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The Truth About Elbe

Matt Pruitt

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Oh, I forgot to add, there's no mystery about the IP addresses. Matt posted them on his new blog thread. I have no doubt they are the same ones logged here within the BFF, but I am also sure that is not news either.

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FWIW, an IP address is not really evidence of much without more information. Things like NAT, VPN, IP Proxies, etc can make the IP useless for tracking an individual. IF the IP could be traced to an individual's house at the exact time of the corresponding event, then you might be on to something, or could at least narrow it down to someone at that location. Now if that location is a hotel, a campus, a corporate location, etc..then you still have squat. The only way to get the necessary corresponding information is from the persons' ISP. Good luck with that.

And that's not even taking into consideration if the person was running one of many,many commercial IP disguising software such as BT Guard or some other proxy or vpn software.

I have no skin in this game at all. It just irks me a bit when people loudly proclaim things that are simply not true. An IP from a forum connection log is nothing without a whole lot of other context that you clearly do not have.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. If you did you would know that the screenshot's posted prove guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt.

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Guest BartloJays

Excellent work brother!!

I think the facts speak for themselves here and thankfully you had this pegged early.

It's a great example of "if it's too good to be true, it probably is," especially in this field and you can never perform enough sleuthing and due diligence to confirm or substantiate any event or claim.... in which Pruitt's a master of.

Proud to call you one of my best bro's and definitely a shining light through this landscape littered with trash called bigfooting.

Almost forgot... I shot my one daily quota "pluss" wad on Ridge in the Ketchum thread before I got here but looks they all got you covered ;)

Good work!

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An IP address can be a coarse locator to a server and their clients, if it isn't disguised or a non-fixed IP address from a dial-up connection. But the key is associating an identity to an IP address by tracking it. Then within a general proximity to a server what is the link to Elbe? How many bigfoot enthusiasts with fake bigfeet live close to Elbe? And even admitted going to the site and took pictures? But that's old news now...let it go people! :)

The big pill to swallow would be that Tontar happened to live near Elbe and shared the same IP as the dude who reported the tracks yet had no involvement. I can't help thinking if you had no knowledge about the Elbe hoax you would realize that it was from someone coincidentally sharing your IP address. You would offer that as the explanation. However, you didn't think of it, so you plead the 5th instead. With so much circumstantial evidence against you I'm not surprised.

Edited by Gigantofootecus
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Hmm... lets clear a couple of things up...

#1 we all have individual IP addresses. You do not have the same IP address as your neighbor, or someone down the street.

#2 Yes, the BFF has the capability to see IP address for each member, and NO we would never share it or the association with a particular member in a thread like this- even if the member said it was "ok". The only time the BFF would share IP address or other personal member info, is in the event of a criminal situation, where we were asked/required to by law enforcement agency.

So please stop asking....

#3 I think Cervelo did it !!! Sorry Cervelo, but I just got such a kick out of seeing people accuse you a few months ago, that I couldnt resist throwing your name back in the pot... Even though you live all the way across the country, and have said numerous times you werent involved...


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Guest Cervelo


I can't believe it's taken this long for my name to come up LOL....

All good Art I know you got my 6 :)

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Actually Art, cable carriers share IP addresses within groups and they are not unique for each group member. This is why the more people who hop onto your cable internet service, the slower everyone's service becomes.

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Tontar, a really simple question from me if you don't mind.

Did you make those tracks at Elbe ?

A simple yes or no will suffice.



A clean straight forward question.

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Actually Art, cable carriers share IP addresses within groups and they are not unique for each group member. This is why the more people who hop onto your cable internet service, the slower everyone's service becomes.


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Hmm... lets clear a couple of things up...

#1 we all have individual IP addresses. You do not have the same IP address as your neighbor, or someone down the street.

#2 Yes, the BFF has the capability to see IP address for each member, and NO we would never share it or the association with a particular member in a thread like this- even if the member said it was "ok". The only time the BFF would share IP address or other personal member info, is in the event of a criminal situation, where we were asked/required to by law enforcement agency.

So please stop asking

I would like to correct this. That is not true. Depending on your IP provider. Example I am using Comcast for my cable provider.

What happens is a Cable company purchases a bunch of IP numbers then they set up routing boxes in the neighbor hood for residential. they do this for 2 reasons 1.) Privacy of the User 2.) Cheaper

So everyone on my street was to log into this site it would look like we all have the same IP address. Even if you Geo locate our Ip address it will show you an area not even close to my home or street.

Now in order for you to get an acurate IP you would need to send a legal document to Comcast to trace the IP to my home. Comcast basically sets us up as a Private IP network inside while outside we look all the same.

This is how Business work. All the computers on your network have different IPs but if you are behind a firewall you go to whatsmyIP all your office will look the same to the outside. Again its set for Privacy.

Edited by CathMcmillan
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Now if you do a trace on the IP in question it comes back as

I removed the IP address but You can see its a Comcast Cable and Comcast sets up Comcast networks and puts its customers behind firewalls. So you can not be 100% sure that the person in question is the same person.

You would need to Contact Comcast legally to obtain the internal Ip Adress of the user in question.

Now you are also not taking in account using proxie servers. Which can also hide the IP adress to make it look like its something else.

Macip can also be changed and faked as well.

General IP Information

IP: Decimal: 1206093460 Hostname: c-71-227-134-148.hsd1.wa.comcast.net ISP: Comcast Cable Organization: Comcast Cable Services: None detected Type: Broadband Assignment: Dynamic IP Blacklist:


With all due respect you have no idea what you are talking about.

Actually I do

I am a System It Manager.

comcast, and other cable companies do this. DSL doesn't.

If this wasn't the case then since i don't purchase a static IP address I should be able to reset my router and the IP changes. But it doesn't.

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No CathMcMillian you don't know what you are talking about.

I have worked for years in various sections of this industry in particular for a very large company who makes cable modems and the systems that make them work. I have an intimate understanding of how most large public ISPs set up their cable IP networks and what you are describing is dead wrong.

The Broadband IP assignment above is a dynamic IP assignment for Customer Premise Equipment such as computers or a customers own wireless router. It is not shared by oher customers nor does it sit behind a Firewall.

Your IP address does not change when you reboot your router because of something called the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The fact that you do not understand this very basic concept tells me you have a very minimalist understanding of networking at best.

Now please excuse me from my diatribe on technology as it is Wednesday and there is wine to be drank and hell to be raised.

Edited by BipedalCurious
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