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I am neutral on the KILL subject, and just a wait and see person, since it is more than likely that this will happen regardless of what anyone thinks/feels. I am also a firm believer that the governments (Federal and State) have been managing the BF issue for decades. I use to be a hunter long ago and took up fishing instead. Just my opinion.....

I think its cowardly to kill a Sasquatch! I agree with your thought on the governments' knowledge. Of Course they know....but to acknowledge the species means great swaths of forest to protect.They dont wanna lose that capitol.And lastly, unless a scientist is onboard the only way to prove is to kill one! What if Sask is Human in its DNA? Then you killed someone!Let Big-foot be...... :fan:

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There we go, easily done and I know that you can make those stands pretty comfy too to help.

The summer season are the months of the year with the most activity in WA State, with 71% of Sasquatch reports from someone that is camping coming in between the 8 hours of 22:00-06:00.

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During the rut I will often sit in a stand for 12-15 hours.


Requires a milk jug to relieve oneself but it is certainly doable.


Get in a couple of hours before daylight and stay until after dark if need be.


I built a tower on my ranch that I could actually sleep in if I wanted.


Pretty tough to haul out into the woods tho. :)

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Well human bait done right should work ....: but you will need several cool minded shooter with steady minds and clear head ready to put me down when they come in

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I built a tower on my ranch that I could actually sleep in if I wanted.


Pretty tough to haul out into the woods tho. :)

Sounds like a condo.


I have one of those on my property but it is in a fixed location that used to produce some big bucks. Slept in it many nights.


It is only good for *meat in the freezer* now. I'm not sure why. A productive location for meat but nothing more.


I bet the mobility of the *tower* would be a pain.

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Seeing as I can only make 2 posts a day I'll have to mix all my replies into this one post. Apologies if it reads messy.




My opinion is that time is the most crucial thing needed here. Whatever your plans or whatever your methods, I don't think anything is going to work without investing massive amounts of time on it. As I said before, I think it's going to take a near permanent full time effort, or something along those lines. Weeks at least on end. I don't think it can be done as a part time casual affair and that's why it hasn't succeeded yet. I already referred to the BBC snow leopard and Patterson and Gimlin. You can add Jane Goddall and Diane Fossey to that as well. Unfortunately, who has the time to make this a full time project?? That's the kicker. People have their own lives to live as I'm sure you do. You can't spend your whole time out there waiting. I wish you all the best though and hope you succeed. 






Are you saying somebody you know has baited, shot and killed a sasquatch but they are keeping the body under wraps and won't reveal it??? Why would they do that? I guess I can understand if officials know these creatures are there but are suppressing this for a number of reasons, but I don't understand why any private person who has deliberately gone out to hunt and kill a sasquatch, has then succeeded in the job but then keeps it quiet. If so what was his/her point in blowing away a rare creature in the first place if they aren't going to do anything with the body and its just a total waste??




I think we had crossed wires. I meant bait as in putting out a bait to entice a sasquatch and then killing one when it comes along to take that bait. This has not been successful or we wouldnt be having this debate and sasquatch would be a catalogued part of the American fauna. Unless officials have done this and been successful but are withholding the info for the time being until they find out more instead of making it public that 8ft hairy manlike monsters are roaming the USA. The camp ground thing is interesting but I have always seen that as the sasquatch calling the shots there and not being duped or enticed by deliberate human planning. Unless lucky or spending a huge amount of time in the field, I think I have to agree with something Henri Franzoni said many years ago.... "bigfoot finds you. You don't find bigfoot." .

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I'll have to take a picture of it.


I had a good buddy who was a Recon Marine, and he wanted to run a Recon school on my ranch. So the tower was built as part of a FSB on top of a mountain complete with a wire, bunkers, comms, etc. All the tin has been ripped off the roof by the wind, and the place has fallen into a state of disrepair.

