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The Truth About Elbe

Matt Pruitt

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You mean some folks didn't know that? :D

Even though it should stand, I doubt this thread will be allowed to continue. Like Bill's outing of the Erickson wookie, I think outing a hoaxer should be the duty of every BFF member.

Seems the jig is up Tontar. You might as well fill in the details. And have a cookie. I promise, by the time you're done eating it, you'll feel right as rain. ;)

Edited by Gigantofootecus
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If you did fake them, you would hold out that information for what purpose? To fake more in the future? Hampering serious research by people interested in the subject? You are more interested in humiliating and degrading people I think. What kind of a person is that? You can sit around with your friends and laugh it off as a practical joke. Not many are laughing though. Some are very angry.

I think this is proof enough and a permanent ban should be placed on him. He may not have directly did the faking but he is involved.

Edited by damndirtyape
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Wow, talk about a jig being "up". I'm surprised to see our old 'kemosabe' still posting here. Those who get caught trying to pass off hoaxed evidence, pro or con (very bad kool-aid), almost always head for the hills. I guess sometimes arrogance interferes even with that basic human characteristic.

Edited by xspider1
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This thread makes my heart leap for joy with all of the skullduggery coming from the bigfoot community as of late.

It proves that SOME OF US are still committed to getting to the bottom of TRUTH..........no matter what that truth may hold.

If I could give Matt Pruitt a medal? I would. Kudos.

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^Seems more like they get cheerleaders and 400 pages of thread pinned to the top of the board!

Nope, tontar will not get that here. Perhaps it would fly on one of the the anti-research boards (where they know everything already).


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Guest SquatchinNY


Thank you for giving us the truth. Many people would have not exposed the person, just kept the name secret. You gave it to us flat out. A plus for you my friend,

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Very very good job Matt and thanks. Most of us knew it already, but it's great to put it out there for everyone to know. I love the fact that he basically told you in the Matilda thread that this was the right thing to do. When I read what he posted earlier I just shook my head and when I saw this I couldn't help but laugh. Thanks again.

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