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Initial Dna Analysis Of Paracas Elongated Skull Released

Guest crabshack

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"who was the first person to decide that strapping a board to your child's head and applying a tourniquet was a good idea"


Probably the same guy that saw bleu cheese and thought 'hey, it's just a little bit of mold, I bet that tastes good!"

You're obviously not up to speed on Ancient Astronaut Theory.

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There is no reason why mainstream scientists would not be invoved...unless,

The people doing the "study" don't want them involved. IMO they are going after a specific target audience and don't want the truth to get in the way


Winner winner chicken dinner.

Uh .. wrong.  She might indeed "say anything", but you've got the motivation entirely wrong.  It's not about lining her pocket$, it's about promoting her "R" views.   If she can't prove 'em with bigfoot DNA she'll try to prove 'em with elongated skull DNA.  




R as in "ridiculous" right ?

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There is no reason why mainstream scientists would not be invoved...unless,

The people doing the "study" don't want them involved. IMO they are going after a specific target audience and don't want the truth to get in the way






Winner winner chicken dinner.




Maybe we should just start naming off all the geneticists that have been turned away after requesting to be involved.

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^That list would be full of the geneticists who were upset they didn't request a chance to work on the Bigfoot DNA project.

I'm guessing its quite short.

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  • 2 years later...

   Head flattening, Head binding, or Skull elongation.


Google it & select images. Lots of current images.


The Custom hasn't gone away.

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I submit the Cranially Deformed are mostly born on this planet.

Reshaping the brain would give them special powers, obviously, similar to super heros.

They intuitively know how to flag down starships, hitch a ride to Alpha Centauri or anywhere

else. If & when they return, they are so charming & sophisticated, they appear to us as

special, alien ... it's a role that they encourage.


I had a relative who liked the role, but she wasn't far enough out of her skull for it.



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Guest Cryptic Megafauna

I'm cranially deformed and descended from a giant Indian, so I guess now I just need to tune into my alien Bigfoot DNA

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Head flattening, Head binding, or Skull elongation.

Google it & select images. Lots of current images.

The Custom hasn't gone away.

Some of them look as though surgery had been performed to remove a piece of skull cap as evidenced by the bone healing back over the hole. There must have been pressure on the brain necessitating it.

That's rather remarkable for a culture so presumably primitive, but their stone work was remarkable also.

Perhaps deformation had its advantages somewhere in brain development that made geniuses out of some of them.

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Guest Cryptic Megafauna


Head flattening, Head binding, or Skull elongation.

Google it & select images. Lots of current images.

The Custom hasn't gone away.

Some of them look as though surgery had been performed to remove a piece of skull cap as evidenced by the bone healing back over the hole. There must have been pressure on the brain necessitating it.

That's rather remarkable for a culture so presumably primitive, but their stone work was remarkable also.

Perhaps deformation had its advantages somewhere in brain development that made geniuses out of some of them.


Good thesis, next step in brain evolution?

They invented the zero in math so their ability at abstract conceptualization was unparalleled.

Soon another species looking for Homo Sapiens Sapiens living in remote forested highlands will be Homo Sapiens Sapiens Sapiens with the larger cranial cavities.

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Given X amount of bone to form a skull, the skull that is the closest to spherical can

house the largest brain. Egg shaped brain cavity ... ours I think are closer to egg shape

than round, still makes room for a large brain. If I elongate the egg-shaped skull, making

it say, more like an urn ... I'm losing brain cavity space. The longer & further from round

I go, the less room for the brain.


But I would still have a person who is smart enough to learn from his/her parents how to

do head bindings on infants, thus making them "elegant" if not too bright.


That's assuming that intelligence has a relationship to brain size. I'm not sure that it does.



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Guest Cryptic Megafauna

An ant is as smart as a human, it just depends on what you need the brain for.

For humans structure and size.

Awareness depends on consciousness which has a trans personal aspect to it, not having to do with knowledge but wisdom.

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The longer & further from round

I go, the less room for the brain.

Don't leave the birth canal out of the equation.

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