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The Ramifications Of Species Verification

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It really depends on what bigfoot turns out to be, I think that's the definitive part of the equation. Three potential outcomes for that are ape, human, or other. What do you do with an "other"?

Guest ChrisBFRPKY

It's clear to see that Derek and Jodie have been going at it with several exchanges. Some of which are borderline and maybe a few exchanges that could be considered violations of the rules.

It looks as if it's done, I hope it is. I understand folks get a bit heated at times and members tend to go at it from time to time.

Myself and everyone else on staff would prefer these exchanges be kept at a civil level and the two members work things out on their own without someone on staff having to step in. Jodie, Derek, If you folks have this worked out that's great. If there is still some bitterness between you two, keep it out of the threads please. Thanks, Chris B.


We could still request laws to protect them, can't we? :blink: It will be a newly recognized species, and if laws could be passed from our efforts to protect them, then we will have helped to protect the entire species in America.(if national laws are passed)

Then we work with other governments in other countries to protect them.


It was suggested at one time that the tribal organizations in the various states could enroll them as members en-mass, census to be provided at a future date.

Guest Cervelo


The only place (much less a govt.) thats going to accept the existence of Bigfoot based on DNA is the world of Bigfootery. No body, no Bigfoot, no laws needed. But let's pretend everyone says ok it's real. Why would they need protection, we have killed 2 (maybe) and apparently they were the really stupid ones since they just walked into it. I think they will be just fine without our help!

Guest StankApe

I have to say one thing. Before I joined this site I was fairly sure Bigfoot was real. I was sure the PGF was real, since I've joined I have seen my faith in the PGF die (it's a suit, on close inspection it isn't really even close) and now I'm starting to think that Bigfoot is fake too. No evidence of any merit has surfaced, everytime we hear about some "breakthrough" it all falls apart into a bunch of huckster nonsense. I'm sure many of you think you saw something, bu I'm afraid you are wrong. There is no bigfoot, it makes me sad...... :(


I have to say one thing. Before I joined this site I was fairly sure Bigfoot was real. I was sure the PGF was real, since I've joined I have seen my faith in the PGF die (it's a suit, on close inspection it isn't really even close) and now I'm starting to think that Bigfoot is fake too. No evidence of any merit has surfaced, everytime we hear about some "breakthrough" it all falls apart into a bunch of huckster nonsense. I'm sure many of you think you saw something, bu I'm afraid you are wrong. There is no bigfoot, it makes me sad...... :(

Hang in here, StankApe, You will have some good news coming sooner rather then later, IOW, By next summer at the latest, but it could be much sooner for BF to be verified! :D

By The Way:

BF is real, Patty is not a suit, check out Sweaty Yeti's work on that film posted here for all to see.

Hang in, you'll see!

Hugs and :wub: to you...

Guest StankApe

Sweaty Yeti .... I can't say what i think or I will get banned. but I hope his family gets him the help he requires


So why is there still all this preoccupation with the idea a creature you can't just walk into the woods and finds, even remotely NEEDS US to protect it?

This is another one of those "HuH?" things no one seems to be able to explain.

Guest ChrisBFRPKY

I have to say one thing. Before I joined this site I was fairly sure Bigfoot was real. I was sure the PGF was real, since I've joined I have seen my faith in the PGF die (it's a suit, on close inspection it isn't really even close) and now I'm starting to think that Bigfoot is fake too. No evidence of any merit has surfaced, everytime we hear about some "breakthrough" it all falls apart into a bunch of huckster nonsense. I'm sure many of you think you saw something, bu I'm afraid you are wrong. There is no bigfoot, it makes me sad...... :(

wanna bet? :lol: Chris B.


Sweaty Yeti .... I can't say what i think or I will get banned. but I hope his family gets him the help he requires


Have you seen the work S.Y. did *Frame by Frame* on the PGF?

IMHO, He nailed it, and proved, along with our very own Bill, that the creature in the film is a living Bigfoot.

Have you checked out Bill Munn's PGF work?

We are so blessed to have the numerous BF researchers here in the BFF, plus many people who are directly involved with the DNA results due to collecting most of them.

This is a happening place.

wanna bet? :lol: Chris B.

Plus one to you Chris, and :wub: !

It really depends on what bigfoot turns out to be, I think that's the definitive part of the equation. Three potential outcomes for that are ape, human, or other. What do you do with an "other"?

