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My Philosophy Regarding Bigfoot ? What's Your's ?

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I am not interested in more philosophy regarding Bigfoot. 40 years of it is enough. I am more interested in what someone KNOWS about Bigfoot.

No one knows anything.

Guest TooRisky

I am not interested in more philosophy regarding Bigfoot. 40 years of it is enough. I am more interested in what someone KNOWS about Bigfoot.

No one knows anything.

This is an untrue statement John and you know that...<_< We may not know much, but we do have some hard facts based on observation and repeatability... ;)


My philosophy is sasquatch exists, I spend time looking for evidence to substantiate this. I've found evidence that has changed my theory of what a sasquatch is from a big North American ape to a relic man, advanced in different areas of endevour and consciousness than modern man. I'm not really trying prove this to anybody, I just enjoy learning this for me!

Posted (edited)

Thought about it an I'm on-board with Bobby O posting a "Winner". Does Art have a trophy emoticon we can borrow? :rolleyes:

do i ? silly Grayjay, of course I do...








Edited by Art1972

My philosophy of Bigfoot....? Im not sure its a "philosophy", but i do have some thoughts....

I see bigfoot as a creature who not only exists in, but thrives on its existence in nature.

I picture them working hard at survival, and always being aware of their surroundings.

And yet, always somewhat unsure about where and when they're going to come too close to where the humans are, but at the same time possessing an aching curiousity about us, maybe stronger than our own curiousity of them.

I imagine an existence of a mostly solitary nature, but at the same time I envision a tight familial bond, and working together in a team fashion to make survival possible.

Over the years I have often pictured in my mind, a lone solitary dark figure standing on top of a ridge somewhere, looking down into the woods and valley below- where I am standing, and as we stare at each other -I've tried to figure out what it is that's running through that mind? That mind that followed a different evolutionary path than our own. Is it the mind of a hunter-gatherer, who is aware of itself, or maybe just an animal running more so on instinct..? As its eyes scan the perimeter, I wonder if its thinking about how good the afternoon sun feels on its face, or if it's considering its own existence (past and future) as it sits down to remove a nagging blackberry thorn from the side of its foot.

I believe that what we are dealing with is a being (creature if you prefer), that is not only a flat out professional at knowing its environment, and excelling at surviving in it, but more importantly one that is choosing to remain elusive, choosing to remain hidden- with few exceptions, being only when they have reasoned that the humans they choose to come forward to are not a threat.

Ive always tried to be open minded when it came to things I havent experienced or seen myself, and for those who have had zero experience with "them", the only way I can make a relative comparison is to suggest that there had to be that first fisherman who went out in a boat, and came back with fantastic stories about giant sea creatures- which we know today as whales, sharks and oddities (giant squid etc). I'm sure he got some strange looks, and im sure there were lots of comments about him being crazy both behind his back, and to his face, but that doesnt change that he saw something that existed, and it was just a matter of time until the rest of them acknowledged that they were real, even if they still didnt understand or know what they were.

I think we're on the cusp of discovery... I believe (hope at least) it will happen in my lifetime, and I hope that when it does happen that humanity does the right thing- to protect their existence, and leave them alone. But judging from our past experience (one need only go to the zoo to see my point), im not too sure it will go down that way.

Only time will tell.

Guest ChrisBFRPKY

I am not interested in more philosophy regarding Bigfoot. 40 years of it is enough. I am more interested in what someone KNOWS about Bigfoot.

No one knows anything.

JC, I "know" that they're difficult to find. :lol: Chris B.


BTW, Do you believe that BF exists? I do believe in BF as a species.

Yes, I know it's out there, and does exist. It's a species of some type (maybe more than one), with possible subspecies. I only base these thoughts (about species), on the many different descriptions by eyewitnesses.. worldwide, that I've read about and had described to me, by several people.. that I do believe.

Posted (edited)

What a delightful thread to read. Bobby O, way to go. Art, nice trophy :) grayjay, you are quite the cheerleader there lol This is fun and that is my philosophy... keep it fun. Less stress, more smiles, share what you want, if you dont know, dont, and nobody says you have to do it now. But if you do and it makes someone else happy likely better returns for you later.... I like so many comments, Sasfootys, So Yahoos, John C, they all make good sense, so many I didnt list.... I think my philosophy besides the fun part is to enjoy the interactions with so many knowledgeable and great people. From skeptic to all business researcher of whatever design, you guys are fun. So its nice to be able to interact and say what I want with so many of you. Imonacan you were the first one to help me get acquainted and I appreciate that. I think it was So Yahoo who said his philosophy was to help fill in some gaps and offer information regarding methods that can be reproduced by others for additional evidence collection.. I liked that which is the way I like to think I think... :blink: I think.. lol.

