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Need Help In Central Texas.........


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I was wondering if I should go through my older photos, and re-post a 'Best Of' kinda deal, since photos from the old forum are probably gone.

What do you guys think? Just don't want to bore anyone with anything already posted.....thanks.

And something you don't see very often......A Boeing B-29 ('FiFi') taking off!

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Hey BigTex, I do enjoy looking at your pics. Were you able to find the one of the snake (coral?) that you came across and had to leave it there? I have very little knowledge of snakes and how to tell the venomous ones from others and if you find the picture of that one you told us about, I sure would like to see it! UPs

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Hey UPs, hope you are doing well. I found the coral snake picture in an old computer in the garage, and need to get my son to help me retreive it.......stay tuned. What UPs is talking about is a coral snake I ran across a few years back that was huge, and far bigger than they are supposed to get. He was extremely aggressive, and even hooded like a Cobra. They are in the cobra family, but didn't realize they hooded like one. This snake would have been a world record coral snake......no doubt. And for all of you hiking in coral snake habitat, or thinking of catching one, they QUIT making the coral snake anti-venom!

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Why would they quit making a needed anti-venom? Not saying you're lying Tex, just wanting to know their rationalization...

From what you said, that coral snake was definitely "grumpy", as Steve Irwin would have said. But snakes in general are changing I think. I saw a show about snake attacks on cable a few years back that said rattlers in the West are changing both behavior AND venom type due to cross breeding between varieties.

Cool pics btw.

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The article that shado referenced gives a breakdown on the reasons anti-venom will no longer be available at least for certain toxins. Like many industries in the USA, the heart of it is money. If it is not profitable, it will not be produced by a private company. This may be an example where government gets involved and funds the production and stocking of anti-venom.

I was quite impressed with BigTex,s knowledge of these slithering reptiles. Where I spend most of most outdoor time, there are no venomous snakes and only a few types of non venomous ones. I may see one snake every 5 years. UPs

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Hey Mulder......see the link before your last post, talks about the Coral snake anti-venom. Mild mannered or not, that **** huge Coral snake I ran across was the meanest reptile I have ever been up against, and that is saying something. I figure that snake was worth many thousands of dollars, no doubt, and I tried pretty hard to get him pinned with the available material to catch, but he was just too strong & aggressive. Plus, I was an hour or more from the truck, and would have to carry the **** thing - bad idea.

From my eariest years, I have caught about everything you can catch in Texas; insects, reptiles, animals......I'm there! Didn't want to kill them either, just catch, study, and release. Stinging bugs died immediately though, especially hornets.......can tell you a lot about those. Here's a tip to avoid getting stung within close proximity to a nest; never look directly at the nest. Your inner eye will reflect into the compound eye of the Hornets, and trigger the attack......look away.

Does anybody know what this plant & fruit is? Here in Central Texas. And a huge pile of hair-poop.

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Well, I have no idea about the berries, but the poop is definitely Wickies.... :lol:

Good to see your out and about again Bigtex. Any chance that could be cougar scat?

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Guest ChrisBFRPKY

Big Tex, rounded leaves and big seeds = huckleberry

rounded leaves and small seeds = blueberry

I wouldn't eat one myself though unless I'd been a few days without, then I might chance it. I'm careful about what I eat. The wild edibles of the SW are kinda tough to call. The leaves on most of the edible wild berry plants in the SW favor a holly too much for me to eat their berries without wondering. :lol: I love the desert though, I used to live in Alamogordo NM once upon a time. Chris B.

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Thanks Chris for the info, and only eat what I am sure of.

I have spoken of this before, and others have tried this as well : leaving a small camp/tent set up in a particular area. Anyway, this is my second tent to have been ripped up. Both the one from before, and this one were out in the bush just about a year each. Both were fairly well hidden, green drab in color to blend, and I left a few specifically placed items inside. Shadoangel saw my most recent camp, and maybe he can say something about the location. I had left the tent closed, and zipped to the ground. The tent had been fully opened, which would rule out any animal curiosity, with the contents disturbed & moved, but not taken. I left a small lamp, 2 cans for the mini burner, cup, plate, toilet paper, and an air mattress. Over the course of the year, I have stayed in the tent a few times, so leaving the items serves two purposes. My money is on humans doing this, but why not take something, especially the illegals that might be trekking through the area? I looked for any sign or tracks, but nothing, and I had just been there 2 days before.......hope the slide show works.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey Shado, was hiking in the rain during the Thanksgiving holiday, slipped on some rocks, and fell about 9 feet. No broken bones, but messed up my wrist, and dislocated a shoulder, plus the cuts & bruses. Shoulder went back in, but it's been sore, some of the cuts got infected, and the wrist is giving me fits still. All seems to be working good enough now, and I am back after it!! Like I always tell people.......the most danderous thing in the wild is your next step!

Happy New Year to ALL!!

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Big Tex, a big Happy New Year and ditto what Vil said. HOpe your dog and you are doing well. Fantastic images bringing your world to us. Big thanks on that. Q for you.. ever see other deer with twisted necks? Heard reference to that along with twisted legs in possible association with the big guys. Neat thread sir :) Take care.

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Good morning Treeknocker, and thanks for the post. I do see Deer with bones twisted from there sockets.......and here are a few notable finds. The first pick was the seemingly most minor part of my injury sustained in my fall, but has lingered on to cause the most discomfort. Kept after the wound with daily treatment, but still got infected, and the wrist still has issues.

As for the other pictures, certainly NOT saying they are Bigfoot related, but odd nevertheless to what I normally see.

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