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Does A Bigfoot/ufo Connection Exist?

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Golden Panda is the discerning BF hunter's post-investigation restaurant of choice!


The only one I know is Super Panda, beside Pizza Hut, Olive garden, Pool City......


What the heck was going on in that area with all the ufo sightings and BF sightings. Can this be verified by newspaper reports?


Maybe in the archives.....my wife's from that area and she talks about UFO's when she was a kid.

Posted (edited)

What the heck was going on in that area with all the ufo sightings and BF sightings. Can this be verified by newspaper reports?

Yes, George. Between us, a friend who was an investigator through the 70's, and myself, have probably over 100 local newspaper accounts from the early 70's to the present. The Chestnut Ridge area of western PA is known as the Pennsylvania Twilight Zone.

Edited by Bonehead74
Posted (edited)

Yes, George. Between us, a friend who was an investigator through the 70's, and myself, have probably over 100 local newspaper accounts from the early 70's to the present. The Chestnut Ridge area of western PA is known as the Pennsylvania Twilight Zone.

Wonder what was attracting the UFOs?

Were the BF reports of the same BF wandering around or were the locations too far apart?


Long before recorded history, the Loyalhanna Creek formed a gorge through the foothills of the Laurel Highlands between what is now Latrobe and Ligonier. The hills and creek bed are littered with the rough remains of thousands of years of erosion on sandstone, and the natural beauty of this area is nothing less than majestic. In all seasons the trees, the rocks and the scenery intrigue travelers on Route 30.

The highway is divided in that stretch in two lanes east and two lanes west. The Sleepy Hollow crossing, halfway between where the road splits and rejoins, is a quick way to change direction. The causeway is also a good place to stop and linger for summer picnics or for fishing clear waters.

At around 11:30 p.m. May 15, 1988 Sam Sherry of Ligonier RD1 pulled into the area to go night fishing, like he'd done many times before.

"As soon as I got out of my car I could sense something was wrong," he told the Scene magazine "I could sense something there, something unusual and it was watching me."

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Edited by georgerm
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest WIWolfman

I think it could be possible! This subject seems to explain a lot of theories about Bigfoot to some authors. David Paulides in Missing 411, seems to think that if the squatches are kidnapping humans and feasting on the them the scent would be there. But when the bloodhounds come out to search with SAR or USFS, after a certain amount of distance the smelling senses go cold and there is no lead. They just don't know where the smell goes. So he thinks that when they grab the child or adults they disappear through a portal and end up a certain distance away. 1,2, 5 miles away, or even 12 miles away which was listed in the book!

Also another author Kewaunee Lapseritis seems to think that these "portals or different dimensions exist." I read both his books as well. His interview on C2C was really a informative goodtime.


WIWolfman, remember back in the 70's when Bigfoot (played by Andre the Giant) was featured on The Six Million Dollar Man? The script writers of that show depicted the sasquatch as (a robot) being used by aliens who had the ability to "pop" in and out of view....coincidence?

Guest OntarioSquatch

Reminds me of the already existing Human/ufo connection :ph34r:

Guest WIWolfman

WIWolfman, remember back in the 70's when Bigfoot (played by Andre the Giant) was featured on The Six Million Dollar Man? The script writers of that show depicted the sasquatch as (a robot) being used by aliens who had the ability to "pop" in and out of view....coincidence?


I do not remember that! But you have to ask yourself is that a coincidence? Who knows. AaronD and Ontariosquatch did you guys watch the "Bigfoot and Aliens" episode on the history channel? It explains quite well the possibilities of that being true. There are many witnesses, and from reports Bigfoot is seen being transported under a UFO and then he/she goes about his business, it would just be science fiction to think that, but it could be true.


Maybe I gave my age away mentioning Six Million Dollar Man episodes from 1975-76. They actually had a sequel "The return of Bigfoot" and yes it clearly depicted aliens (they made no effort to change the actors' appearance, as opposed to little green people, etc) who built the monstrous robot/squatch to navigate the wooded areas for some mission.

