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Strength And Intelligence Of A Squatch?

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Ptangier, you would need the entire genome sequenced for comparison in order to make any kind of guess about the similarities in neuro physiological connections that are associated with human intelligence , a lot of those are located on the X chromosome. The DNA won't give you information regarding the anatomy of the brain, other than what you can infer from genetic similarities with other species, you would have to have a type specimen to know that with any certainty.

Although I think Stubstad's theory may be based on other research that he has read regarding neurological functions of the brain, I'm not sure anything definitive has ever associated psychic abilities with the left lobe. What has been established is that infrasound at a certain level can affect the left lobe of the brain causing temporal lobe seizures resulting in auditory and visual hallucinations, which takes you back to the infrasound theories circulating in the community.


If a strong man can lift 300-400lbs and a squatch is 4 times bigger on average, can we assume a squatch could potentially lift 2000lbs? This is arm/bicep/chest strength....leg strength would be astronomical using the same theory.....anyone gave thought on that?

Harry strong men can lift a lot more than 400lbs depending on your version of lift. There are a lot of guys who can bench press and deal lift 500lbs-600lbs, and some who can bench press and dead lift over 1,000lbs. I remember seeing on some tv documentary years ago that chimps(and some rare people) have dense muscle fibers compared to normal people which is what gives chimps the strength of several men(I believe it was said 4 men). So I could only guess that bf would have at least that exponential amount of strength compared to man, especially considering all the trees reported broken that were way too big for people to break, and likewise with all the reported limbs found broken by being twisted which man couldn't do, as well as the reports of them leaping over creeks at distances that man could not match, and them running up and down steep hills at speeds impossible for man.

Guest HarryAbe
Posted (edited)


I agree with you Biggie

but my comparison was for an average human who works out and does not use performance enhancing drugs. Many of these guys on TV today have so much crap running through their veins that you never know what their true power is...i'm assuming the squatches out there do not use any performance enhancing drugs...lol

Edited by HarryAbe
to remove quote from post directly above
Guest Primate

My favorite stories are 1.Carrying off half a quartered elk up a hill too steep to fallow . 2.Ecoterrorism on the GO road(north of Willow Creek) during construction involving bulldozers pushed off the road and tracter wheels being thrown around.3.Picking up the back of a car to get a better look at it's inhabitants..

These all show strength AND intelligence


I always use a full grown Silverback for comparison. A full grown Squatch would be roughly double the size? Possibly double the strength of a Silverback?

BFF Patron

I'd say they have problem-solving skills that surpass both gorilla and orang. and I agree with

MikeG in that the size of the brain is probably not all that important relative to them. I'd say they probably

have underdeveloped frontal lobes, overdeveloped parieto-occipital lobes and perhaps a unique

temporal lobe..... I'd say their cerebellum is probably hyper-developed for balance, speed, multifaceted

locomotion and maybe other specialized skills. They do seem to have sensorimotor skills that are probably

advanced in many respects.

Raw strength considerably better than the largest/strongest bears and humans...... one you get in that zone

it's all gravy.

Probably some vocal phonemic/morphemic capacity, whether there is alot going on in terms of meaningful, verbal-abstraction other than primitive signaling .... who knows but I think we will find out some day and genetics may have something to say when the dna is analyzed. Broca's and Wernicke's areas in terms of articulation and comprehension of language may not be as highly developed as some protohumans but might surprise us if a post-mortem neuropathological exam. is ever done.


Strength, I'd figure greater than a gorilla, as they are larger(adults). An as for intelligence, I'd venture a guess at similar to that of a gorilla as well. Simply because reports don't seem to suggest otherwise, least in my opinion. I recall seein' a program on gorillas, they were testin' to see if they had a language if I recall. Gorillas would be givin' different treats, I can't recall the details, but when the recordin' of a gorilla given a jellybean or whatever was played to a different gorilla, it recognized the vocalization an identified the jellybean. I think animals have there own means of communicatin', a type of speach, so ta speak. They've been around as long as we have, I'm sure they, like most animals, are familiar with our kind an simply know better, an want nothin' ta do with us. I don't know of course, speculation on my part, I simply don't recall anythin' in reports to suggest any significant intelligence is all. I see seagulls down at the beach all the time, they know enough when they get a clam it's to hard to open, so they fly up in the air an drop it on the rocks to break it open.

