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When Existence Is Proven, Then What?


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If bigfoot is proven... It will depend on what bigfoot is. If it is a wood ape, then it's a wood ape. If it is the missing link or a homonid, then it will be interesting. I suppose it would depend on how bf was brought in. If on a slab, then we get the bio end. If captured, then we get a better picture. (Capturing A live bigfoot would be a coup and a half.... How you would do that... I don't know).

Will it be a good thing? I am not sure.

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Guest keninsc

If bigfoot is proven... It will depend on what bigfoot is. If it is a wood ape, then it's a wood ape. If it is the missing link or a homonid, then it will be interesting. I suppose it would depend on how bf was brought in. If on a slab, then we get the bio end. If captured, then we get a better picture. (Capturing A live bigfoot would be a coup and a half.... How you would do that... I don't know).

Will it be a good thing? I am not sure.


I have actually pondered that on many occasions and I've come to the conclusion that trapping one would be an unbelievable stroke of luck. One, the creatures seem to be very aware of any changes to their environment and leery of any changes that look like humans did them. Now, having said that Bigfoot also seem to be very curious about human things. They are a walking contradiction which makes the setting of a trap a crap shoot. Then too, they are supposed to be all uber strong, so you can't just put out a trap, whatever you put out have to be super strong to handle a seriously pissed off Bigfoot when it discovers it's trapped.


Then there is the humanitarian aspect to consider. Traps are.......rather inhumane almost by definition. In the case of a Bigfoot, then there's only one option open to you; snares and those snares need to be designed, tested and well made.


Taking a live one would be the ultimate, but it's going to be much easier in the long run to shoot , than I can leave capture up to the guys with all the letters behind their names.

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BFF Patron

Related to my post about the famous and semi famous in BF research when existence is accepted I think I will hire myself out to the back East Scientists and act as guide.     Then I can constantly tell them how little they know about the subject and work in a dig now and then about how they ignored the facts for so many years.     Might be fun just jerking them around.    For some academic that has spent most of his life in a university the deep dark woods might be a scary place.   Well I can dream of that anyway!      Randy

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Most people/groups tell us they have proof that bf is:


1. an ape species

2. a human 

3. inter dimensional being that can cloak and leave one dimension for the other

4. dropped off by aliens (and worse so I'll lump them all in one group).


Three of those people/groups (or all 4 if there's no such thing) are wrong, hoaxers or just plain bs'ers.  Many of them are members here.  Once this mystery is solved, it will be interesting to see who was the best at happily selling us all a bill of goods.  



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^All of those calls are based on inconclusive evidence (the 'human' call on a subjective evaluation; 3. and 4. on ...well, if you got any...)


"Ape" sounds best to me.  But just as with the people who say it's human, I have to admit that behaviors that remind us of apes don't necessarily mean it's an ape, any more than behaviors that remind us of humans mean it's human.

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BFF Patron

Terry as far as the inter-dimensional thing I am with you on that.     I might be willing to consider that if the proponents of such a theory could show me one example in the subatomic or macro world in which some other object has been observed to come into or leave this dimension.       Even at Cern with all the high energies they have achieved, they have no evidence that inter-dimensional travel has ever happened.    Matter changes other forms of matter or to energy and energy can become matter but nothing changes dimensions.     It all stays in this one.    The only thing I have ever heard suggested in science where something might move into another dimension is matter going into a  black hole.   And even that is controversial because if an object like a black hole is in another dimension, why is it still producing gravitation effects in this dimension?.     The inter-dimensional proponents for BF throw that term around like it is a common place occurrence in our universe.    It is not.   They have been watching too much Star Trek or something.     If it were possible, the energies involved would be beyond the capability of some hairy forest creature anyway.     Randy  

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Guest keninsc

Terry as far as the inter-dimensional thing I am with you on that.     I might be willing to consider that if the proponents of such a theory could show me one example in the subatomic or macro world in which some other object has been observed to come into or leave this dimension.       Even at Cern with all the high energies they have achieved, they have no evidence that inter-dimensional travel has ever happened.    Matter changes other forms of matter or to energy and energy can become matter but nothing changes dimensions.     It all stays in this one.    The only thing I have ever heard suggested in science where something might move into another dimension is matter going into a  black hole.   And even that is controversial because if an object like a black hole is in another dimension, why is it still producing gravitation effects in this dimension?.     The inter-dimensional proponents for BF throw that term around like it is a common place occurrence in our universe.    It is not.   They have been watching too much Star Trek or something.     If it were possible, the energies involved would be beyond the capability of some hairy forest creature anyway.     Randy  


On that I have to agree. I don't know where the idea of inter-dimensional shifting came from, but since it has never been known to exist but Bigfoots can do it? Really? Too much "Star Trek" for sure.

