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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2020 in Posts

  1. Either, both, or much more, depending on my desire. Which explanation do you prefer? That's what Army patrols do; report on what they find. And you're doing what you do; instilling doubt, conjecture, confusion, and ridiculous "possibilities".........like a cheap ambulance chaser.
    3 points
  2. I've never been on snowshoes, but began cross country skiing with the family in '93 at age 42 and continued until '01, skipping two seasons when arthritis destroyed my right hip and recovering after the surgery in June of '98. Every place we skied started at over 6,000 feet and some climbed to over 7,000 and by age 50 I was in better shape even than when working on the flight deck of the USS Enterprise during the Vietnam war in my early 20's. The latter was hard work, but it was at sea level or a couple hundred feet above when Stateside at NAS Lemoore, CA; moving through snow at over a mile in altitude, even with slick boards stuck on your feet is serious exertion. Oh yeah, gliding down a half mile of groomed trail is great fun, but you didn't get to the head of that slope on a lift and when you get to the bottom you'll have another hill to duck walk up before that fun glide repeats. Replacing the slick boards with baskets can only make every step harder and you don't get that free ride on the down slopes. To even suggest that something like the track in the photo below from BFRO Report # 37974 was made by someone with fake feet strapped to their boots leaping in five foot steps cross ways up a mountain slope at over 7,000 feet is beyond even my vivid imagination to comprehend! That photo was made just over 31 miles almost due east and about 2,600 feet higher than where I'm sitting in my home office typing. Here is the link to the report: http://bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=37974
    3 points
  3. If the creature is known about. then why would they laugh? Don't they realize that if the public is told that the creature is real that public pressure to get the necessary funding would save the day? Think of the publishing that could be done just on that creature. AND it would easily fall under all categories like climate change, conservation, habitat creation, habitat monitoring, and a myriad other department supervisor purviews. There would be so much mileage that could be had just because of the nature and needs of such an animal. And there it is. Bottom line, nail on the head, The very thing I've been pushing to find out....from academia....from F&W. That answer has NOTHING to do with funding, habitat preservation, climate change, monitoring, OR publishing. All of those tie-ins would come later once the public is informed. So I will reiterate Norseman's question: Does government know about it? Because most, if not all of us, don't see how the government WOULDN'T know.
    2 points
  4. You have chosen deliberate ignorance by failing to avail yourself of the definitive technical work regarding the most important visual evidence in this field, "When Roger Met Patty". I refuse to waste any more of my time reading ignorant drivel so from here on out I will not longer be aware of your posts. I invite my companions on this journey of discovery to join me in saving a bit more server memory for thoughtful discussion or at the least questions from those who are educable. I just discovered that for some reason the system will not allow me to add Foxhill to my ignore list, so I'll simply have to do it the old fashioned way.
    2 points
  5. It really does not matter about the funding . How much does it cost for a bullet to place one of these creatures on a slab and have it sorry butt carried out off the forest in a helo by the gov. I am sorry but I am not going to listen to your bs on how these science freaks work. A little woody wood pecker means nothing to some thing as large as what we are about talking that has high value to the military like darpa. But again I have to keep to my silence. You are the gov. route is not easy so why should we trust you. There is so much conspiracy that it is hard to trust anyone. Like you said if we shoot one federal land the gov takes possession of the body. We shoot one on state land the state land takes over . If we shoot one on private land the county will then take possession of it which well then go to the state which will then go to the feds. Either way the creature gets shot the feds are going to get their hands on it . Science will not have control over it since the corpse will belong to the feds. Either way there will not be no funds in research since it will be buried in secrecy. If you want to keep pushing the issue you may due so but be prepared to be laughed at like you have . This is normal to stop the issue .They already have done the research and have the specimen/specimens. My question is what is it that brought you here ?
