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Any Stories Of Special Forces / Sniper Training Having Encounters ?


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BFF Patron

Apparently it (Eielson AFB) is 26 miles southeast (not southwest) of Fairbanks, with Ladd Army Airfield at Ft. Wainwright just east of Fairbanks 2 miles or less. I think it is possible that they flew out of Eielson and are telling the story that they flew out of Wainwright for whatever reason.

I haven't looked into the geography of the description beyond that re: the landmarks mentioned in the reports.

Here is the google map showing relationship of both. They are essentially connected by Hwy. 2.

Edited to add Cherry Point is in NC not SC VAfooter, some difference in miles there on the coastal region.

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Yes, thank you for the correction, bipedalist! Cherry Point is in SC and not NC. I knew that, just screwed it up. Wainwright would have been their home base, and probably would have choppered out from there. But the rest of the directions that he stated do not match up. Wish we could contact him for clarifications. Regardless, anything that would dissuade a dozen SF troopers from investigating, I want no part of....

And Ft. Leonard Wood has had sightings as well. Forgot about them when compiling my list.

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BFF Patron

Right, forgot to add the naming of the Wainwright airfield apparently reverted back to Ladd Army Airfield only recently, thus the naming dilemma's and difficulty "getting on the same page" since the sighting in 1988.

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Guest Transformer

Taken from an Australian site about the yowie

Report as follows:


10th October 2003 - Area of Operations (AO) Ormeau Area

Weather Conditions - 5/8ths cloud cover, strong to very strong southerly

Area - Steeply sloping bushland developing into semi-dense bush with some

selectively cleared areas, closest dwelling approx 1.5km.

After drop off by my second, (name witheld - dubbed N) conducted a good

recce of the area. After speaking to Jason (Witness) I was sure this was the area which he described as there was evidence of tree felling and clearing still apparent. N had a good 3km to run back after securing vehicle. We both then hid our gear etc. and conducted an extensive 2hr recce down and about in a quartering search encompassing 150 degrees. No evidence of any recent human activity although bush was extremely quiet except for the wind (which may have been a factor). No evidence of anything other than a few roo and fox tracks barely discernible.

1750 - Arrived back at gear and set up sniping/listening position in dense

lantana 15m down slope slightly right. From outside assessed camouflage and found it to be good with just cams on, with Ghillie suit (yowie suit lol)

excellent. GenIII headmount monocular nvg, 10x Unertl high lightsource scope gave good-very good view of target area after dark. Weapon was zeroed and grouped at 200m one day prior, shooting less than minute of arc at 200.

Loaded with match class 7.62x51mm boatail Nato rounds. Personal weapons

carried in quick draw thigh holsters (Sig Sauer P226 .45 standard issue,

commercially available)

1830 - N left for scout down road in shorts and tshirt in case he ran into

anybody and to also give me a chance to settle in and listen/look etc.

1850 - N arrives back, nothing to report, as previously decided he dresses

just in cams and proceeds to set up a small camp with fire (enclosed due to

wind) and began to cook a few snags and mushrooms. Communications was via UHF taccoms throat mics and earpiece (standard issue).

1930 - Nothing to report (NTR)

2030 - NTR - Wind dropped off to negligible

2130 - Sweep with nvg's picked up movement at my 10, N reported that he

could hear twigs breaking etc. Closer look with scope at 4x revealed a fox,

probably coming in due to smell of cooking meat.

2230 - NTR

0113 11th Oct - Heavy movement heard through undergrowth at exactly my 12 by both N and I. Becoming very overcast and nv less effective. Sounded close and very heavy, no other sounds, surrounding area very quiet, no bird or other noise. N went to ground directly below my position in good cover.

Waited, nothing further. Believe that whatever it was, was quite close to

edge of bush and may have either seen or smelt N's campsite and either

watched or quietly went away.

Nothing to report until 0423 - N asleep in position below me, loud crash

like large sapling falling and loud thump followed by extremely loud

scream/growl. May have been target or may have been koalas. N awake and at ready position, nothing seen in direction through n/v no further sounds, decided to stay locked and cocked regardless.

0600 - N proceeded on 360 degree patrol sweep around AO, found largish dead tree freshly broken on ground in approximate area of sound last night, no footprints but some scuffing around base and fresh tears in wood about 7ft up length. Pulled out of position and had breakfast, couple of hours sleep


1123 - Bush surrounding AO suddenly very still, acknowledged by N and

myself, kept still (not in position). 5 mins, nothing heard or seen, noises

returned (may have been fox again).

