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My Philosophy Regarding Bigfoot ? What's Your's ?

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I agree 110% with about 95% of what you just said. And definately about the infrastructure knowing very well about the real existence of Sasses.-Knuck

Don't worry Knuck, I still love you!

I also say 110%. Hubby just smiles...

Guest Lesmore

Welcome to the Club. Opening cut of Joe's 1975 album. It's killer. My previous avatar actually featured the scrumptious Daryl Hannah, from Kill Bill.

Uma...Darryl...I get them mixed up :blink: ....both scrumptious though, to use your descriptor. Unfortunately the link to the 1975 album didn't work.


Posted (edited)

Uma...Darryl...I get them mixed up :blink: ....both scrumptious though, to use your descriptor. Unfortunately the link to the 1975 album didn't work.


Both are truly scrumptious. The previous posting, regarding Mr. Walsh's 1975 So What album wasn't really a link, merely an underlined section of my posting. But taking enormous license here, and since you asked :lol:

Here is said opening track to my avatar's album (remember when we referred to LP vinyls as "albums?")

Realize this is a three-piece band, and Mr. Walsh has perfected utilizing an electronic "repeater," and is playing rhythm guitar (with himself,) along with the smokin' lead guitar rifts.

Edited by Incorrigible1
Posted (edited)


I preferred your previous avatar. You know...the one featuring Uma Thurman as the nurse in Kill Bill.



Edited by Jodie
Posted (edited)

(remember when we referred to LP vinyls as "albums?")


joker.gif <--- "you kids get off my lawn !!"

(just kidding I1... ill be 40 next year, so i "kinda" know where your comin from)

Edited by Art1972
Guest Lesmore
Posted (edited)

Both are truly scrumptious. The previous posting, regarding Mr. Walsh's 1975 So What album wasn't really a link, merely an underlined section of my posting. But taking enormous license here, and since you asked :lol:

Here is said opening track to my avatar's album (remember when we referred to LP vinyls as "albums?")

Realize this is a three-piece band, and Mr. Walsh has perfected utilizing an electronic "repeater," and is playing rhythm guitar (with himself,) along with the smokin' lead guitar rifts.

Very nice, thank you for posting the link. I'm starting to realize that I'm getting old. Last week at the super market....the muzak was a bit of Led Zeppelin and Santana. It was truly music to my ears and I also found I cut about 10 % off my usual shopping time...bopping to the oldies, as I cruised through dairy products and the fruits and vegetable departments.

And yes....I remember when we referred to LP's as albums and I also had a fine collection of '45's. :)

Before my last birthday, my adult children asked me what I wanted for a present...I told them a gift certificate at the record store would be nice. They tried to hide their guffaws...but I could see them out of the corner of my eye . :D

Edited by Lesmore
Guest Lesmore


I preferred the avatar featuring the actress in the nurse's uniform, only because I've always held the medical professions, in high regard.

:) Les


Folks, let's get back on topic, OK?




Regarding my philosophy, IMHO:

Going back to the 60's when I first heard of BF (Patterson/Gimlin) I thought it could be real, but put it in the monster movie category. Now, after having spent the majority of my life in the outdoors, ranching, logging, hunting, trapping, and just enjoying like camping, fishing, and hiking, I've seen too much that didn't add up. I've had to think about these experiences and put them in perspective.

Most of the hardcore skeptics I've met, never spent a fraction of the time I have in the wilderness. Also, alot of the people I've known who have been out there, haven't seen anything strange. And out of all the time I've been out and about, the incidents are just a tiny percentage. One thing that is a common denominator, is that they all happened when I was just going about my business, doing what I always do. I was not looking for strange tracks, or any evidence of any kind, I just accidentally found it.

I've had 2 sightings, that I shared on the sightings thread, that I cannot prove, and I can't even say for sure that's what they were. But I have eliminated all of the logical explanations, and was left questioning my sanity. Unfortunately sanity is another unproveable myth. LOL

I agree with Susiq2 on the smoke/fire scenario. I think there's a lot of smoke out there, the hoaxers just make it worse for everybody. Another point I wanted to make, was that the only people I ever told about my experiences were immediate family members. They outed me to close friends, who ridiculed me and made me keep more stuff to myself. Along came the internet, and I did a harmless search on bigfoot, and a whole new world opened my eyes to what is going on. Eventually I shared some of my findings with 2 family members, who now are beleivers, but don't share some of my same concerns regarding privacy and saftey. I guess the internet has allowed me to share some anonymously, but now that has been exposed also. I guess now that I'm older, not worried about my job anymore etc. I don't care as much, but now I'm too old to do any research. LOL

A few conclusions I've come to are:

-I used to think they were a type of ape, but now think they are more of a type of wild humanoid.