    1 point
  6. I will be meeting with a PhD this week to see if I can get some answers. Area of expertise? Animal behavior so I will be bringing up the nesting site, OF COURSE. I also hope to open the dialogue regarding e-DNA. Been doing some reading and came across some things that indicate that scientists do retain odd DNA sometimes waiting for a match so I will hopefully be able to delve into that some as well. They are called MOTUs—Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units, and are used as placeholders. I initially requested that they set aside about two hours for the meeting but I don't think that will happen, but maybe, if things go well, another meeting could be scheduled. I'll make sure the most important items get presented just to make sure they get heard. I'm really looking forward to this opportunity because, as you know, having this kind of a dialogue has been a goal that I've been trying to work on for the last year two and a half years. It's one of the chief reasons I've been educating myself as much as I can so as to be able to hold a reasonably not-too-ignorant discussion. And also to hopefully be better equipped to follow whatever dialogue comes back at me and be able to ask good questions. Can't wait In the mean time great article here and a pretty recent one, too (Nov. 2018): https://blog.csiro.au/loose-genes-and-haunted-ecosystems-meet-edna-environmental-saviour/
    1 point
  7. ^^^^^^^Good catch. And I bet we can come up with a handful of other reasons, too........
    1 point
  8. I would add that they are protecting trillions of dollars in revenue from the many ways that the habitat gets used and abused as well as the billions in revenue generated from the Bigfoot biz- which includes the upsurge of the public/researchers/hunters buying more powerful guns and high tech gear. One needs the clarity of the entire picture of the Bigfoot scene if one wants to understand the lack of government accountability in discovering this creature at the public level
    1 point
  9. OMG... the drama.... How could a cow skull get underwater in that remote swampy area? Here's the answer... You are on a ranch. Ranches have cows. "Abandoned truck in the middle of nowhere?"
    1 point
  10. I would agree with that, but when and how it would change the equation is almost unpredictable. Believe it or not, I can already hear them say that said corpse is a freak, and another would be required.........no, don't laugh, because that very line was used when the first Homo floresiensis skeleton was extracted. They have to know, and at least five national governments have to be complicit.The question should be: Why are they hiding these creatures? There is only one credible answer: Because they are simultaneously protecting the last dying hominid race from homo sapien contamination and abuse, and protecting themselves from the responsibility of managing relations with this dying race.
    1 point
  11. Hello all. I'm located in central Florida and have been interested in Bigfoot since I was a child. I will be hiking in the PNW later this year and love reading encounter stories from that region.
    1 point
  12. When the ratings of Finding BIgfoot started to fall, the producers approached the crew and wanted to "enhance" things to make better TV. The crew threatened to quit if that happened. Producers have the most interest in a successful series, if they want to keep doing one. You cannot know who knows what because they sign nondisclosure agreements. I have had one experience with TV news. Was approached in an airport when I was an airline pilot and asked about something pertinent to something that had happened recently in aviation. I responded with my opinion and it was so botched and edited on TV that they had completely changed what I was trying to convey. Even news producers seem to have an agenda, and truth is not part of it.
    1 point
  13. Foxhill, you come on the forum and now have almost 50 posts and again, you derailed the thread. If you want to discuss 'bigfoot does not exist' then please start a new thread. Derailing this thread shows really poor table manners. We are not not discussing if bigfoot exists or not. Before I knew anything about bigfoot, I was lucky and saw one watching up sleep out in the woods around 1980. Most of us have studied the evidence and are reasonably assured that bigfoot exists. We have spoken with knowers and some here are knowers. We are discussing what traits or kind of thinking that enables bigfoot to evade capture, shooting, or getting hours of quality fillm. This is the basis of the thread. Once we know why and how bigfoot evades us we can prove to the Department of Interior that the creature exists. Once the federal government states bigfoot is real, then hunting and bothering bigfoot will probably be a felony and jail time. This statement is another thread. Let's focus on the underlined thread.
    1 point
  14. When you have walled off the possibility of something existing in yer universe? It’s a hoax.....it has to be!!! Remember when UFO’s were just swamp gas and pie plates thrown in the air? No more.
    1 point
  15. I hope everyone has had a great weekend! My name is Frank Piercy and I currently live in Connecticut and have been following Bigfoot since I was a young one. In my spare time, I am a bit of a photographer, nature and music being my primary subjects. Looking forward to taking part in the online search!
