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Once again I apologize for my misunderstanding of where I can/cannot post... How embarrassing


I really need some advice. These whistling noises that have started as of recent seem to be getting more intense, almost have an attitude if thats possible.

And what I thought was sticks possibly falling from the trees around me, I now believe they are being intentionally thrown at me.

I was able to record the whistling sounds and a faint grunt...deer ?, wild pigs ?..all plausible I guess.

Is there a low budget way of taking pics in the dark ?..Any advice would be so helpful right now.

Should I try playing back what ive recorded the next time I go out or would this induce a dangerous response ? Thanks :)

BFF Patron

Taking pictures in the dark with anything that does not have a flash is difficult with any budget.     If you start shooting off flashes, even IR, which usually emit some light in our visual spectrum most likely will drive things away.   There is a modicum of evidence that BF can see into the IR spectrum.      But you might get lucky and catch something before it knows cameras are there.     Cheaper game cameras are under $100 but the memory cards and batteries add onto that.      I would recommend that you camouflage any game camera with fake moss or something to get rid of the plastic box look.    Another thing to remember is that you might be under observation often.    If they watch you hang a funny looking (to a BF) box on a tree that might make them wary enough to avoid the area even if they do not know what a camera does.    In an active area I would move game cameras around.   Leave them a few days then move them.   BF may think they know where it is to avoid and by moving it you could surprise them and get a picture.    It could be something as simple as moving it from one side of a tree to the other side.   If they know where it is and did not see you move it, then they might come around what they think of the back side of a tree with a camera,  and come face to face with a camera.  


In my research area the BF seemed to accept me then started doing things that seem unfriendly.    So something similar may be happening to you.    I could be over time we get annoying, disturb their ability to move around, or whatever reason of their own they tire of us.    We are probably a curiosity at first but when we impact their normal life, then they might become annoyed at some point. 


^Good thoughts.

Additionally, I would not recommend following the whistles into the forest.


Have you tried talking to them at all Nightwatcher?


Thanks for all the great tips on the camera options and how to possibly trick them for a bit.

Cotter: no I have not tried talking to it/them. I've tried to whistle back, but that's when the stick throwing begins. I don't want to provoke what ever is out there.

Iam armed, but do not want to resort to that if avoidable. Thanks !


Hi, Nightwatcher. I second what Cotter says: I would talk to them. No need to worry about provoking them with talking, because you're already provoked them. The stick throwing is evidence of that. The stick throwing is also evidence that they (like most BF) are judicious in the way they express their irritation. They are capable of harming you, but haven't, and that's a very good sign.


So I would recommend that you speak directly to them, in a friendly, respectful, reasonable way. You can say that you don't mean them any harm and wish to have peaceful relations with them (if that's true). Try your best to be humble, and to mean it. This will go a long way toward changing the dynamic between you. 


I would not recommend playing back recordings of their sounds to them. It's a bit insulting. They know what they sound like, and they know how to communicate on a very high level. Having recordings of themselves played back to them will only make them question your intelligence. Just talk, and have fun. Even if you don't believe talking will help, try it anyway, and see what happens. And report back! We'd love to hear what happens.

BFF Patron

Psychologically talking to them helps me control my own fear. Whether or not they understand what we say, talking to them puts them on the same level (in their mind anyway) as us. If they are doing something like throwing stuff at you, tell them you don't like it. I did that when I was zapped and that stopped. Coincidence maybe, but in any case it stopped as soon as I started talking back.

Posted (edited)

I agree with you a gazillion, bazillion percent, SWWASP. And I'm so happy that you know to engage them around things like the zapping -- AND that you got the result you did, in that particular case.   :)


The only thing I would change in what you said is the statement that talking to them puts us on the same level in their mind. I think it puts us on the same level in our OWN minds. :) They already know that we're equals. They may be disgusted with us (many seem to be), but that doesn't mean they feel superior. They know we're close kin. Only we don't know that.