-What others call curiosity, I think is keeping an eye on us for their safety only.

-While I think they are generally harmless, I think they could be extremely dangerous in the right circumstances, only we probably wouldn't realize it until too late.

-If one is seen, it is either by accident, or they want you to see it. And there is probably at least one more nearby. So I think shooting one is foolish, and unsafe.

I'm of the general opinion that they should be left alone, maybe observed/habituated, but I can see that getting out of hand too. I think they are big on gifts, especially food types, but keep them few and far between or else they become dependant and a problem.

just my $.02

Guest ThePattyArcade
Posted (edited)

I am a hopeful believer. I haven't had an encounter/sighting, nor any experience in the field so I can't say I believe 100%. I think, like a lot of things, Bigfoot research is prone to human error (the PGF is a good example of this)

I try to stay as neutral as possible on anything related to Bigfoot, until good evidence is provided. I don't see the value in getting into arguments about Bigfoot, because until we have a body and proof that they exist, we're just arguing over something that cannot be proved.

I'm unsure what to believe Bigfoot actually is, but I think it could be relative of Gigantopithicus or some such. I don't think it is a wild human or anything like that. It is definitely an ape, not as intelligent as humans, but smarter than chimps or gorillas. That is as far as I will speculate.

What stops me from being skeptical of the existence of Bigfoot/Sasquatch is the number of sightings that have been reported (and continue to be) reported over the years. I don't see a reason why thousands of ordinary working people across the continent would lie or imagine the same thing.

I don't like the idea of shooting/harming any living animal, but I accept it is the only way to get Science to recognise the species. I think that if we are going to kill one, it should be done as humanely as possible.

"It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgement" We should apply Sherlock Holmes' philosophies a little more in Bigfoot research :D

Edited by ThePattyArcade
Guest Lesmore
Posted (edited)

Regarding my philosophy, IMHO:

Going back to the 60's when I first heard of BF (Patterson/Gimlin)the same time I first heard/became interested in BF I thought it could be real, but put it in the monster movie category. Now, after having spent the majority of my life in the outdoors, ranching, logging, hunting, trapping, and just enjoying like camping, fishing, and hiking, I've seen too much that didn't add up. I've had to think about these experiences and put them in perspective. what part of the continent have you spent your time outdoors....Minnesota (northern ?)....or other parts of the continent as well ?

Most of the hardcore skeptics I've met, never spent a fraction of the time I have in the wilderness. Also, alot of the people I've known who have been out there, haven't seen anything strange. And out of all the time I've been out and about, the incidents are just a tiny percentage. One thing that is a common denominator, is that they all happened when I was just going about my business, doing what I always do. I was not looking for strange tracks, or any evidence of any kind, I just accidentally found it.interesting....any ideas that you speculate as to why that is.....I generally come across interesting wildlife by accident....and I generally do...only when I'm alone...quietly, slowly walking down forest trails....looking up, down, all around....I find I have to look everywhere....or just happening...suddenly on something while driving down lightly traveled, back roads through forested areas....I generally have a DSLR camera with a 300mm lens ..quickly accessible with me

I've had 2 sightings, that I shared on the sightings thread, that I cannot prove, and I can't even say for sure that's what they were. But I have eliminated all of the logical explanations, and was left questioning my sanity. Unfortunately sanity is another unproveable myth. LOLI haven't seen those sighting reports...I'll check them out...but where did you see them....in Minnesota ?

I agree with Susiq2 on the smoke/fire scenario. I think there's a lot of smoke out there, the hoaxers just make it worse for everybody. Another point I wanted to make, was that the only people I ever told about my experiences were immediate family members. They outed me to close friends, who ridiculed me and made me keep more stuff to myself. a good reason to keep things to your self.... ridicule seems to be a common reponse Along came the internet, and I did a harmless search on bigfoot, and a whole new world opened my eyes to what is going on. Eventually I shared some of my findings with 2 family members, who now are beleivers, but don't share some of my same concerns regarding privacy and saftey. I guess the internet has allowed me to share some anonymously, but now that has been exposed also. I guess now that I'm older, not worried about my job anymore etc. I don't care as much, but now I'm too old to do any research. LOLyou're right as one ages, becomes retired....things don't matter as much....but on the other hand, no one wants to be known as that crazy old coot either....when you get to a certain age...I think it's too easy for others to dismiss one, by relegating odd responses to....maybe they're losing it....hasn't happened yet....just aware of possibilities, seeing how the universe...can...unfold.

A few conclusions I've come to are:

-I used to think they were a type of ape, but now think they are more of a type of wild humanoid.interesting and different....feral people...or a specific type, like a 'missing link' on the evolutionary scale between ape and human ?

