colon-clearing event. As for infrasound interacting with a .308 or larger load? I don't believe that would be an issue. Infrasound is a speculation, while a load is a known commodity. Having shot quite a few dear with a .308 and a 30-06, I can tell you that it is a very destructive load. A center mass shot in the sternum of a Sasquatch would do monumental damage. I believe a shot of 100 yards or less would be lethal. Personally, I'd not shoot the creature unless it were a matter of self defense. However, a shot with the appropriate round would render the creature dead, and thus a presentation for scientific study. I hope that one could be found dead of natural causes, or, at worst, peel one off of the grill of a logging truck.
    1 point
  3. Hello DWA, So are you saying that everyone else is into casual killing? Do you know anyone into casual killing? Do you think shooting a Sasquatch would only be casual killing? What IS casual killing? Besides killing one isn't to "satisfy scoffers". If that's really what you think then you pay absolutely NO attention to what's been in front of you for how long now? I'm not a scoffer, nor am I "into casual killing" whatever that means. I'm a proponent but I also would like mainstream science to have a type specimen for the purposes of recognizing the species as being real. That' the way science works. Your satisfied with the evidence SAYING Sasquatch is a real Creature, as am I, but we're not the only ones that science will listen to, nor will they take our word for it. The evidence as it stands is not strong enough for science to accept even as a motivation for investigation. That's the reality of it. So slam science all you wish but with no body the subject remains and will remain in the same boat with ghosts, UFO's, and everything else "para". There are those who seriously want to move Sasquatch into the realm of scientific acceptance. After your mentioning of "numerous examples" of unknown Primate DNA one would think the issue would have been put to rest already. Care to address that point?
    1 point
  4. I've heard of them being zapped and then eaten by a tiger. For which seals the fate of the tiger with a bullet.
    1 point
  5. Hey Thanks Guys! Lately I've been suffering from CRS a lot. So I made a checklist and I put some of my gear in a pile in my room and one pile out in the garage. All I have to do now is charge the batteries in my equipment, load my truck, and get out and do it.
    1 point
  6. Really? Is that why tigers are endangered?
    1 point
  7. So you take the shot. You shoot. You score. You approach your quarry and confirm that its dead. As you're wondering what to do with a half ton of smelly dead sasqautch you hear a tree knock followed by agitated chatter from the slope at your two o'clock. Answering whoops are heard from the ridgeline. From the treeknocker's general direction comes a softball sized rock that hits the ground between you and the body and caroms into the woods. A branch snaps somewhere behind you. The whoops off the ridge are getting closer and they carry a sense of urgency. You are alone and at least a mile from your vehicle. They're getting closer and they don't sound happy. Things are about to get harsh.
    1 point
  8. I think about that sometimes when I'm in my deer stand. I'd like to have a specimen collected for sure but naw, I'd just watch it go by and then kick myself later for not shooting it. t.
    1 point
  9. I've never implied any such thing. You can ask questions, but that's not what's happening here. A question gets asked, the answer is considered to be inadequate by those skeptical of the endeavors, and the speculations of hoaxing and being hoaxed start. And they continue regardless of the fact they've already been answered. How is questioning a tax exempt status, or implying it's undeserved, challenging the events in Area X? That seems to be aimed at the member's credibility in an attempt to besmirch their efforts. You'll not imply anything on my behalf, just as you won't continue to badger Bipto about the activities in Area X. It's fine if you don't believe him, but make that case and move on. There's no need for the constant attempts to badger his efforts or to question his motives, i.e. - tax status. That has nothing to do with the activity. In fact, I'll go on the record to say that it's just an effort to call another member's integrity into question to tarnish their efforts, which is an attempt to antagonize and provoke the member. How this is seen as productive by the skeptical is beyond me, as it accomplishes nothing except to promote antisocial behavior. If the skeptical believe that the creature's existence is an impossibility, why do they see the need to belittle and tarnish those that are searching for proof? To build up their own egos, to make themselves feel better, or to convince themselves that their stance is correct? Possibly, but I believe it's to discredit those that want to find evidence in an effort to make them look foolish in public, or to hinder their efforts by casting doubt on their motives and methods. There, I've put it out there to remove the need to claim I'm implying anything.
    1 point
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