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Rick Dyer Again

Guest Scout1959

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Guest VioletX

With respect, but I don't understand the point of saying you have a "source", but then sharing no information. A source of what? Certainly not information it seems. How can sharing what the source knows without identifying the source, out him/her in anyway? That's the whole point of a source after all..


I just could not put that into words, lol, .

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I really am started to believe that a few (three of you) are just siding with RD to antagonize this forum and this thread. The only other alternative I see is borderline insanity! I cant come up with any other explanation on why anybody would believe this line of BS at this point!

Honestly, who cares? The point if this thread is debate and entertainment. It's not your job, or mine, to change people's beliefs.

It's our individual ideas and beliefs that make this forum so awesome.

Check out some of the other forums if you're not sure.

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Honestly, who cares? The point if this thread is debate and entertainment. It's not your job, or mine, to change people's beliefs.

It's our individual ideas and beliefs that make this forum so awesome.

Check out some of the other forums if you're not sure.


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I am not lying about my source, my source does not know if there was a body or anything good, just that Dyer is in the film. This is the same person who told me that Minnow could not afford extensive CGI and that they did not use props in their portion of the movie. This source thinks it is either real or a costume.

Why would I reveal who the source is, that would be uncool.

It is not Biscardi though, I will say that!

And you Frosty?

see above violet....see how the unnamed source thingy works, its not worth the pixels its printed with.

Edited by frosty
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Guest Cervelo

Com'on guys can't you see that's just a reverse play on the "I've got this great evidence but I can't share it"

If Minnow is in on this, it's proably going to be part of the film for sure.

Ok ok watch what they do when we throw this out there....look now the same people that defended the story now can't stand not having the info to discredit it.....your right Rick you tell them anything and they will latch on to it !

Your being (or could be) played on multiple levels people.....and the sad part is...it is fascinating to watch!

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This is, without a doubt, a hoax, but I am actually interested in this film. Looking forward to seeing it when it comes out, so any information about that is of interest to me. Dyer and his whole hoax can go pound sand. But this thread sure is good entertainment.

Edited by dmaker
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I have zero doubt whatsoever that this is a hoax, but I am actually interested in this film. Looking forward to seeing it when it comes out, so any information about that is of interest to me. Dyer and his whole hoax can go pound sand. But this thread sure is good entertainment.

that it is....lol

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Guest VioletX

@ Frosty, I gave you several details and even enough info to figure out how my source was related to the film, all you said was that the source could blow everything wide open.

Basically you gave me nothing, are you bluffing???? I wonder?

I am happy not to reveal any information I get if you guys are not interested...I thought I was being helpful.

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I just read, somewhere in this thread, that RD sold the bullet that killed the Bigfoot?

Does anybody have more details?

Where did he find the bullet?

How was it authenticated?

Who purchased it and for how much?

This is an interesting detail.

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Methinks that Frosty might be just doing a little experiment by showing how even a hint of something ( with zero to back it up) can get some folks here all a flutter.

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I just read, somewhere in this thread, that RD sold the bullet that killed the Bigfoot?

Does anybody have more details?

Where did he find the bullet?

How was it authenticated?

Who purchased it and for how much?

This is an interesting detail.

I don't think it is sold because someone was asking him what type of bullet it was. He didn't know and he said he would get it and get that info to the caller (how, I don't know). He said he had offers on the gun though and he's ready to sell it if the price is right.

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