Also, I cannot resist saying this: Regarding sasquatch, I think they are as hard to describe behavior wise as people. I think they bend and flow with the environmental pressures that occur where they are, whether they exist there long term with minimal movement, or choose to move freely about any number of chosen areas. Diet, size, phenotype seems to be as varied as ours.. and I would guess by looking at reports and talking with people personally that their activity times vary too... I know of some shut down times... rr at least times when they are not making a lot of noise and other times when they do. Just read the reports.. so some seem to be very nocturnal. Others, moving around by daylight..I am guessing it comes down again to where they are and what pressures they get from us.. or the environment.. temperatures, precipitation, etc


Edited by treeknocker

I am more interested in what someone KNOWS about Bigfoot.

No one knows anything.

I find that statement a little hard to believe. There are a lot of people that know a lot, but when they try to tell even a tiny bit of what they know, they are shouted down until most of them stop even admitting that they have seen one.

Almost nobody wants to hear the truth. They can't accept it, & refuse to listen. It's funny how I can picture some people with their fingers in their ears, singing Kumbaya. Even at the mention of BF possibly interacting with & making use of wildlife such as coyotes, they scream "You can't prove it". Well, no, I can't, but if one of these Kumbaya singers were to consider some of this info when they are out "researching", they might prove it to themselves. Seems like most of them spend more time trying to prove that witnesses are wrong, than proving that they are right.

I don't know what they do want to hear, but it's not the truth that they are after.

Guest fenris

I find that statement a little hard to believe. There are a lot of people that know a lot, but when they try to tell even a tiny bit of what they know, they are shouted down until most of them stop even admitting that they have seen one.

Almost nobody wants to hear the truth. They can't accept it, & refuse to listen. It's funny how I can picture some people with their fingers in their ears, singing Kumbaya. Even at the mention of BF possibly interacting with & making use of wildlife such as coyotes, they scream "You can't prove it". Well, no, I can't, but if one of these Kumbaya singers were to consider some of this info when they are out "researching", they might prove it to themselves. Seems like most of them spend more time trying to prove that witnesses are wrong, than proving that they are right.

I don't know what they do want to hear, but it's not the truth that they are after.

My take on his comments through my own lense anyway, I listen to what folks say, especially in these habituation examples, I listen with a filter, but I do listen, because I feel that to just blanket dismiss them all is a mistake. Until someone finds the prize it's still being worked out what approach to finding/studying/observing/motivation of your choice works best.

Guest Cervelo

99.9 of the info is poop. But that last little bit sure makes it a little more interesting while out hiking and camping:)

Guest fenris

99.9 of the info is poop. But that last little bit sure makes it a little more interesting while out hiking and camping:)

Info in general or the habituation info? I'm not sure who you were responding to. As I stated, you should listen to everything, with a filter. In my own humble opinion, it's that filter thingey that is crucial, it keeps you from missing some vital piece because you dismiss it and it keeps you from discerning every snapped twig, odd noise, etc,etc,etc as squatchy.....

That really should lesson one when getting into the subject. The Tao of the Monkey hunt if you will.


Philosophy? How about opinion...

IMO, monkees are perfectly normal great apes that happen to be as yet unacknowledged. They are wide spread but fairly few in number. They are our closest relative but are not human any more than a chimp or gorilla. They are an alpha predator that seems to be perfectly evolved for that niche. They are attuned to their environment and able to hunt & kill game such as deer and elk (I suspect deer are it's preferred main prey) with ease. I suspect they are the most intelligent animal in North America. They are capable of a high order of problem solving which helps them survive. They are shy & avoid contact with humans who they clearly know are not to be screwed with, despite our being so much smaller & weaker.

On the other hand, IMO this is what monkees are not. They aren't human, nor are they some sort of super being that teleports between dimensions and can speak in various languages both verbally & telepathically. I don't believe they have advanced brains with powers that allow them to "zap" us into a dazed & confused state. I always think of "mind wresting" in the movie Little Nicky when I hear of this...

No one knows anything.

JC I would have thought you atleast know they exist and how big they can get. ;) Now knowing and proving something are two different things.


I gave my research philosopjy earlier, there's a little more to it but my thoughts about bigfoot are that they are more abundant, and present more often than most people realize. We are so apt to put them in the back corner of our mind while we are out in the woods. When we don't see or don't hear anything unusual we assume they just aren't there. I think this is a big mistake in the search for something not well understood and with the potential intelligence rivaling a human fugitive.

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