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What Evidence Makes You Believe That Bigfoot Exists ?

Guest Lesmore

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Guest Crowlogic

Speaking of evidence, what does everybody have? Maybe we should start trading pic's like we use to trade sports cards? or you show me yours and I'll show you mine. lol. :biggrin:

Won't work because then a number of people making sensational claims will have to put up or shut up.

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The lack of evidence is the hole in the proponents bucket. The proponent think it's getting filled up but it always ends up empty. Unlike the skeptical bucket which try as one might nary a hole can be found!

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Guest DWA

Um, nope.  But you can start reading any time you want.


There isn't a fact supporting the skeptics' case, which means ...it isn't a case.  But one would have to be up on relevant topics to understand this, and one could get started with that.


Repeated eyes-closed wishing and clicking of heels might work in fantasy lit, but not in reality, sorry 'bout that.

See, the skeptics' problem is thinking that "people who agree with one" are the standard here.  That is not the standard.


The standard is science; and science informs the proponents' position.

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^^^ I do not classify myself as a "proponent" rather, more of someone that has observed things in the field that have yet to be scientifically identified, in the forensic sense.


IMO, there really isn't a lack of "evidence" as there is plenty of physical, photographical, eyewitness and even forensic evidence out there. The quality and/or veracity of said evidence has been scrutinized and praised or condemned far and wide by those both inside and outside the endeavor.


It's quality evidence that, as a collection leads to conclusive proof.


Putting a body on a slab doesn't "prove" anything other than someone shot one and brought it to town. This would inevitably lead to the call for killing a number of them to verify existence. Heck, the (IMO) Himmleresqe John Green says they should be killed en masse, like rats.

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Talked to a business associate today who owns an in-holding in Big Cypress swamp, Collier Cty. FL.  He had heard I had an interest on this subject. A very bright and accomplished gentleman, I must say. Professional and credible in every regard, former prosecutor and judge.  He wanted to see what I might share with him, and I gave him some references to evidence sources, talking points on common objections to the evidence, etc. He shared with me an account of a  sighting from an old-timer he knows in that neighborhood. Without any equivocation, this man's perception was presumed by him to be accurate. One thing he shared with me that I thought was especially insightful, and it is a deeper understanding of the world that many of our so-called skeptics don't seem to consider, and which I agree with wholeheartedly. He mentioned that the everyday man's ability to comprehend the reality of a completely feral animal like a putative Sasquatch is a chasm that might be impossible to bridge. I think this puts the emphasis where it needs to be. We can try, but the overlap of these two worlds is remarkably thin.   

Edited by WSA
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Interesting and illuminating comments, thanks.


One thing that someone mentioned earlier (feral hogs) regarding such is that IIRC, within 2-3 generations of going back into the wild, a (formerly) domesticated hog will revert back to presentation of anatomic feral hog (snout, tail, hair) characteristics.


Makes you wonder if homo sapiens possess the same capabilities? The woods may well be full of hairy Tarzans.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

It's theoretically possible for humans to revert to being feral and more ape-like, but the amount of time required for that is tremendous.

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Indeed Yuchi1. We would expect an animal's "unlearning" experience to yield a much less de-habituated result, possibly, than one who is born into that state. Still, the differences might be very subtle. Until we know for sure, it is just as plausible that what we describe collectively and pejoratively as "Big Foot" might actually be a human population gone feral, or several populations who did that at different times, over millenia.  Several here on this board who have a reputation I trust have made that point.  Who knows how malleable the human genome is under these circumstances?  A dog is not a wolf, and would we say a BF is a man if it came from those origins, or would it be something else entirely? 

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^^^ Could make (for some) a rather uncomfortable discussion on who we are and/or where we came from.

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So be it. All options and explanations should be in the middle of the table at this point. Somebody will call the hand, and the cards are unknown until then. Those who might be surprised are those who might not be paying the attention they should. Still, this time around the table, I will "check."

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Um, nope.  But you can start reading any time you want.


There isn't a fact supporting the skeptics' case, which means ...it isn't a case.  But one would have to be up on relevant topics to understand this, and one could get started with that.


Repeated eyes-closed wishing and clicking of heels might work in fantasy lit, but not in reality, sorry 'bout that.

See, the skeptics' problem is thinking that "people who agree with one" are the standard here.  That is not the standard.


The standard is science; and science informs the proponents' position.

Except for the fact no one has ever found a bigfoot dead or alive. Boom truth bomb! Put a fork in the proponent argument it's done.

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SSR Team

Except for the fact no one has ever found a bigfoot dead or alive. Boom truth bomb! Put a fork in the proponent argument it's done.

Haha people's own sense of self importance on this forum really makes me laugh.

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Except for the fact no one has ever found a bigfoot dead or alive. Boom truth bomb! Put a fork in the proponent argument it's done.




I guess we can close the forum down then....

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Except for the fact no one has ever found a bigfoot dead or alive. Boom truth bomb! Put a fork in the proponent argument it's done.



Well that’s a barn burner, a page turner, a high thriller…  How can anyone make such a ridiculous proclamation with absolute certainty?  To say such a thing suggests that one travels the countryside and scoured the world over and only after tirelessly scrubbing data exhausting all available material from millennia to present can show up here on the BFF and make such declarations befuddles me.

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The lack of evidence is the hole in the proponents bucket. 

There is plenty of 'evidence'.

Put a fork in the proponent argument it's done.


So you are actually saying there is no point to this forum then? Why are you here in that case?

I was once a believer in bigfoot.  

Nothing worse than an ex smoker or ex boozer lecturing those who like to smoke and drink.

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