I would also say that being equals doesn't mean we don't have to be respectful. I think it's always good to ask permission to walk in an area of the woods where you know they are. That's not being "one down"; that's showing a desire to treat them well, and with honor. And who wouldn't appreciate that?


But I've had the exact same experience you've described with speech, and even more so with singing. When I sing in the middle of the "empty" woods, I am showing that I am here, too, and that I come in peace, intending only to contribute in some way, and not to detract or despoil or dominate, or any of the other things that the full-time residents might understandably feel annoyed about. For anyone listening to me sing -- and 99.99% of the time, they are there, watching and listening, making sure all is well -- there can be no mistaking who I am or what my purpose is. So when I'm done singing even just a few songs, I feel at peace. I've announced my presence in a calm way. What more is there to do? After that, I can "rest" in the communications department, and just go about my business, even if that just means doing more singing. Or walking. Or talking. Or whatever.  


So for me, part of the reason the fear goes away is that I've done everything I can do. I've done my part of the communicating. That's the only part I have control over: the stating of who I am and what my purpose is. After that, whatever happens is out of my control, and it's easier to face whatever happens next with courage and equanimity, if you've already done your best to say who you are. And I can tell you, from personal experience, that the spreading of a peaceful message through song or talking or whatever, is a great predictor of a peaceful, happy, respectful relationship with the Quiet Tall Ones who watch us in their woods every day.

Edited by LeafTalker

SWWASP, please forgive my ignorance, but you used the terminology "zapped" can you please elaborate ?

I will be totally honest, I don't know what I seen that day and I keep trying to debunk all possible explanations. That's why when I speak of bigfoot I use the terms "it" or "them".

I do know something is out there and i 100% agree that it knows when i come and go.

What I don't understand is if bigfoot does exsist and can sense those of us that are "friendlies",

Why won't they approach us without the cat n mouse game ?

Even though I can't physically see them at night, i can tell when it is getting close. I feel a strange pressure related change. Similar to the feeling when you roll the windows up and down and in your car and it's just short of making your ears pop.

Maybe its purely coincidental, but it happens very consistently. Thanks !


Awesome. Yeah, I think I know what you're talking about with the pressure thing. I get it in my ear sometimes, the feeling of an air pressure change. 


Here's the thing, though. It's not a cat-and-mouse game. They are not into games of that particular kind. The only thing they're into is not getting hurt or killed. 


And they are private. Very, very private. And a little bit chicken. They're curious -- but with the combination of being scared and private to begin with, they will not take the risk of showing themselves to you unless they're super, super comfortable with you.


And that takes time (for many people, anyway). 


So, my best advice -- after the advice to talk to them and show them your open-heartedness -- is to be patient. It may take a while before they show themselves to you, if they ever do. I've been out there pretty consistently, hanging out with them for a little more than two years now, and I have lots of evidence that they feel comfortable with me, but I have yet to see any of them. I feel I will sometime -- but it's been my lesson, to learn some patience. I've had to learn to enjoy them and life and all that good stuff, even when everything doesn't go exactly my way. 


So maybe that's your lesson, too, to learn patience. No worries. Many of us need to learn this. And nobody is better at teaching us this than they are (unless you count children, who I hear are good at teaching that, too -- to their parents, anyway).  :)

BFF Patron
Posted (edited)

Nightwatcher I was given a dose of infrasound during one encounter. There is a thread someplace I started where this was discussed.

I really wonder about BF fear of us. Something terrible has happened to them that originated from humans and instilled such a deep seated fear that permeates their culture. I have wondered if it was the Mayan attacks during their advances on the Mound culture settlements in the Mid West. There is some evidence of burials of normal size humans buried with 8 foot plus skeletons that appears to be the aftermath of a battle and from the burials it appears that the humans and the larger skeletons were fighting on the same side. It could be at that time BF and humans actually interacted. The Mayans would try to enslave people, and if they refused the slavery, they would kill them. It would be difficult to enslave BF because of their relative size and so the Mayans as their custom, would search them out and try to kill them. Is that the event in the distant past that caused BF to go into hiding and forever distrust humans? Following the Mayan invasion, in a few hundred years the Western Europeans showed up with their firearms and began to shoot anything they thought was dangerous. If they were not reclusive already at that point then BF surely would become that way. All conjecture but it explains what evidence has been found to this point.