    1 point
  16. It doesn't take much of a tracker to just look at a photo of that print to see that it was created by a living foot. But the skeptics go on and on and on with all manner of fanciful alternatives. It gets rather tiring.........
    1 point
  17. That’s the cripple foot of the Boss burg track. Just north of my house. Your on a Bigfoot forum. The PGF has NEVER been “debunked”. So buck up camper..... Simply putting yer hands over yer ears and yelling “La la la” is not a debate strategy! Again snow tracks are impossible to fake in the dimensions seen. Long stride and single file. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise.
    1 point
  18. Watch the PGF again. Under careful scrutiny, Patty's leg proportions and step motion are decidedly non-human. Notice how much shorter Patty's lower leg is than the upper, then also notice how high she lifts her heel. It is consistent with the characteristics of the snow trackways without requiring the exceptional effort it would take a human to make even 2-3 such steps with the resulting characteristics that are reported, never mind going for miles without breaking stride or screwing up. MIB
    1 point
  19. Here's another famous set in snow that went for miles. Musta' been mule deer. Or porcupine. Or bear. Or a guy on snowshoes. Or a guy named Ivan. Anything but what the guys who were there said it was.
    1 point
  20. Snowshoes act like shovels as much or more than shoes. If they sink at all into the snow, the snow falls over the top of the shoe, or if you fail to pick your foot up perfectly vertically, you actually shovel up snow, and all that snow is sprinkled all about as your foot moves forward. That's why I almost never use snowshoes unless the snow conditions allow for their use to keep you completely above the snow, or the snow is so deep that without their use, I sink. If you've never walked several miles through snow of various depths, a verbal explanation simply won't portray to you why the Indian Army patrol went to the trouble of reporting this marvel, but that's okay. Just profess to us why this couldn't be what it obviously is, and we'll agree that this was a casual stroll by a tourist in snowshoes.
    1 point
  21. Next time your in snow country? Buy some snow shoes and go try it. You will change your mind quickly. Snowshoes force a man to spread his legs wider and sort of shuffle along. Nothing like what we see with snow trackways associated with Bigfoot. Which are spread apart and inline. I can assure it’s not a hoax and it’s not a Bear. Mule deer stot or hop along. Which can look similar but they do not do this for long periods of time. And Mule deer do not reside in the Himalayas. If you definitively get this figured out with a mundane explanation? Please let me know.
    1 point
  22. So lemme take a shot at this. I think you're mis-imaging the problem. It comes down to leg length and heel lift. Walking in deep snow in snow shoes (I assume you've done this?) as your foot comes down, the snow shoe heel drags for maybe 6 inches leaving a clear mark in the snow. Likewise, when you take the next step, the toe drags a lot on the way out of the track. The longer the step you attempt, the longer the drag mark is. Some of these tracks show a 40" or longer step length yet they have no "slide" going into the track and no "drag" coming back out, they just "post-hole" straight in .. straight down, straight back up, no slide or drag. It as NOTHING to do with snow falling back into the track or not. The only way this can happen is if the leg is really long so that the amount of snow it punches through is minor, like shin deep snow would be to us. It also means it is a living foot, not a living foot something attached to the bottom, because the ankle angle using snow shoes doesn't work out to match the actual tracks. The second piece of "messing up" has nothing to do with the bigfoot's tracks, it has to do with the lack of tracks left by whoever faked the tracks if they were faked. Thing is, if these tracks post-hole, a human can't make them with the stride length involved, so someone would have to travel alongside the trackway to create the tracks one by one and a person doing that would leave a very clear second trackway which is missing. After a few year hunting on snowshoes in the winter, I'm pretty convinced these bigfoot tracks in the snow cannot be faked by any means I can imagine without leaving unmistakable telltale signs. MIB
    1 point
  23. I'll pass if I wanted to argue about a dude in a suit you'd see me in those threads, if your going to base any theory on PGF sorry its a fail. But I do appreciated your thoughtful responses. Do you just take stuff out of context or just can't keep up with the conversation? Again no doubt its not a snowshoe, but it most certainly could be fake or a misinterpretation. The only thing marvelous about it is they had time to waste reporting it or faking it LOL!
    -3 points
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