1300 - Having seen no-one we decided to set up a defensive perimeter with 4 rattle traps, 3 illumination flares and 3 tripped flashbangs at varying

distances across open face of area and one each over crest of hill behind as

we felt exposed from behind throughout night before. Completed perimeter at 1500, returned to site for drink etc.

1700 - Final patrol sweep, assessed trips as functioning, returned and got

into position. N took two IR fireflies to set off if need be. These are like

a flashing high powered strobe but emit in Infrared spectrum and can only be

seen by those with IR or NV gear.

1830 - NTR

1930 - Light rain began to fall, no wind, no problem.

2030 - NTR

2100 - Rain stopped, N started fire and began to cook snags, bacon and

mushrooms for his feast tonight. (*******, I'm starving).

2122 - Silence suddenly, heavy movement to our 10 oclock moving through 11.

N reports that he can see a large shape at his 12, my 2. Swept area with n/v

and scope at 5x, id'd shape and confirmed contact with N.

Contact Report Follows -

At approx 2125 a large (over 7ft) tall figure was identified at a distance

of approx 45m standing left side on to my position facing N's position more

or less straight on to him. I went to instant (safety off, round loaded,

target identified). N remained still although he later said that he lost

sight of target and also went to instant. I tracked figure moving through nv

and scope across front of position, looked like it deliberately missed the

rattle traps. Kept N updated on position of target as he began a tactical

withdrawl to my position. Unfortunately we were upwind of target giving a

good indication of our positions although we had both not showered for 4

days and the ghillie suit is covered in hessian/cow s#@t/dirt/leaves i.e.

never washed.

At no time did I or we believe that what we saw was a human.

After approx 30mins of walking back and forth across the SW arc of site,

target seemed to withdraw.

2213 - No_2 flashbang was tripped closely followed by No_1. Trips were 10m

apart. Came alert and went to instant. N in position with nv sight, my nv

blacked by flash and eyes taking a long time to come back.

N reports heavymovement at 12 oclock, No_3 flashbang tripped, large bang, loud screaminggrunting noise heard thrashing etc. nv came back online, eyes adjusted, Ntracked target and gave me the dope, id'd target at approx 50m, large (male) hominid proceeding quickly across our front, at instant, decided to take shot as target entered my line of sight. Target switched direction, N tracking via nv, took hurried shot now to scare it off. 1st shot close by left shoulder, remaining five shots put down in area last seen at tree, later all confirmed hits, no exit marks, safe shoot. Went tactical, dumped long arm, switched to personal weapons and began to track target via noise.

Still loud crashing, grunting and occasional scream approx 100m ahead


Moving at fast patrol pace, stopped at edge of medium sized

clearing, target now stopped, no noise, swept area for a good 3mins, no

sighting. N threw three flashbangs across our front and one to our rear.

Noise began again, more aggressive this time, smaller trees at our 9 oclock

shaking. N put 11 shots into a stump at 20m range, crashing began again.

Pursuit had been ongoing now for approx 2hrs in a NW/NNW direction. We were slowly falling behind to a distance of about 200m.

Came to large clearing, cleared and target id'd via sound at our 11 oclock. Both N and I tossed last 2 flashbangs in area of target, loud enraged screaming retreated, N and myself emptied magazines into a tree rapidly and began a backtrack to our site. Nothing more heard or seen. Gathered up spent shells, pulled out.

0120 approx - Pulled in laying up position and packed up, dismantled trips.

We were worried that police may have been alerted by noise we made etc.

Sanitised area as best we could and left paralelling Barrenjoey to vehicle


0155 - Successfully egressed area.


Checks were done by both of us the following day and last weekend

(18th-19th) we staged the same trap although it was pissing down rain.

Nothing seen, a large sweep out to our last contact point (verified by

bullet holes in tree) gave absolutely no indication of activity. Many prints

were seen left by foxes, roos, birds, cats etc. nothing even vaguely human.

I believe we did what we set out to do, a clean operation with no reason to

tap anything. I am of the opinion that the target was scared away, and

although territorial, has now been scared off for good. I will continue to

check area. Some photos were taken through the kitesite but are almost

black, standby (when I get them from N) for recce photos during the day of

tree, etc.