I was impressed the first time I saw that, an a little nervous. :rolleyes:


Guest BuzzardEater

I take the minority view. I have never heard an account of a BF doing any feats of strength before witnesses. Many accounts talk about aftermath, but actually seeing a BF do a demonstration of strength is unheard of. Part of it is appearance. I've seen them and I didn't ask for any further proof.

I think you are smart to pair the question with intelligence. I think if they are smart enough to avoid us, they are smart enough to prank us.

I sort of regret, now many years later, that I didn't stop the car when I saw them. One was an adolescent by appearance and he didn't have any weight on me. I think I could have found the answers. If he didn't have the enormous female with him, I might have attained a live capture by wrassling him into my station wagon. Of course if my theory that they are fully human is faulty he might have messed me up. The female could have picked me up and thrown me, I think, even if she is fully human. I always used to win fights by cauliflowering ears, maybe they wouldn't expect that. You'd be surprised how many humans go into a headlock without concern. Getting the BF to double over so you can get a lock on his head is also something to overcome.

My ancestors said BFs eat people and I was unable to overcome this cultural bias in time to try anything.

........... I was unable to overcome this cultural bias in time to try anything.

..........hence you being alive and able to share your experiences with us!



The question of comparative intelligence has been about for a long time and “experts†have disagreed about the nature of intelligence for a long time. I have said it in other threads and some have brought up here that the size of the brain is not definitive indicator of intelligence levels. Really it takes little to look across the varied creatures of the earth to see that brain size in each species is proportionate to their physical size and brain size proportions vary between species. None of that tells you something absolute about level of intelligence.

Those experts throughout the past couple of hundred years trying to measure intelligence comparatively have come up with many concepts of what is the mark of intelligence and what is not on their measuring stick. Tests even in US schools today as in Australia and UK are constantly changing as the mark changes. Prior to the past two hundred years people were not so concerned to test who was more intelligent than another as intelligence was not a mark of superiority or inferiority.

Really it means nothing for people to declare BF likely less or more intelligent than a human – it matters more to understand the use of reasoning, reflection, creativity, memory, skill, adaption, natural motivation and, natural grace . The thing is to know more about one and anothers consciousness if we wish to gain something meaningful. As it is we hardly use our own mental capacity to any great extent so how are we to judge another’s? Indian Guru’s can actually not eat for a very long time, some for years ( current scientific studies of this, with observation in clinical conditions have substantiated long term capacity to go without food or water by these guru’s ) and be no worse the wear for it because of using that capacity we all have, but don’t choose to use. Some humans walk on burning hot coals without burning because they utilise capacities most don’t bother to use. So BF seems to be able to disappear, but there are many stories of certain humans who have this capacity too, often unable to control it. BF for many seems to have some other worldly psychic abilities – so do humans. What matters is acknowledging the wonderous abilities we all have and utilising them rather than trying to assess who is more intelligent than the other.

As for strength, well BF probably has even more amazing capabilities in strength than those reported but this is also not a measure of who is stronger and who is not. There are many cases of humans lifting what seems to be extraordinary weights to save the life of someone or, sadly, if under such drugs as ice. Great Qi Gong masters can use energy to push a number of people to the ground while barely touching them. These are capacities we hardly use due to our belief that only certain things are possible. BF and other creatures on earth don’t limit themselves by beliefs that are limiting, and they don’t hide away in houses but expose themselves to nature which is both a great source of vitality and strength and a place to utilise vast mental capabilities.