-What others call curiosity, I think is keeping an eye on us for their safety only.sounds right...like most wild animals...things are elemental

-While I think they are generally harmless, I think they could be extremely dangerous in the right circumstances, only we probably wouldn't realize it until too late.I wouldn't even corner a normally placid, plant eater like a W/T deer...don't corner a wild animal or you could regret

-If one is seen, it is either by accident, or they want you to see it. And there is probably at least one more nearby. So I think shooting one is foolish, and unsafe.agree...

I'm of the general opinion that they should be left alone, maybe observed/habituated, but I can see that getting out of hand too. I think they are big on gifts, especially food types, but keep them few and far between or else they become dependant and a problem.I think one of the worst things we (humans) do is feed wild animals....never works out and generally causes more problems

just my $.02

There are .02 cents and there are .02 cents...some currency is more valuable than others...your .02 cents is of that category.

Edited by Lesmore

I find that statement a little hard to believe. There are a lot of people that know a lot, but when they try to tell even a tiny bit of what they know, they are shouted down until most of them stop even admitting that they have seen one.

Almost nobody wants to hear the truth. They can't accept it, & refuse to listen. It's funny how I can picture some people with their fingers in their ears, singing Kumbaya. Even at the mention of BF possibly interacting with & making use of wildlife such as coyotes, they scream "You can't prove it". Well, no, I can't, but if one of these Kumbaya singers were to consider some of this info when they are out "researching", they might prove it to themselves. Seems like most of them spend more time trying to prove that witnesses are wrong, than proving that they are right.

I don't know what they do want to hear, but it's not the truth that they are after.

Interesting, as I find most of your claims "a little hard to believe". "Knowing a lot" would require being able to back up claims of a paranormal Bigfoot. I hope that you are not referring to myself as a "kumbaya singer" as I could not possibly be mistaken as such a person, being that I admit that it will take a type specimen for proof. I don't exclude myself from my "no one knows anything" statement. I don't exclude any of these so called Bigfoot, experts including you.

We "researchers" as you like to use is a derogatory way, volunteer our spare time to investigate witness sighting claims. In my experience, most sighting claims (about 9 out of 10) cannot be verified by other persons, are flat out hoaxes, or simple cases of mistaken identity of known wild life. Such as your photo of a double bear track in your pond. Investigators ( I prefer that term) need to go out in the field and work for evidence. We do not have clans of glowing paranormal, anti-photogenic Bigfoot with flashlight eyes, sprinting around our back yards at bionic speed like yourself. If I did it would make my work so much easier.

I don't care if Bigfoot is paranormal. I don't care if Bigfoot is ape or human. I don't care if Bigfoot has flexible feet. I don't care if Bigfoot leaves butt prints in Skookum meadows. I don't care if Bigfoot has language. I don't care if Roger and Bob filmed a real Bigfoot in October 1967 at Bluff creek. I only care that so far none of these claims can be substantiated.

Posted (edited)

Oh, so sorry! I had no idea you were a researcher. Thinking about it, though, I guess I should have realized. Please accept my most humble apology! :unsure:

So, which case was yours, a flat out hoax, or a simple case of mistaken identity of known wild life?

Edited by Sasfooty

So, which case was yours, a flat out hoax, or a simple case of mistaken identity of known wild life?

My sighting cannot be verified by other persons.

Posted (edited)

My philosophy, or at least what I believe about the bigfoot conundrum:

I'm squarely transfixed upon the horns of the veritable dilemma. Too many reliable witnesses for too many generations report credible sightings. There's simply no way to deny those sightings with the wave of a hand.

Yet the lack of physical evidence is troubling, to say the least. If folks are witnessing a large, bipedal, hairy creature, it simply must leave evidence of its existence. Yet, there's nothing to stake a claim upon.

I'm in the camp that extends the belief the creature probably exists. A romantic, rebel portion of my personality wants to see the creature exists. The logical, calculating portion of my mind wrestles with the fact so many credible reports have come for so many generations, yet there's not a wisp of physical evidence to prove such.

So I'm reduced to the assumption that the creature exists in remarkably small number, that perhaps they're on the verge of extinction. I have no other explanation. Such is my philosophy on the subject.

That is it. You pretty much said it. Not much more to go with that needs to be said. Noted remarks from a researcher I recall from decades ago on tv: On Monday, Tuesday and Wed I completely believe that there IS such a thing as a sasquatch. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, I cannot possibly believe that such a thing is among us. On Sunday I take the day off. Today is Sunday..... Fortunately, I know they are there, people tell me so.. but the evidence or lack of it can have you pulling your hair out.. but .. again, NOT on Sunday..

Edited by treeknocker
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