Are you referring to the "Ancient Aliens" which featured BF like a month or so ago? I watched it, anything's possible....I have my theories :)

Guest WIWolfman

Yeah man, yep Ancient Aliens that is correct. It just seems really surreal for that connection to exist, but yeah I suppose having an open mind is the best way to go, so if in the future it is true we will be ready for it!


That's the way I look at it, if you already have a conclusion rigidly placed in your mind, you will likely have trouble facing the truth. My personal theory is based on what I have been able to piece together from mostly private sources and talking 1 on 1 with folks who've been at it for decades.

Posted (edited)

I am wondering just what evidence we have even more mundane than a UFO connection that connects the dots on a bio-BF?

We have tracks and video, purported signs such as stick structures, etc, sound files, and eye witness accounts. But, we can't really connect those except through some "leaps."

If one accepts the PG film then we have a video and eyewitness and tracks...and so those dots are connected. But what of other evidence? I can't think of any sound files attached to a video of a BF doing such. Eye witness accounts of close vocalizations are most often in darnkness and so on. Sound files obviously can't identify the source and we try and eliminate known sound sources, but we don't have any connection to BF other than our best guess. Same goes with kill sites,, beyond witness reports, what evidence an elk kill is from a BF?

Well, obviously we think DNA will connect at least some of these isolated data, but if not we are stuck still with the "leaps" (in that no scientific method yet to test the existence..we can test hypothesis within that conclusion, but not the main conclusion, that they do exisit and are responsible for the related phenomenon)).

So, I don't see too much significance in witness accounts of UFO's in proximity to a BF active sight, except to note them for now. There is not enough data to make any connection other than close proximity (and one must believe the witness). If we extend accounts of eyeshine, psychic ability, and/or elusiveness to a UFO connection the same road blocks exist, even more i suppose, than with the relict hominid bio-BF.

Typically, in science one looks for the simplest reasonable explanation for apparently related phenomenon.

So, in the BF case, the simplest explanation for our unconnected data is, they are biological, perhaps much like us, and most likely with many or our abilities. That explains simply qualities such as speech, whistling, thinking/elusive, family unit, growth, and sightings and even psychic ability (if one accepts that in humans). It is simple b/c we can look to ourselves and yes, that is entirely possible b/c we are possible.

With the UFO connection things gett more strained. One must offer an explanation tha has no current basis in our common understanding of our world. That doesn't mean UFO's are not real (or are) but rather, we have such limited reliable data on either BF or aliens that it just pushes the credibility bar too far in the present state of Bigfoot research.

So, it is a point of speculation, as anything BF is..and without some solid (peer review would be nice) "connection" on the dots, our current "understanding" of BFs in tenuous at best. Trying to include the few and isolated UFO data poinst as informing us about BFs is just not productive IMO.

I distinguish what an individual may "know" or experience to what can be translated into prose/media persuasively and the experience repeated by another. Even though that doesn't prove BFs, we have many, many who can go out and collect all those isolated "data points" of purported BF activity.

Few can set out to collect UFO data points related to BF in the field and return with such consistently (like bio-BF data) ...so the unpredictable nature of the "ufo" sighitngs connection and the inability to repeat it indicates to me it is not a critical datapoint...I don't know, just looking for the simplest explanation based on the weight of evidence.

The DNA will help with the reality BFs exist, but not the other data points: sound/speech., structures, etc....unless? Well, if DNA is being recovered from these structures, etc..it will say a BF was there...(not necessarily built it) and so the connection between the dots a little closer.

So, although I am open to the many possibilities of the Universe (aren't we amazng?), I do understand the divsion in the community (BFers act like diehard skeptics sometimes with UFO types..with similar bias..) because our credibility is so strained already.

So? LOL nothing, just sharing.... if you come up with a good experimental design to test/repeat in the field for that UFO connection, I might try it!

Edited by apehuman

Well said apehuman!

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