The comparison of intelligence and strength is not only unimportant but likely to get in the way of understanding BF.

Guest BFSleuth

One area however that might be a weakness is that of verticle jumping. I have not come across any mention in the various forum discussions that would indicate that bf can or do jump up.

Here are a few BFRO reports noting their jumping ability:




I also recall a sighting in BC, can't find it right now, where a group of hikers in a remote off trail location were escorted out of an area. During their journey to get away they had to rappel down a cliff, and observed one or more of the creatures jumping down the cliff in a couple bounds from ledge to ledge to get to the bottom while the first person was rappeling.

I also recall a sighting report where the witness drove past a BF on the roadside, then saw it in the rearview mirror jump over an oncoming car high enough that he lost sight of it in the rearview, it landed in the middle of the lane directly behind him, then sprang up and out of sight toward the other side of the road... "like an incredible gymnast".... I'll see if I can find that report.

I think there are plenty of sighting reports that do note their ability to leap, run, or climb to know they are incredibly athletic.


Really it means nothing for people to declare BF likely less or more intelligent than a human – it matters more to understand the use of reasoning, reflection, creativity, memory, skill, adaption, natural motivation and, natural grace . The thing is to know more about one and anothers consciousness if we wish to gain something meaningful. As it is we hardly use our own mental capacity to any great extent so how are we to judge another’s? Indian Guru’s can actually not eat for a very long time, some for years ( current scientific studies of this, with observation in clinical conditions have substantiated long term capacity to go without food or water by these guru’s ) and be no worse the wear for it because of using that capacity we all have, but don’t choose to use.

Sorry Encounter but there is absolutely no scientifically accepted evidence for the capacity to live without food or water. Expecially not for years. Most Indians who fast do so as a form of protest. The idea is that their deaths will or the threat of their deaths will inspire political revolution. Never has a guru of any sort ever succesfully gone more than a week without water. Never. These reports are fraudulent.

Some humans walk on burning hot coals without burning because they utilise capacities most don’t bother to use. So BF seems to be able to disappear, but there are many stories of certain humans who have this capacity too, often unable to control it. BF for many seems to have some other worldly psychic abilities – so do humans. What matters is acknowledging the wonderous abilities we all have and utilising them rather than trying to assess who is more intelligent than the other.


Humans walking on coal are not using some mystical power.


This site explains how it works.


I was hoping someone would point that out besides me.


There's also a gentleman named Jason Valenti who's been on a few different podcasts with a great jumping story. If I remember correctly he and a passenger were driving a road in Florida where after he stopped his vehicle his passenger saw a female Bigfoot do a standing long jump 20-35 feet in one motion in the tailights. The latest version was on Bigfoot Tonight radio show. August 11, 2011.

Posted (edited)


I agree with you Biggie

but my comparison was for an average human who works out and does not use performance enhancing drugs. Many of these guys on TV today have so much crap running through their veins that you never know what their true power is...i'm assuming the squatches out there do not use any performance enhancing drugs...lol

Sorry Encounter but there is absolutely no scientifically accepted evidence for the capacity to live without food or water. Expecially not for years. Most Indians who fast do so as a form of protest. The idea is that their deaths will or the threat of their deaths will inspire political revolution. Never has a guru of any sort ever succesfully gone more than a week without water. Never. These reports are fraudulent.

Humans walking on coal are not using some mystical power.


This site explains how it works.

I didnt mention mystical power, In essence I said we have abilities we dont use though likely BF does utilise its abilities without constraint, and we cannot compare strength and intelligence when we hardly know the extent of our abililities or respect the extent of anothers abilities. In some cases of firewalking in societies the danger is lessoned in methods you have shown in your link but there are many cases of people doing things way beyond the accepted capacity (accepted by those who believe in great limitation) of a human. Here are some links for you:



Here is a write up on one of a few indian ascetics who claim not to have eaten for years…

“… Prahlad Jani, a seventy-six year old Indian ascetic who lives in a cave near the Ambaji temple in the state of Gujarat. Mr. Jani claims that he has not had food or fluids to drink for the last sixty-five years. ..

