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What Would You Do With A Dead Bigfoot?


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I would release a clip of video, showing it from a distance, get everyone interested, then when controversy starts, tell everyone i have a body and inform

everyone a film crew was with me. I would let them take the body and buy me a big ford truck, and start a blog called "the bigfoot forum blog", I'd

fight and argue with every one who didn't believe me, then I would have my skeptical friend, Allen Musket, confirm I have a body, that will be reveled

at an up coming film festival. What can go wrong, it's fool proof !!!

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Guest blackbriar

Couple of choices really, although I'm not really likely to find one here in the UK. :( I'd guess I wouldn't be carrying the whole thing out of the woods though, so lots of photos and video.


1. Slowly drip feed a few stories about the finding and maybe a poor resolution photo or video of the creature via twitter or facebook.

2. Get musky Allen in to make it seem legit, credibility is a must.

3. Make some wild claims about inviting the well known Bigfooters in to see the body, not actually do any inviting though, back peddle when questioned.

4. Drag out the whole affair to really annoy the Bigfooting community and get them to second guess every move made by the "insiders"

5. Arrange for the Bigfoot to be cooked by Gordon Ramsey and served up at the big party when everyone is told the truth about the bigfoot, hope to not get lynched...

I think this is Rick Dyre's plan all along. :D

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