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BFF Patron

For some reason the inter-dimensional proponents bristle when you suggest that the fading in and out of view that they say is inter-dimensional might be some sort of shock effects on the human mind.    Like inter-dimensional travel is somehow easier to believe than such effects on the human mind.     The human mind is a pretty fragile thing when exposed to great fear, shock,  etc.     People in combat loose or repress memories, have lost time,  and other manifestations of shock induced memory problems.   People in serious accidents often cannot remember what happened.     If a witness sees something they don't believe can exist, their mind may not be able to process it and sort of shut down.    That sort of thing could explain why something seemed to disappear right in front of them even if BF is not involved in the process.    If BF is involved with infrasound or some other process, then who knows what they are capable of doing to the human mind.       Randy

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if proven... well, Coleman camping stock shares would plummet, lol........


seriously though, as norse said the amatuers will get left in the dust.


heres why, imo..... science would trip  all over itself trying to take credit for the very thing they said was impossible.

with grant $$ possibly up for grabs and studies to be headed up i suspect it would be a circus among those seeking to make a name in this.


then..... perhaps a lot of todays BF  "experts" will be exposed as liars when the truth about BF  biology is gained through autopsy etc... 


also, if there is a "gubmint" cover up the guy that outed them will vanish.... or at least have problems filing taxes the next year  .


but a couple things i've often said.. BF is probably worth more as a mystery, at least to the book crowd and attention seekers

and after the intital buzz wore off the general public would lose interest after the next fad or newest smart phone craze hit.


i dont think it would be any easier to find or any less elusive....unless they really do smoke,  then we could lure them out of the woods with a pack of newports ;)

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BFF Patron

I had not even thought about the financial interests of the sporting goods industry in suppression proof of BF.     I can well imagine a lot of people knowing there are really 8 and 9 foot giants in the woods would suddenly loose interest in camping.     Randy

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  • 3 weeks later...

Discovery of this species would make a good excuse for large scale land confiscation. After all, sasquatch or similar have been reported all over. Thousands of sightings... referred to by various detractors as "mass hysteria". The mass hysteria would be felt by people being forced off their properties and into cities and high rise apartment buildings because the rest of the country is now off limits to everyone, (except law enforcement and biologists) designated green space and nature preserves.  

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  • 1 month later...

I am trying to understand why it is felt that they actually need protection! I have not seen one report of a BF standing on the edge of the woods with

a "Please Help, Soon to be homeless Bigfoot" cardboard sign yet! They seem to be doing good without our assistance, and I would bet my last dollar

that they do not want our help! I am sure they have seen how easily we humans can really screw things up on many levels! I have read everyone's

concerns regarding their habitat, but I just don't see any circumstances at the present time that would warrant any type of protection. Will they need

protection in the future? who's to say. I would say let's just cross that bridge when it arrives. I tend to beleive they are nomadic to a certain extent, and

If they stayed in an area for any given time, they would have been discovered by now. One of the funniest things I see is that there seems to be folks

out there that think when their existence is proven, we will somehow have Carte-Blanche access to them somehow and that is just wishful thinking on

their part. I do not beleive killing one to prove their existence is the way to go either, and I have a hunch that the Pro-Kill individuals or groups are more

than likely in it for the fame! That would be the ultimate 15 minutes of fame that any one could ask for! There are others way to obtain the proof needed

but are much more difficult and costly which will weed out most of us. We just need to be more creative in our efforts and think outside of the box because

what has been done so far has not worked. That so called wood ape organization seem to be very confident that they will be killing one and bringing it very

soon, well good luck with that because no one else has been able to do that for hundreds of years. (At least none that we know of anyway!) The level of

arrogance that some of them have just boggles my mind. I don't mean to ruffle anyones feathers, and no insult is intended but I think they should just be

left alone! Of course this is all conjecture on my part, but that's how I feel.

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When they are documented, they will not only "become" a species, they will become a cause.  Thing is, they will become different causes for different groups of people.  It'll be a circus.  Take the different views on this thread, multiply them into about ten times as many views, and ramp up the shrill.

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