An "Other" is still a living breathing reproducing animal who will probably need some protection from the state and maybe the Federal Governments to ensure species survival.

Jodie, Do you believe what I believe also?


This is the Addy for the Munn's report.

I have to say one thing. Before I joined this site I was fairly sure Bigfoot was real. I was sure the PGF was real, since I've joined I have seen my faith in the PGF die (it's a suit, on close inspection it isn't really even close) and now I'm starting to think that Bigfoot is fake too. No evidence of any merit has surfaced, everytime we hear about some "breakthrough" it all falls apart into a bunch of huckster nonsense. I'm sure many of you think you saw something, bu I'm afraid you are wrong. There is no bigfoot, it makes me sad...... :(


Sweaty Yetti's analysis of the PGF, and our very own Bill Munns works show/prove the PGF is geniune.

Patty is the real deal.

I hope that these posting can give you some of research our very own members have done, and assist you in making your own decision with as many facts as id possible.

Some days I waver also, but then I think about the caliber of people reporting BF sightings, and I believe again in Patty, in fact, this species..


I kind of agree with you Guy but for different reasons.I happen to be aware of some social issues that never make it to mainstream media, and in the last year, I'm beginning to consider that the same thing may be true about bigfoot. Maybe that's why we haven't heard about anything in the last 50 years, not because it hasn't happened.

You would have thought some tabloid somewhere in the world would have picked up on the Sierra Shootings, yet there is nothing to my knowledge out there, other than the regurgitation of what you read here on the forums, that are on the blogs. That seems extremely odd to me and no one has yet to notice that fact or comment on it.

So if some organization doesn't want this creature to exist there has to be a good reason for it, now what would that reason be? Why would this be any different than what they are trying to do for other primates in other countries? Or for Aborigines or Native Americans? If acknowledged, I can see different groups using Sasquatch as an excuse to promote their own agenda's pro and con. Depending on what bigfoot is, I don't think we need to worry about them being hunted down for black market purposes. To be honest, it would already be happening if that was the case. The best way to find bigfoot if he is that easy to capture would probably be to look at what is sold on the black market from supposed human and primate organs, meat, or bones.

I do think bigfoot exists but I'm beginning to feel like it will never be confirmed for whatever reason, maybe we need the protection more than bigfoot does. We are the ones with the capacity to destroy ourselves, not bigfoot.

Guest Thepattywagon

So why is there still all this preoccupation with the idea a creature you can't just walk into the woods and finds, even remotely NEEDS US to protect it?

This is another one of those "HuH?" things no one seems to be able to explain.

Protection for them should be afforded in that the punishment for the wanton killing of one should be major jail time and a huge fine. I say that with the understanding that there is no official protection for them currently, and so anyone who has shot one has done so legally. If both of the recent shooting incidents are true, it shows us that these creatures, however elusive, are not invulnerable.

With no Federal protection and a possible huge payday for the lucky person who brings in a body, there is the potential for attitudes to change. Some 'researchers' might be tempted to trade cameras for high powered weapons when going out in the field. Non researchers, such as deer hunters would now have in the back of their minds the possibility of winning the Bigfoot lottery while stalking other game.

If there is no legally offered $$ for a body, much of the incentive would be gone. Of course, poaching is always going to be an issue.

Guest Cervelo
Posted (edited)

Well let's go with the conspiracy theory!

Contact has alreay been made and agreements made. You guys stay for the most part in the National/State Forest that we have established and we won't acknowledge you (Bigfoot) exist since you can avoid us for the most part anyway. Kinda like the UFO/Alien gig. Maybe take it one step further to MIB we are keeping track of them as we speak!! Yes I did!!! Cats out of the bag!! Gotta go go someone knocking on the door........

Edited by Cervelo
Guest slimwitless

You would have thought some tabloid somewhere in the world would have picked up on the Sierra Shootings, yet there is nothing to my knowledge out there, other than the regurgitation of what you read here on the forums, that are on the blogs. That seems extremely odd to me and no one has yet to notice that fact or comment on it.

I've noticed that and I've even talked about it "off-forum". It's amazing how the silliest Bigfoot stories get picked up by the national media. The recent news about a "face print" on a vehicle window comes to mind. I don't think there's anything nefarious going on. It's probably as simple as no one has drafted a press release (which doesn't speak well of the investigative powers of the media). I wonder if any of the major players in this saga have been contacted by the press. A simple "no comment" would probably end an inquiry into any story this fantastic.

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