SWWASP I'm going to contradict myself by saying this, but an ancient race of large or giant like human beings that lived in the upper most u.s.

I do believe in.

It was just brought to my attention 2 mons ago that there is a cave in Minnesota near Linden Grove that has paintings that depict natives (I presume) armed with spears and arrows confronting a very large ape like creature that towers over them.

Northern natives had no knowledge of primates in that time period that I know of. So am I correct in thinking that bigfoot is possibly a giant human race ?? Thanks.


Nightwatcher - very interested in your encounters.


SWWASAS - I've always wondered about that too.  its like every moment is spent remaining undetected as a priority.  Hadn't heard about the skeletons -have to look that up.



Frap10,..February of this year I was out walking the riverbanks and bottoms just to get out of the house and enjoy nature. I do this all the time in all weather conditions.

I just love a ice cold winter morning with a beautiful sunrise and a thermos of strong hot coffee....nothing better !

I was walking crossing the frozen river going NE when I heard a large branch or small tree snap approximately 75yrd ahead of me on the opposite bank.

It echoed like crazy in the timber on that calm cold day. Didn't think about it a whole lot because those things do happen in the timber.

It wasn't more than 2-3mins later when I heard what sounded like someone pounding on a tree with a baseball bat.

It was almost in code, 2 slow hard hits then 4 fast slightly lighter hits. Woodpecker I thought ?

Way to hard and loud. The pounding was to consistent and the pattern never changed.

I walked alittle faster in the direction of the pounding and it stopped as fast as it had started.

I noted a strange smell in the air that was no doubt amplifed by the crisp winter air.

It was a cross between propane and sauerkraut lol.

I continued walking towards the narrow access road and that's when "something" caught my eye.

Approximately 200-250yrds up the incline at the edge of the access road I saw a dark, upright figure cross the access road from the opposite side and start down the side I was on.

I lost all sight of it very quickly and the whole sighting lasted 30sec at best. It was to far away for me to confirm anything but I had a strange uneasy feeling for some reason. Almost like I was going to get sick.

I wasn't afraid and there was never the "fight or flight" feeling so I honestly cant tell you why I felt that way. So....that's why im here. :)


I really wonder about BF fear of us. Something terrible has happened to them that originated from humans and instilled such a deep seated fear that permeates their culture. I have wondered if it was the Mayan attacks during their advances on the Mound culture settlements in the Mid West.... Following the Mayan invasion, in a few hundred years the Western Europeans showed up with their firearms and began to shoot anything they thought was dangerous. If they were not reclusive already at that point then BF surely would become that way. All conjecture but it explains what evidence has been found to this point.


I think you're right, SWWASP. Something terrible must have happened -- and more likely, many such somethings. If the Western Europeans were able to treat the indigenous peoples here so badly, how much worse would they have treated the hairy guys? It's a wonder any of them bother with us at all.  



So am I correct in thinking that bigfoot is possibly a giant human race?


Yes.  :)



I noted a strange smell in the air that was no doubt amplifed by the crisp winter air.

It was a cross between propane and sauerkraut lol.


That's a great description. There was a thread about scent recently; this would be a great addition to it. 


Wow that really puts my thinking in a new perspective knowing they could actually be...human ?! That still leaves me baffled on why they would be so cautious of those of us meaning no harm.

Yes, they could of been "conditioned" in the past to always be leary of us, but if they are that intelligent they should be able to decipher the good from the bad. The common mutt even has that ability.

I'm packing my things this morning for a weekend in the woods and I will try to talk to them as suggested. I read that leaving them treats or toys is a way of getting their trust built up. What say you on that theroy ?

I'll have my smart phone with me so I'll be able to communicate with any of you that might have a question or suggestion for me while I'm down in the bottoms. Have a great weekend everyone !

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