In November 2003, after over a year of coaxing, Prahlad Jani was finally persuaded to participate in a scientific research study. A medical research team of twenty-one specialists, headed by Dr. Sudhir V. Shah, had Prahlad Jani under twenty-four hours of observation for ten days at the Sterling Hospital in Ahmedabad. The team's research expertise included cardiology, neurology, urology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, renal function, pulmonary function, ENT analysis, psychiatry, general medicine, and other specialities. A series of investigations were done on Mr. Jani in each of these areas according to a pre-determined protocol, and additional tests were carried out as per suggestions of the team. At the conclusion of their intensive investigations the team's doctors were left with an unexplained mystery, unable to disprove Prahlad Jani claims.

Prahlad Jani was initially kept in ICU for the first twenty-four hours. For the next nine days he was kept in a specially prepared room with a sealed-off toilet and a glass door. The room was also equipped with video surveillance to continuously monitor Prahlad Jani. Additionally, staff persons were assigned to stay in the same room with Prahlad Jani round-the-clock to make sure that he did not eat, drink, or pass urine or stool.

To assure researchers of no possible intake of water, Prahlad Jani agreed he would not bathe during the medical investigation. Prahlad Jani was permitted a small measured quantity of water to use as a mouthwash. He then spat the water into a beaker to verify that none had been drunk. An ultrasound, which was made of Mr. Jani's bladder twice daily, indicated that there was urine accumulation, which subsequently decreased on its own without passing.

At the end of the ten days of observation, the team of doctors verified that Prahlad Jani had not taken food or drank fluids. (The average person cannot survive without water for more than four days.) The team concluded that Mr. Jani's health had not deteriorated during this study. Also, according to the hospital's deputy superintendent, Dr. Dinesh Desai, "A series of tests conducted on him show his body mechanism is that of a normal person." Prahlad Jani's survival without food or fluids remains one of those unexplained mysteries.

The following are excerpts from the research team's concluding report:

1. The protocol was strictly adhered to.

2. Mr. Jani had not passed or dribbled urine during these 10 days.

3. He has not taken anything by mouth or by any other routes not even water for 10 days.

4. All his parameters remained within the range determined by the committee.

5. He has shown evidence of formation of urine, which seems to be reabsorbed from his bladder wall. However, at present the committee does not have any scientific explanation for the same but the help of senior scientists and medical personnel of the country is being taken for the same.

We are surprised as to how he has survived despite above particularly without passing urine for 10 days and remaining generally physically fit. However, it should be made very clear that we have confirmed the claim over 10 days only and we as scientists and responsible doctors cannot say anything regarding validity of the claim of his sustaining without food, drinks, urination and excretion of stools over several years.

Dr. Sudhir V. Shah (Consultant Neurophysician, Sterling Hospital/Associate professor of neurology at K. M. School of PGMR, Ahmedabad) headed the research panel of doctors who performed this study. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Sudhir V. Shah for providing the Case Summary of this study along with the photos of Mr. Jani. To view the Case Summary of Mr. Jani in its entirety please go to: P. Jani Medical Report.

Another similar research study, also headed by Dr. Sudhir V. Shah at Sterling Hospital, was conducted on Hira Ratan Manek. Mr. Manek claimed not to have eaten since 1995. Mr. Manek was kept under scientific observation round-the-clock for 411 continuous days. During this time Mr. Manek subsisted only on boiled water. This study also left researchers baffled. Dr. Sudhir V. Shah kindly provided a copy of his article about this study which was published in Gujarat Medical Journal – March 2001. To view this report online please see: Mr. Manek Medical Report."

Quoted from www.amazingabilities.com/amaze5a.html and extracted 16/02/2012.

Edited by Biggie
-Edited text in last line and deleted the text spacing of the url in it, then made the url a clickable link.
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