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Ancient Giant Footprint

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BFF Patron

I say follow the trackway......

it might lead to a.........



I definitely agree that until a geologist gives his or her opinion it's very questionable.


Couldn't it be possible there is a natural explanation that ISN'T a foot print. Might it have been a bubble in the lava that burst while cooling and left something resembling a foot print? Or some other explanation that makes more since than a giant?


Why come up with complicated explainations instead of the obvious "its a fake" and "hes a faker" ones. :blush:


Tefoni in granite caused by erosion:


The "footprint" could be entirely natural. The interpretation is........ah......suspect.

You're welcome, grayjay. :)

Guest FuriousGeorge

I don't see dermal ridges, so I conclude that a three billion year old giant used wooden stompers. Just don't ask me where he got the wood, since there was none back then, but that's still my answer. Or it's an elk lay.

Guest Thepattywagon

I don't see dermal ridges, so I conclude that a three billion year old giant used wooden stompers. Just don't ask me where he got the wood, since there was none back then, but that's still my answer. Or it's an elk lay.


Guest wudewasa

Researchers have found that bigfoots use active lava flows to burn of fungal infections and plantar warts on their feet. This footprint is evidence of such behavior, and you are wrong to believe otherwise, because I am an expert!


I vote fake. I'm guessing that the rock itself is real, but the brown part that makes up the outline of the print is actually concrete of some sort. Like the fake "rocks" they use in zoos and such. I'm guessing they built up the material around the print, making it look like the print was actually sunk into the stone. It's even a different color. Besides, if it was somehow real, that pushed up material above the toes would have eroded away long ago.


Guest Twilight Fan

HOLY BANANAS! I wonder what his shoe size would be? :blink:

In my opinion, it's fake because of what others have said about the impression already. Plus, it looks much too clean and the guy in the video had a good point. If this thing WERE real, there would be a ton of tourists coming to visit the site all the time! The more likely scenario is that science would have removed the rock with the enormous footprint in it and studied it. If legit, this thing would already be hanging up in probably the Smithsonian by now. There is just no way such a pivotal discovery (aka proof of ancient giants!) would be left untouched.


I don't see dermal ridges, so I conclude that a three billion year old giant used wooden stompers. Just don't ask me where he got the wood, since there was none back then, but that's still my answer. Or it's an elk lay.

Best/funniest post I've read in a long while.. +1


Uhh, yes, the creation museum is in northern KY. The are building a Noah's Ark theme park (think 6 flags over Noah) nearby. The state of KY just allocated 11 million dollars to improve the road going to the site.

Here is irrefutable proof that humans and dinosaurs lived alongside each other in ancient times.

You think breaking a horse in is tough ?

Can you imagine how tough the guy's were who broke a T-Rex and got a saddle on him !! ?

That's when men were really men....!


Guest BFSleuth

HOLY BANANAS! I wonder what his shoe size would be? :blink:

In my opinion, it's fake because of what others have said about the impression already. Plus, it looks much too clean and the guy in the video had a good point. If this thing WERE real, there would be a ton of tourists coming to visit the site all the time! The more likely scenario is that science would have removed the rock with the enormous footprint in it and studied it. If legit, this thing would already be hanging up in probably the Smithsonian by now. There is just no way such a pivotal discovery (aka proof of ancient giants!) would be left untouched.

26º 18' 02.07" S 30º 38' 41.53 E

Google Earth, then look at the Panorama pictures posted there. Discovered by a white guy about 100 years ago, more recently beginning to gain attention because of the internet.

Get used to the fact this is real.

The question then becomes whether or not it is a freak construct of nature or an actual footprint, and if it is a footprint then what species and when?


You think breaking a horse in is tough ?

Can you imagine how tough the guy's were who broke a T-Rex and got a saddle on him !! ?

That's when men were really men....!


That's back when they walked miles to school barefoot in the snow, uphill both ways! Oh wait.....that was my grandfather too according to him.


Well, this explains it:

"As he sat at the foot of the slope, he turned to look at the footprint and through his rather thick glasses, stared at the footprint and began to weave an intriguing story. According to the legend Shaka named the area iMpuluzi after he had driven out the Swazis that had settled in the area. Furthermore, he pointed out that the footprint is that of a woman and that her name was iMpuluzi and named as such by Shaka, which means the naked goddess. .This giant live in a time, which is lost in the mists of time and that this giant was approximately 36ft(10,97m) high and that her footprint was approximately 6ft (1,8m) long. The imprint of her foot was made as she ran across an open piece of ground that was covered with warm lava ash and that is how the footprint came to be in granite, which is now so prominently displayed on the side of this hill. He went on to explain that iMpulizi was running to her loved one and if one looks at the area one finds just below the hill an enormous rock that has the definite shape of a human skull. According to Baba Mutwa, that is the remains of iMpuluzi's loved one. He explained that in the black cultures of Africa, the skull symbolizes eternity and that even when a person has died many years ago a portion of the skull can never be destroyed. He points to the area in Mpuluzi and the large numbers of giant round granite rock found throughout the area, which according to him is proof of the existence of these giants. The round rocks are the fossilized remains of these giant skulls."


There's a "footprint" in Sri Lanka, too. Talk about a stride!

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