[Dean] - Well done guys, it sounds like this one WAS a real danger. God knows what it would have done to me if I didn't make it to open ground in time. You agreed that its a threat, but I wonder just how much of a threat? If, again, you were alone at night and un-armed and you were deeply obligated well into the forest at night - what, in your opinion would be the outcome for you? If its not a good prognosis, then would you agree that others may not have been so fortunate in the past?

[Reply] - Dean, Hard for me to say exactly, although as stated previously it scared 2 SASR snipers who have both been in the Gulf, Somalia, Timor and Afghanistan enough to want to retreat. I think that if you were alone and unarmed well deep into the bush and this thing decided it didn't like you, well, that's all she wrote. I certainly believe that people may have been taken or attacked by it as it was certainly aggressive enough. Imagine anything else having two armed blokes in pursuit, with loud bangs and gunfire. Anything or anybody else would have been long gone, but this thing seemed like we had to really force it every step.

I don't like to think if it had actually been able to flank us or if we were unarmed. I reckon the flashbangs were the big factor in scaring it off. So in short after that ramble, yes I think it is possible that had any people met this creature alone, in it's territory they would be very lucky to get out unscathed if at all. As I stated, it was probably one of the scariest few hours I have experienced.

By the way I neglected to mention that at only one time did we detect any

sulphorous like smell and that was during the initial contact when it set

off the trips. The smell seemed to linger in the area when we went through

there after it.

I have been to Australia and know for a fact that at the time of the story which was 2003 that no handguns such as the Sig-Sauer P226 in .45 calibre were available for sale to private owners in Australia. Target shooters are limited to 9mm or .38 calibre or less unless you are shooting single action or siilouette which the P226 does not fit into. According to the google search I did the Australian SAS and the Commando units used the typical 9mm calibre and to suggest that these bozos would be able to play war games as they did and not get into very serious trouble is ludicrous. The story sounds very much like braggadicio by week-end warriors.

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BFF Patron

Yes, thank you for the correction, bipedalist! Cherry Point is in SC and not NC. I knew that, just screwed it up. ....

Hah, did it again, MCAS, Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, Havelock, NC. There, that out to do it.

Anybody know what Bigfoot sighting report came from this particular area?

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^Maybe he did see it, maybe he didn't...but I have to wonder why you are bringing Longtabber up in this discussion, seeing as how he has been thoroughly discredited...or was that the point: to bring up a discredited claimant to tar the other claimants with his brush?

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SSR Team

Probably the latter Mulder.

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There is an episode of sasquatch watch radio where a soldier talked about an encounter with tree climbing Bigfoot while on a night Military training session at Fort AP Hill in Virginia. More then one soldier saw them.

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BFF Patron

Longtabber said he saw one look over the top of an armored personel carrier.

Yeah, look him up on the Special Forces forum documentation and you'll find he never served SF according to those that posted over there. Lucky for him apparently it is no longer illegal to misrepresent your service so I understand (don't ask me for any documentation as it's in the premium area archives so I understand).

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I read a report of some campers at a lake who were harassed all night by BF and there were SF in the vacinity training on ATV's. I don't remember the details only that the people were in fear for their lives.

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I have been to Australia and know for a fact that at the time of the story which was 2003 that no handguns such as the Sig-Sauer P226 in .45 calibre were available for sale to private owners in Australia. Target shooters are limited to 9mm or .38 calibre or less unless you are shooting single action or siilouette which the P226 does not fit into. According to the google search I did the Australian SAS and the Commando units used the typical 9mm calibre and to suggest that these bozos would be able to play war games as they did and not get into very serious trouble is ludicrous. The story sounds very much like braggadicio by week-end warriors.

This story is a few years old and that very subject had come up a few times, the guy retaliated with the fact that despite being issued a set of standard weapons, it's common knowlage in OZ the Aussie SAS are allowed to choose any weapons they like when they go on mission. (as well as being allowed to take steriods but thats another issue)

I'm not standing firm 100% that this is true but its been back and forthed many times within the aussie yowie forums. Just a quick google of "sas take on a yowie" should give you quite a few forum links to keep you busy.

My mind isnt made up on this story but the OP asked for accounts and I provided the only one I knew of.

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This isn't "bigfoot" in North Amercia, but during the Vietnam war, many soldiers talk about seeing some jungle ape that was around 5 feet tall. At the time, none of them thought of it as weird because knowledge on foreign animals was fairly low at the time and seeing something unheard of may have been treated as "normal" wildlife.

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