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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2020 in Posts

  1. Someone mentioned that a permit to film on NF takes months to get and requires an environmental impact study to be done before it is issued. No one in their right mind would do that when private land is available. I wonder if Dr Mayor knows she is on a fast track to infamy being associated with a film crew that seems to be intentionally dishonest. Film crews can make things happen that the principal characters have no knowledge of if things get boring. The crew wants their contract renewed. Perhaps Bryce separated from the on screen characters to orchestrate things happening they are not aware of.
    2 points
  2. Had the ranch brought them in because of fresh sightings, that would have been too good for all to be kept secret. It would have been a great storyline to start the series, and it would have been great advertising for the ranch. If they did this series on national forest land, they would have needed a permit. Maybe a permit for a show like this would have been denied by the USFS. Maybe they tried to get a permit, and were denied. That would also be a great storyline. A series of lies, falsehoods, and phony sets was a mistake, IMHO, but then, I'm not a Hollywood guy, lawyer, or politician, either. Those guys seem to live to lie.
    2 points
  3. Next time your in snow country? Buy some snow shoes and go try it. You will change your mind quickly. Snowshoes force a man to spread his legs wider and sort of shuffle along. Nothing like what we see with snow trackways associated with Bigfoot. Which are spread apart and inline. I can assure it’s not a hoax and it’s not a Bear. Mule deer stot or hop along. Which can look similar but they do not do this for long periods of time. And Mule deer do not reside in the Himalayas. If you definitively get this figured out with a mundane explanation? Please let me know.
    1 point
  4. I was very surprised to find that the 1941 Chapman/Ruby Creek incident that Thomas Steenburg talks about was not in the SSR. I've fixed that tonight... https://bigfootforums.com/topic/72314-british-columbia-fraser-valley-oct-1941-report-1000009-ruby-creek-chapman-incident/
    1 point
  5. There are more videos from this same presentation. I've gotten through about 2 of them so can't attest to overall quality of all. Christopher Murphy Ron Morehead Paul Graves Ryan Leisinger Gene Baade
    1 point
  6. Do you mean like being unknowingly being hoaxed by the film crew. So that they can fulfill the suspense in the characters. There does seem to be a story line and Bryce is the only actor in the series so he has nothing to loose as far as a reputation. But the rest I am sure that the film crew and the producers do not care about their reputation. Unless the characters have full knowledge of what they are getting them selves into and have signed papers so that they may not sue the editors of the show. The way I see it is that they are treating the existence of this creature as a big game. Playing it off as entertainment. Like it is just a joke. It is truly true that these programs are making us who are looking for these creatures look like a joke. I often wonder how we must look when we do talk about these creatures with folks who have no idea about these creatures. Then they watch these shows and see how foolish it looks . It is very shame full to see this. So much that the only best thing to do is to place a bullet in one of these creatures and place it in front of these producers and watch them crap their pants and shake so badly for a week or a month. No matter how wrong that this sounds . But this is how I feel. Yet , is this not how the world works to shut down some thing that they know exist. To make it all look foolish and laughable at meaningless results.. Deniability at work.
    1 point
  7. Turns out this was all quite the expedition after all? Following the train of subterfuge and subversion makes it quite the mystery! Modern operational definition for reality TV entertainment or "tricks" of the trade. Is it me, or does Jeff Meldrum look amused with a telling smirk in many of his appearances when interviewed in connection with this series?
    1 point
  8. Forgot to quote Arvedis, who early on posted doubts on the "advanced algorithm" claim. Back then I gave Arvedis a + "ha ha"vote to support his statement. Anybody who hides their methodology can claim special advanced algorithms. They don't have to share their algorithm to get peers to support them, they just need to describe what data was used, the general type of model, and what was the optimization criteria. When I did my predictive analytics work for WA using the early SSR database back 5 years ago, I posted the methodology used fully transparent in the report (posted in the Premium section). I never claimed it was any good, just one way of looking at the data and trying to predict the most likely location and time period based on parameters from historical reports. I stopped doing that work, because I thought it was flawed (too long a story to discuss on this thread). I recall that early on the EB show claimed that 3 locations were selected for optimal BF hotzone but this one was the best (or most convenient). The fact that this location was such a convenient private ranch raises doubts on the other claims too. Who knows what mapping model they used? They probably had some data, model and mapping done, otherwise it would have been a total lie.
    1 point
  9. Somebody with the sinister mind frame that would require all that crap might do it. Going through all that crap requires a response..........which is a legal standing. Denying the permit puts them on the hot seat. That, in and of itself, is worth more than the money and time it takes to prepare and submit the EIS. Moreover, that EIS is a tool for future "permissions". Been there, done that.........on both sides of the equation. Unfortunately, today's society requires either a lawyer in your pocket everywhere you go, or a paralegal education to navigate everyday life, forcing your opponent to invest in lawyers to stop you from your goals.
    1 point
  10. Maybe the algorithm was old home ruins, abandoned rusted trucks, old mines, round cows on stilts, sucker audience....... and corporate clients with private jet access?!
    1 point
  11. Rethinking this, a new buyer for the ranch (at @ $30million) would not want any "advertising" of any kind........whatsoever. The deception is likely their requirement. They're just bringing in cash from a filmmaker who couldn't get permission to film their silly "reality show" on the King's Land. Thinking further......... A sasquatch "researcher", specifically the type who likes to do email type queries of government types, might find pay dirt with a few queries asking about commercial filming permit requests on public lands involving sasquatchery in Oregon, with the caveat that a FOI request could be forthcoming. Of course, as a former federal contracting COR would anticipate, the "proprietary information" excuse might be used to withhold such information, but all the government would need to do is redact the names of the entities seeking such permits, not the fact or dates that such permits were sought.
