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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2024 in Posts

  1. We've experienced 'similar' sounds under different circumstances. Here's a couple I could find that I knew where to find in my archives. I'll look thru and see what else I can find that's like that. clip-1-june-10-2012-224am.mp3 550068422_may-30-2012-200am-5302012DVRaudio.mp3 short-clip-of-paul-chased.mp3
    2 points
  2. If the cousins won’t help you out and you are truly interested in becoming proficient in the outdoors? There are plenty of survival schools to choose from. Varying skill levels and different courses to choose from. https://www.northwestsurvivalschool.com I have actually thought about putting on a school to learn how to do the stuff that I was raised with. A rifle, a chainsaw and a four wheel drive was like all my friends goal to own by the time we were 16. We just took it for granted. Our greatest time was every fall cutting firewood and hunting deer in the national forest.
    1 point
  3. Love it!! He captures what I feel out there beautifully, and the guitar melody fits perfectly.
    1 point
  4. Good video of NE Washington!
    1 point
  5. I got a text from my buddy Bill (MagniAesir on here) on Friday asking our usual research group (Magni, Thomas, Alohacop, and myself) to meet up for an outing on Sunday morning, so of course I agreed immediately. At 0800 Sunday morning I arrived at the designated spot on Hwy 7, where we all gassed up and headed for the nearby watershed where I had my sighting many years ago. It was raining, but the forecast was for a break in the rain by about 0930. The weatherman LIED!! The rain intensified through the morning, so we continued to the end of the road system near the headwater lake, where there is a rough lean-to shelter where we could sit and talk for a while before calling it a day. By the time we were heading out, what had been small trickles of water down the rocks were now waterfalls, and in places some football size rocks had been washed down the hills onto the roadway. It was definitely time to get out of Dodge! It made for a short day, but we made plans for future trips later in the Spring. The convoy at the shelter. 2 new Rubicons and my 18 year old Hummer This creek is usually a trickle through a boulder field, now a gushing torrent Run off down what is normally a dry rock face
    1 point
  6. hiflier, I viewed your game cam pic and .....all I can say is puh..............leeeze, doooood. you've got nothing but, if you "think" you have "something", then more power to you, baybeeeeee
    -1 points
  7. apparently, I'm living in your head and....the rental price is...on the house. you'll be eating crow when I get the vid downloaded. I've asked you for patience but you've been like a kid on christmas eve. santa's coming, Norseman, so you behave
    -1 points
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