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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2020 in Posts

  1. Unless I'm not recalling correctly, didn't she record that on a basic, handheld digital audio recorder? Given the frequency response of the mics on virtually every handheld device I've owned, they're not going to record anything that low. And given the laws of physics and the estimated distance she had to travel to find the suspected origination spot, there's no way an 18hz signal is going to travel thru a forest. The earth has a natural resonance of around 8 hz. There are all sorts of natural creators of low frequency energy, including air movement (even if not felt), and just holding on to the recorder can add handling noise. Secondary to that, it's not likely if the creatures can generate an actual infrasound frequency, it's not going to be embedded beneath an active vocalization. We've experienced countless vocalizations at close range for years and never found a hint of infrasound. I HAVE however, experienced a growl once that was so deep that it literally confused me and caused me to just stand there for a moment unable to process what had just happened. Once it was over, I was able to realize, "Wow. THAT was an unbelievable growl." The show manages to use a LOT of confirmation bias to validate what they want it to be. It's entertaining, but I don't count it as credible research.
    3 points
  2. Lol. I saw that... I threw an upvote at both of you to counter that vengeful downvote.
    3 points
  3. This is the dumbest program I have ever seen. Staged bunch of lame dialog. Just embarrassing to watch.
    2 points
  4. I got a down vote because I’m afraid to lose my house in a forest fire!? Wow. Tough crowd.
    2 points
  5. They look like leaves when they fall out of trees.
    2 points
  6. We need to get somebody at the spot on 02/22/20! They have predicted the future!
    2 points
  7. The Olympic Project is OK, the NAWAC is too far down the pro-kill path and as such have lost objectivity, as is led to by statements that we are its only predator. we dont even know what the thing is, so we don't know that much. we will never advance the subject with people stating opinion as fact.
    2 points
  8. Hows that been working out so far
    1 point
  9. I got you for a plus this time...but it's obvious you aren't committed to this cause. Get out of your armchair.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. That joke will age well, I think.
    1 point
  12. If there are any trees left after the napalm strike....
    1 point
  13. I can neither confirm nor deny...
    1 point
  14. Oh come on! You were knuckle dragging YEARS ago! Ive got a 1911 mag pouch and multi tool on my molle.
    1 point
  15. It would be more convenient if the Bigfoots would simply fall out of them once in a while. Unless no one's there. I mean if a Sasquatch falls out of a tree and no one is there to see it, do they bounce?
    1 point
  16. A definitive answer? A biologist- without question. Because you DON'T find it. You find irrefutable DNA evidence in the drainage and watershed systems. Check ponds downhill from ridges and caves. One wouldn't have to canvass an entire National Forest ecosystem either. But any results would save weeks if not months of boots on the ground. It would take a broad scientific effort though, not just one biologist out on a weekend, though it wouldn't be impossible for one in the right area. It's absolutely time to get smart about this and I've been saying that for quite a while now. This would be in addition to whatever anyone else wants to do. But it's a most important addition that should not be left idling. And here's the point, one doesn't need a Sasquatch genome in the GenBank for comparison. All one needs is something that LOOKS like Human DNA but have something different than Homo Sapiens sapiens even though it may read as Human. We can seem to determine a different Homo species that is VERY close to us, such as Denisovan and Neanderthal. Sasquatch wouldn't BE that close, and I'm convinced of that. So Seeing Human DNA that isn't quite normal should be expected. I'm weary of the "too degraded" excuse. The work around is to get fresh samples from the field that are under 48 hours old. Heck science is tracking winter migrations now by getting DNA from tracks in SNOW! My advice? Science has said numerous times that e-DNA can be used to find unknown organisms. So, for this case, stop testing for animals in remote habitat and start testing for primates! Just use Human, Gorilla, and Chimpanzee markers as protocol and stop all this foolishness.
    1 point
  17. I apologize for my pointed replies, I have become a very blunt person these days as I am not exactly a new comer to this subject. I am open to self reflection or considering a point of perspective from other angles but I am also very experienced for my age. Some would suggest I know something and others may say that my level of bias has made things less than clear. ( make of that what you will ) I continue to stand by my points, in short it is most likely an issue of very smart, very few and very little search. I asked you to back up your position that discovery should have happened with all the boots and eyes out over the years, you have not effectively done so. I pointed out that Jane was entirely outfitted for years to specifically study chimps, not that she was any kind of expert at the time, it was simply a perfect storm at a time that nobody was. She did have local guides who set her up very well, she consulted those with encounters/sightings. My point is that no serious level of education/expertise has been conducting investigation into this subject. The direction of effort matters when examining something specific, to find creatures with intelligence you need to apply intelligence. If you wanted to find an 8 foot ninja living in an wilderness area would you call a biologist or a psychologist, LOL. I am very aware of the level of forest/environmental impact humans had in the early construction of North America, effectively we laid wast to the majority of old growth forests by way of logging and river diversion. Many forms of wildlife numbered within 10% of their original population due to over-hunting, exposure and reduced breeding habitat. The truth is that science has been phobic of Sasquatch since the beginning for a variety of reasons ranging from religion to industry and as of now a top down position on academic interest in conducting investigation of topic ( several biologists come to mind who can tell you it is more than a perspective ). Science has not investigated this topic, if you disagree then can you provide some evidence of this position that can render the point ? This creature has been here for a very long time and the behaviors have not changed, the body of evidence remains consistent and does not illustrate the hallmarks of simple human story telling as the data is clearly not fictitious, the patterns we can note closely mirror standards within biology ( outside of misidentification ). This particular section of discussion is very wide and would need a new thread.
    1 point
  18. I just wanted to note that last night I added #7 to the list as I had forgotten all about it. The sound recording of the howl response yielded infrasound which is a significant find, in my opinion. So, they have a thermal image, infrasound detection, hair with no medulla, eyeshine, and more. I'd call their expedition, no matter the expanse of their location (or lack thereof), a smashing success.
    1 point
  19. Oh, that is just the text is not completely written out in the first frame.
    1 point
  20. That winter storm arriving at your ranch tonight blew through here last night, and closed Hwy 1 all the way from Aldergrove, 15 km W of me, through Abbotsford, and out to Chilliwack, 30 km E. The snow wasn't deep, but stuck to the roads as a sheet of ice, and gale force winds created a total white-out. I missed my first day of work in 2 years because I couldn't get from my pick-up point in Langley, out to my deliveries in Chilliwack. We're still getting sustained winds of 50km/hr, gusting to over 80.
    1 point
  21. Caveman must not have discovered a mirror yet. Go peer down in a lake Caveman.
    1 point
  22. Looks like cavemen are able to utilize the downvote feature. He nicked me, too.
    1 point
  23. Unwarranted criticism: So simple even a caveman can do it.
    1 point
  24. Hello from the swamps of N.Florida. Love to read all things Bigfoot. Thanks for having me.
    1 point
  25. Plus for the attractive lady!
    1 point
  26. Well....I hadn't gotten that far.
    0 points
  27. Can you contain the ensuing forest fire? Or am I gonna lose my house as well?
    0 points
  28. Don’t listen to the advice of anyone here. They only exist to complain. It’s a good show.
    0 points
  29. 70% Hoaxes/Lies 20% genuine misidentification (human, bear, or other animal) 10% genuine sightings
    -1 points
  30. No, you assume... if its that black and white, I'm not the one with a rigid mindset.
    -1 points
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