    1 point
  12. Thanks for sharing. I remember this . As you know I am not impressed by snow tracks.
    1 point
  13. Well there goes there algorithm theory of knowing where these creature will show up. What a lot of BS on knowing where they will be. Then again is how they keep pushing that ape stuff on people by using these shows as well which really tee's me off. But again it is all entertainment to gain ratings. Just like those glowing eyes which I sure as heck would have not have stood by and just watch them standing there afar. If you are in a hot spot and are having action like that then you and have the proper cameras then you will do what ever it takes to get that photo better then Patty. I would have pushed it and got in there to see what was making those eyes glow. But that is me and no I am not just talk. Sure I be scared but I would want to know what it was that was glowing. What's the worst that could happen but have rocks thrown at you. The other worst thing that can happen is you being chased the heck out of there. But my guess would be that another creature would at least draw your attention from where those eyes were coming from and give it time to get the heck out of there. Like so many other encounters that have happen. This is why they are never alone . National Forest are great places for them to hide in. Since some of them are so big and have a lot of game. Redbone you are right that this place is just right for them to film since they would not have to pull all these permits to film. If there is a runway then that just makes it that much easer for them to film and bring in there equipment and not bring that much attention to what they were doing. We have no idea if there was encounters going on this ranch and I am pretty sure they would keep it silent if there was. The ranch sounds like a good money maker with the things they have going on their ranch. They have a lot of wanna be cowboy stuff going on there ranch which sounds pretty cool. Not to many people can have that type of adventure in their lives. So this ranch brings this life to people who may not be able to live this life and want to live it. Only if it is for a vacation. I say kudo's for this place for doing what they are doing. Now on another note I would not be happy if all this is a hoax to bring more people to their ranch. To be able to live another type of fantasy. To be able to feel like what it is to encounter a SaS out in the wild in a controlled area. It is already a business with the BFRO with their tours. So what would make this different. Except now it is on a private ranch where it can be controlled better. Well I hope that I am wrong but Bigfoot seems have become big business for people. If it ever becomes discovered may destroy this good income for some. It seems that bigfoot has become less about the truth and more about greed . We should really think about it before one of us really shoot one of these beast. If not one has not been shot already and is in a lab. It is not worth what one deserves. Just being on the level, Brothers.
    1 point
  14. The "cowboy film" is as good as photographic evidence is going to get, so that's out. Footprint casts, especially cast at the same site as the film was shot, is as good as trace evidence is going to get, so that's out too. So why don't you just come out and say it?: It has to be carcass. Nothing else will satisfy you.
    1 point
  15. Not sure if you've made it through this whole thread, but we knew where it was filmed. The "Anton Ranch" info is new (to me anyway) so you got your first upvote. Welcome to BFF. And just like that we found the cabin. It's labeled Cougar Lake Cabin on the Antone Ranch website 'landmarks' page. I haven't found it on the map yet though.
    1 point
  16. I binge watched the 6 that were available . I have to admit I kind of liked it. I really like the doctor in the series and the survival guy. The other guy from Mass I could take him or leave him. He just fills up space. The Only thing I will say is if people ask you to retell about your bigfoot encounter crying doesn't make me believe your story more,. STOP IT OKAY stop crying on camera and tell us what happened
    1 point
  17. I got you for a plus this time...but it's obvious you aren't committed to this cause. Get out of your armchair.
    1 point
  18. I got a down vote because I’m afraid to lose my house in a forest fire!? Wow. Tough crowd.
    1 point
  19. Or we can simply wait for one to surrender, no? A multifaceted approach doesn't necessarily have to be taken by every individual or group in order for all facets to be employed. They can focus on killing one. Another group can wait for a sasquatch to surrender. You can search for a carcass. Others can take pictures of trees hoping for a sasquatch to materialize. Etc.
    1 point
  20. Don’t listen to the advice of anyone here. They only exist to complain. It’s a good show.
    1 point
  21. Took advantage of the 70 degree weather to head into one of our research areas this past weekend with @Hellbent No activity, but we were able to scout a bit deeper into the area and found a great spot to set up a basecamp. Lots of rain lately so the river was HIGH...
    1 point
  22. Thanks for sharing norseman. Thomas did an excellent presentation! A logical progression with relevant pictures about the stories, places and investigations he was talking about.
    1 point
  23. The Travel Channel wrote: Researchers uncover Bigfoot clues in new Travel Channel series. Team believes advanced algorithm is missing key to solving legend.
    1 point
  24. That includes the large in-line prints with a 40"+ distance between heel and toe that go seven miles with no sign of the mess that snow shoes inevitably leave? But I'm sure there is an explanation for those, right? And I'd love to hear yours. If you don't have one it might be enlightening to know why you don't. I mean to say, just because no one is witnessing the making of such trackways, the details do not automatically get negated. Large in and out tracks that are in-line with little or no disturbances in the snow around them is worthy of keeping an open mind. Because those kinds of things have to be taken in context with EVERYTHING and not singled from all else. One could cherry pick hair samples out of context, too, along with a lot of other things but taking things as a whole picture necessitates, at the very least, an open mind. Not saying that say, such trackways, are Sasquatch, only saying that, that no matter one's thinking, they aren't normal. And that, my friend, is enough to give pause. ANYONE can blow off a trackway, but in order to do so one has to also blow off the outlying details that come with it. There are reasons people sit up and take notice when the phenomenon presents itself. No one is blindly say Sasqutch. What they ARE saying is what else could make such tracks? It's a valid question that cannot simply be swept away as you, a scientist, are so easily doing. My opinion? Your skeptical aggression is passive, but it is skeptical aggression nonetheless.
    -1 points
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