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Guest believer

For those in the know and privy to the delicate info we all seek, will history judge you as a good man who did the right thing?

I say this to, hopefully, ensure that money is not a motivating factor or greed or envy or any other lesser human emotion in all the actions so far

I can say with confidence that the Sasquatch could care less:)

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SSR Team

I say this to, hopefully, ensure that money is not a motivating factor

Well by my estimations, Mr E would be down at least 6 figures USD $$ & some would even argue down 7 figures USD $$ so if money is the motivation for him, i wish him all the luck in the World personally as the Man clearly has, & excuse my French, balls of steel to be dropping that kind of $$ on this subject but i'll love him for it if it all works out.. :thumbsup:

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Guest Stubstad

E doesn't ever expect to recover even a small fraction of his expenditures.

He's in it for No. 1 -- Sasquatch. I can assure you of that.

I've only viewed what could be called a 40 minute (or so) documentary, with highlights of various habituation sites and a number of creatures, together with the history of the Erickson Project and some apropos interviews, etc.

There is a lot more footage I haven't seen, of course.

I will not disclose any more than that, other than I recall the particular segment from which the frame grab came from. Or at least the frame grab was from the same creature (with unusually long hair) in the footage I saw.

It is not any of the known animals the speculators, above, have surmised it could be.

The only possibilities are either a well-done hoax or the real deal (a sleeping sasquatch). I believe the latter for all the reasons I have given previously in this blog and other threads on the internet (and in my own website).

It will all be released in due course; that isn't up to me, it's up to Adrian. He is very busy now trying to recover from the same single-dip recession we have all felt since about 2008 -- especially in the property and housing markets. Hopefully, this will not turn into a double-dip recession. Judging from the adversarial (to say the least) political climate, particularly in the House, I'm more than a bit worried -- for all of us, including Adrian.


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Guest Bigfoothunter

The only possibilities are either a well-done hoax or the real deal (a sleeping sasquatch). I believe the latter for all the reasons I have given previously in this blog and other threads on the internet (and in my own website).

I have doubts about this ongoing soap opera for reasons I have preveously stated. My thoughts are that one doesn't need to play up an event so to sell it ... something truly sensational sells itself.

Bill Miller

Bigfoot Field Research

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Guest billgreen2010

wow this ongoing situation is still exciting etc but im still looking forward to seeing these filmfootages keep me updated to be continued.....indeedy...im patient :)

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E doesn't ever expect to recover even a small fraction of his expenditures.

He's in it for No. 1 -- Sasquatch. I can assure you of that.

I've only viewed what could be called a 40 minute (or so) documentary, with highlights of various habituation sites and a number of creatures, together with the history of the Erickson Project and some apropos interviews, etc.

There is a lot more footage I haven't seen, of course.

I will not disclose any more than that, other than I recall the particular segment from which the frame grab came from. Or at least the frame grab was from the same creature (with unusually long hair) in the footage I saw.

It is not any of the known animals the speculators, above, have surmised it could be.

The only possibilities are either a well-done hoax or the real deal (a sleeping sasquatch). I believe the latter for all the reasons I have given previously in this blog and other threads on the internet (and in my own website).

It will all be released in due course; that isn't up to me, it's up to Adrian. He is very busy now trying to recover from the same single-dip recession we have all felt since about 2008 -- especially in the property and housing markets. Hopefully, this will not turn into a double-dip recession. Judging from the adversarial (to say the least) political climate, particularly in the House, I'm more than a bit worried -- for all of us, including Adrian.


particularly the house? :unsure::rolleyes:

Melba I should send you some flowers

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Guest Stubstad

Will - sorry for the confusion. I take it you are not from the USA. The "House" is the House of Representatives in the United States Congress (I think 400 and some odd members, proportionally to the populations of the 50 US States plus one from the District of Colombia.

The U.S. Senate is composed of two members from each state for a total of 50, plus the Vice President at the time for tie-breaking votes only.

The Senate seems to be better these days at "agreeing" or more accurately compromising on the various bills that come before it than the House is. In fact, by a long shot.

If this was a joke, well, it went right over my head, so GOOD JOB. If it wasn't, well, there's your American political science (now THAT'S a stretch) lesson for the day.

Sorry; a typo: 2 members of the Senate x 50 states = 100 members (plus the V.P.) last time I checked.

So much for my impeccable statistical background. Simple math & I blow it.


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Guest Stubstad

Agreed ... on with the sasquatch discussion, then!

Looks like the politically charged thread, above, pretty much stifled the focus of the sasquatch investigation(s)?


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Guest slimwitless

Richard, do you know anything about David Claerr's sources for his bigfoot DNA hypothesis? I know Java Bob claims Claerr as a "good friend" so I can't help but wonder if some of the information/speculation in that piece comes from Ketchum.

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Guest Stubstad

No, I don't believe any of it comes from Ketchum. David is very bright indeed; I think his piece about progenator species is excellent. Having said that, I still don't know if he's right.

He has many, many friends who are incredibly knowledgeable who are affiliated with "ancient" DNA analyses.

To my knowledge, he has never been association with Ketchum. He has been out "on expedition" with Java Bob, and he is very good at that too, I understand.

Like me, he is not affiliated with any particular sasquatch research group, but he knows many of the players.


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Guest slimwitless

He sounds like a smart guy. Do you know him? I guess I'm wondering where he got the sasquatch genetic profile stuff (the extra chromosomes, etc). Do you think that information is pure speculation? (How many bigfoot DNA studies are there anyway?)

Speaking of, how's the parallel study coming along?

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Guest Stubstad

The parallel study is not scheduled to begin until November 2011.

Maybe Melba will have results published by then; and then again maybe not.

Meanwhile, I have (yesterday) published new mtDNA results (complete genome) on my website for Sample 3.

I don't think I'm allowed to publish my website here; but the link therein is called 'Sasquatch DNA News - DNA Research Update—September 2011', which is the third button (link).

To cut to the chase, this paper discusses the possible--or maybe probable--source of the sasquai's original mitochondrial 'Eve': The Vasikela Kung (a distinct Khoisan/Bushman clan) descendants from southern Africa. The approximate timing of this "Out of Africa" migration by the sasquai appears to be about 60,000 years ago -- much like the rest of us Europeans and Asians. The mito-DNA appears to have been "renewed" as it were, for example in sub-glacial Europe some 15,000 years ago, but still prior to the latest ice age migration to the Americas (across the continent of Beringia, probably).

Enough said ...

The chromosome ideas presented by David Claerr may be correct; I think he got that from putting two and two together on his own, so to speak, since it still appears likely that we are dealing with some kind of hybrid creature, not "just" an ancient human from subsaharan Africa about as far removed from today's average Homo sapien as one can get without going outside of the broad definition of "human ranges".


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