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Issues I'm Having With Bigfoot.

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I've had an experience that I have posted on here. I'm starting to ask myself more and more if the experience I had was a person in a suit. I have my reasons. I'd be more than happy to share those reasons with anyone. For the purposes of staying on topic, I won't go into it here though.

I've been doing a ton of research on Bigfoot. I have literally become obsessed. I have a ton of issues with the information I've come across. There are some fairly big exceptions. However, for the most part I've found that the legend is discredited by its own advocates. Take Finding Bigfoot for example, the show on Animal Planet. I, for one, have watched quite a few episodes lately. They seem to label everything as Bigfoot.They have no desire to even consider some of the more obvious explanations. This is all fine and dandy. However, I've been watching the show and can label numerous sources of sounds and disturbances that could be many things other than Bigfoot. Lets all for a second take the stance that Bigfoot is real. If Squatch is real, its, by far, par none, the most elusive animal on the planet, which by genetic evolution have traits to make such a feat counter-productive. There are 350 SIberian Tigers left on the planet and conservation efforts never have an issue finding them after a day or two, they're hunted relentlessly, they MUST be elusive. How is it that these experts won't even consider the source of a sound to be something other than Bigfoot when the idea of its existence has to imply a creature who is rarely even remotely close to contact.

You can't take one stance in saying that Bigfoot is real and then completely contradict the logic that would support its existence. Its simple in my eyes. If Bigfoot truly exists, its in small numbers and they are extremely intelligent. If they are smart enough to bury their dead. They would be doing it to avoid human contact and the threat of exposure. Why knock back when a human does in the forest? Are they that easily fooled into believing we are of the same species? Its just all very confusing to me.

This isn't just based around that show. Take the vast majority of evidence for example.

I'm a skeptic.Obviously. But, you have to admit, the advocates for this community do nothing but sabotage the theory on which Bigfoot could ever exist by boasting shreds of evidence that are either blatantly based on a hoax or circumstantial at best.

There is still one film and a few incidents that keep me interested in the topic. The Patterson film is a great shred of evidence, if it is one. I don't know. The best of all time. The worse thing it has going for it is the guys were known to be making a Bigfoot film prior to the filming of the evidence. That seems fishy.

Anyway! A discussion would be great : )


It seems like are really questioning your own sighting and that is not a bad thing. If I did not see what I seen I would have questioned everything that I have found and said that I was being hoaxed. That there was no way a creature could be doing the things that I have expeiranced with out some one knowing of my where a bouts and hoarding me. I see that show on the animal channel and I know why they do the things they do for ratings. But the sightings is what is the root of the problem that bothers a lot of people including myself. We just do not understand why, why this creature did what it did or show it's self in such a way. They are what they are and acceptance is very hard for us ,with what little knowledge we have of them.

I understand that we have every right to question our sightings and do what ever it takes to put our minds at ease. Since seeing these creatures is not a normal thing. We all go through a process after a sighting and that process at first is that of disbelief ,then to acceptance . But it takes awhile and our mind goes through everything that we can think of including hoaxing. We precess what we saw and try to understand that sighting. Like you have done you start to research and try to gain knowledge of your sighting. It is a normal thing that we all must do. We look for others who are like minded so that you do not feel alone. We all rationalize our sighting and yes and begin to say to ourselves was it a guy in a suit or was it real was it a dream or did I really see what my mind says I did. The one thing is that you are not alone . Everything that you are doing is the right thing and debating this issue is very healthy. Your skepticism is very good and some field work will help you understand you encounter.

Rather then just believe what people say or talk about and leave you with more question it is way better to dissprove and show how wrong people can be. This is just my opinion.


Good post. I cant help you unfortunately because I am new in the topic, but you raise some great questions.


I've had an experience that I have posted on here. I'm starting to ask myself more and more if the experience I had was a person in a suit. I have my reasons. I'd be more than happy to share those reasons with anyone. For the purposes of staying on topic, I won't go into it here though.


I am not sure there is a single thing more germane to this thread - issues you are having with bigfoot - than:

Why would you think this was a person in a suit? To me the topic bogs down utterly if we don't know the answer to that question.

I wouldn't give a flying rat's about the evidence if I saw a bigfoot. I'd know.

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