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My Philosophy Regarding Bigfoot ? What's Your's ?

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It's probably a very old joke:

What is a zombie physicist looking for?

Branes! Branes! Branes!

Neat story Jodie. I'd read about it before, but I didn't realize that there was video!


Well you know it could be both flesh and blood and paranormal. What about a breach in time? Check out this guy that met himself as an old man and a couple of expert opinions on the possibility.


My equipment at present, unfortunately cannot handle video links -- problem to be addressed, but needing (in situ) computer-cleverer persons than me.

Guest BuzzardEater

Philosophically I am a believer. Why? I am a witness.

What are they? The ones I have seen were very human looking. I think this is because they are people. The way I heard it, the Sasquatch people were isolated during the last "mini-ice age", about 1200-1400 a.d. They resorted to cannibalism and inbreeding. They emerged in a regressive state. This led to a pariah culture, hunted and despised by the local inhabitants. At the introduction of Europeans they suffered great losses to viruses and withdrew from even the fringes of human occupation. After the Spanish Flu they became far fewer in number and began (this is key) stealing women for marriage. If they were of different species they wouldn't be able to produce offspring. Also, I do not believe an animal could remain hidden for so long. That said, I do not believe they are unaided.

Guest Lesmore

Philosophically I am a believer. Why? I am a witness.

What are they? The ones I have seen were very human looking. I think this is because they are people. The way I heard it, the Sasquatch people were isolated during the last "mini-ice age", about 1200-1400 a.d. They resorted to cannibalism and inbreeding. They emerged in a regressive state. This led to a pariah culture, hunted and despised by the local inhabitants. At the introduction of Europeans they suffered great losses to viruses and withdrew from even the fringes of human occupation. After the Spanish Flu they became far fewer in number and began (this is key) stealing women for marriage. If they were of different species they wouldn't be able to produce offspring. Also, I do not believe an animal could remain hidden for so long. That said, I do not believe they are unaided.

Very interesting. Where did you hear that theory ? Not saying it doesn't hold any water, (I don't know) just that I'm not familiar with this idea.

Also the part about them being unaided. Are you saying there are some people that provide shelter, food or other assistance ?

Do you think that BF is spread out across North America or confined to specific areas ?

Guest BuzzardEater

Very interesting. Where did you hear that theory ? Not saying it doesn't hold any water, (I don't know) just that I'm not familiar with this idea.

Also the part about them being unaided. Are you saying there are some people that provide shelter, food or other assistance ?

Do you think that BF is spread out across North America or confined to specific areas ?

This theory is an entertaining story told by Elders. My cultural group credits itself with all manner of creationist myth. An ancestor of mine created the mountains, for example. He was tired of fishing and asked that the land rise out of the sea so he could just pick up fish at his liesure. This story is told while walking up hills, in my experience.

Sasquatch people have brains. They are crafty. They can recognize intention. They probably understand some human speech. Of course they can make friends. A rancher near Lumby puts out two hundred pounds of potatoes in a bearproof garbage can every month. He says he is supersticious and he has been lucky since he started to do it with losses to his herd. One year he got backed up at Christmas (he had a plowing contract) and didn't fill the can in a timely manner. It appeared in front of his truck, three feet from the bumper, about forty feet from the highway. His wife wouldn't be upset if it was a bear, but she was plenty mad.

Sasquatch seems to be a Northern phenomena. Further south than Oregon there seems to be a smaller variant. Eastern creatures might be further variants. I don't know about all that. Sasquatch acts different than Bigfoot in California. I wouldn't approach a Bigfoot, but Sasquatch do not seem malevolent.

Guest FindMe

I guess that my philosophy would be that they do exsist,they are very smart..I feel that although meeting up with a 7-8' 500+ pound animal in THERE domain would certainly be VERY scary I don't believe it wwould dangerous.I think that if they want you gone,they will let you know long before you see them ( rock throwing,sounds.infrasound ,etc).In my 40 years of interest in Sasquatch I have never believed them to be threatening,blood thirsty creatures.I do however believe that they would/do protect there young,and there area,I don't believe they want confrontaion ( it would expose them to much I feel ).I think that you need to go into the woods with the right mindset,be peaceful in your approach.NON threatning and ready to experience whatever THEY plan for you.I also feel that IF your in a area that has a sasquatch population,they know your there long before you know your there!!.So trying fool them and hide cameras,sound recording devices,or carrying weapons is probably just telling them that you want to expose them and they will probably make sure you never see them.IF I have any kind of a encounter it will be just for me and him ( or she ).I know some people think it's crazy not to take a camera,but I feel that I don't need to prove to anybody but myself that they do exist,I'm not sure that I would even tell anybody about it if it happens.I do know that it will change my life forever.mix up everthing I have ever been taught and hopefully make me a better person.I have felt this way for most of my life,but only recently been able to accecpt it and be able to tell others about how I feel.The only research I'm interested in doing is to find the most likely place to find them and then put myself there and see if THEY feel that I'm worth letting into there world..

Guest young sasqua

Rock art , many different names for the same creature by societies that didn't communicate, tons of modern reports by all sorts of people including responding policemen doesn't add up to a myth! I've spent a lot of time in the woods and although I haven't laid eyes on the big guy I don't think the opposite is true as I've had some very strange things happen to me . I believe anything possible so when I look at the history on the subject I can see that it has been.


I wonder how many subscribe to my philosophy about Bigfoot.....which is:

I don't think it's very likely that Bigfoot exists, but I do think it would be fascinating if indeed Bigfoot did exist. It's also a lot of fun being out in the wilderness, keeping an eye open for Bigfoot.

Well that's my philosophy regarding Bigfoot ?

What's your's ?

I don't mean to sound snarky, but if you don't think it's very likely, why would you spend time on a BF message board? Is it that you WANT to believe, or have an interest, and are trying to collect knowledge to sway your opinion?

I was the biggest skeptic that ever lived, up until the day I had my first encounter.(I've had 2 now) It's a fools errand to try to convince skeptics that they are real, so I don't even try. I've hunted, and been in the woods my whole life, and never saw one sliver of evidence, then a couple of months after my 30th B-Day I saw one...It's an indescribable feeling! I must've spent a month straight on the internet looking up everything I could on them. I also had a pretty intense encounter with knocking/whooping/chatter between a group, while hunting with a friend of mine...Keep putting yourself in their territory, and hopefully one of these days you'll turn into a 'knower' instead of a skeptic:)

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