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I think we had crossed wires. I meant bait as in putting out a bait to entice a sasquatch and then killing one when it comes along to take that bait. This has not been successful or we wouldnt be having this debate and sasquatch would be a catalogued part of the American fauna. Unless officials have done this and been successful but are withholding the info for the time being until they find out more instead of making it public that 8ft hairy manlike monsters are roaming the USA. The camp ground thing is interesting but I have always seen that as the sasquatch calling the shots there and not being duped or enticed by deliberate human planning. Unless lucky or spending a huge amount of time in the field, I think I have to agree with something Henri Franzoni said many years ago.... "bigfoot finds you. You don't find bigfoot." .

No crossed wires, I completely agree with you and what you said and reiterate my thoughts that a human in a tent can be used as "bait", that is the "bait" right there and I used the numbers to back up what I'm saying and why I'm saying it.

Add a sniper style shooter with both having the ability to be in comms with each other and a base camp type thing and I truly believe that is something that can move this forward.

I completely agree with what you said to Norse too, in my eyes it would need to be a project that lasted at least two months to have any chance of succeeding.

Time is the key thing in all of this course, again like you said.

All of which however, with the right people who are committed and have belief in what the project was all about, can completely reach it's objective.

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Are you saying somebody you know has baited, shot and killed a sasquatch but they are keeping the body under wraps and won't reveal it??? Why would they do that? I guess I can understand if officials know these creatures are there but are suppressing this for a number of reasons, but I don't understand why any private person who has deliberately gone out to hunt and kill a sasquatch, has then succeeded in the job but then keeps it quiet. If so what was his/her point in blowing away a rare creature in the first place if they aren't going to do anything with the body and its just a total waste??

It doesn't read messy at all friend.


And no I'm not saying someone I know baited and shot and killed a sasquatch. Quite the opposite in fact.


Most of the best evidence of BF is privately held.


Go here and read....




I do think that for the subject to ever be documented that it will take a body.


Whether shot and killed or ran over by a second hand pulpwood truck.

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Oh yes I already read that thread thanks. Very interesting but I can't comment on something I'm not able to see and where there has been no official report I can read and judge for myself. Very frustrating. Obviously the person filming didn't shoot, kill and then chop up the body or else that person might not be alive today. :blink: In that way, even if true, its different to what we are talking about here as its just observation. Oh and yeah a truck hitting one. I've read a few reports where they have been hit but the drivers were either too scared to get out and look or whatever was hit went off into the bush. Maybe that will be the way this mystery gets solved?




Sounds like a reasonable timeline there, 2 months. I would go along with that.

So....are you going to volunteer to be the bait waiting in a tent?? Rather you than me ha.

How about some place on the edge of the forest by one of those tidal estuaries they have up there in the PNW and British Columbia? Better than in the deep mountain forests I'd say. A lot of reports have them coming down to the tidal rivers and coastline to forage. You can see much better there. On the other hand so can they. Some kind of permanent camouflaged hide by the forest edge where you can see out to the tidal flats??? Or an anchored boat or raft  hide just off shore?

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I'll continue to crunch numbers to get us the optimal location that will greatly increase our chances of getting action.


But yeah, the PNW and WA specifically is where it will happen.


It's where the Boss is too ( Norseman ) and it's the State which has the most activity.


My job is to give the Project the best possible chance/opportunity to achieve its objective, and i take doing so very seriously and have been at it for the best part of two years now and will continue to do it until we are ready and it's show time.

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Any Premium member can see the great work you have put in BobbyO.

I want to thank you for your efforts as I know you sacrifice much of your personal time with The Report Classification Project.

All should appreciate your efforts and perhaps join the Premium Membership Plan to see the great work you and others have done.

It is really cool and well worth the nominal fee of $20.00.

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I'll tell you a secret HRP, i actually enjoy it so it's no hardship..;)

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I'll tell you a secret HRP, i actually enjoy it so it's no hardship.. ;)

Still, I don't think the membership *gets* your dedication to the topic and I will always give credit when I think it is due.


Yourself, gigantor, and others have done some impressive work.

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