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They probably did some audience testing and found calling hoax more often lends more credibility. So, they can encourage/suggest to the team to be more skeptical.

I think few things are a bigger threat to the ratings than calling 'everything' a Squatch. People will tune out if there's no proper judgement. I find it encouraging that they're waking up to this and not crying wolf at stupid things; the credibility is important here, and calling very borderline things 'squatch' does the show no favors and detracts from the things that actually -are- Squatchy (trees pushed down, etc.).

Ranae is the best on the show IMO, and usually right (though she seems way off on the kid in PA, he clearly had enough detail to support.) Of course, part of her skepticism is her 'role'---and we just see what the editors choose to present.


My reply was generic. If it doesn't look right then it doesn't.

DWA, I love your signatures. Very fortean and very accurate, IMHO.


Looked like a good squatch to me.

- Nope not a sasquatch 'cause Bo Bos bigger. What?? Then they go to the Jacobson juvinile sas and I'm just shakin my head.

But I'll watch again this week......

Wow "The Bible" then Bigfoot on the same night - what could be better.

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