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White Hair Color, Is This Only Associated With Age?

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My family members close up sighting back in the mid 80's was of a white Bigfoot, 5 1/2 feet tall and it's behavior would have been like curious juvenile. Are there any reports of white juveniles?


Yes, 2003, I believe on Interstate 35, Kansas, South Haven exit.  Check the BFRO for that one and others by searching using "bing" or choose another search engine.


The white juvenile had long white hair with a tan colored triangle shape on its upper body.  Their is also a sketch at the bottom of that report on BFRO.  It was a very close range sighting and quite a shock to the man who witnessed it.


A friend of mine who happens to be a BF skeptic, but knows of my interest in the subject, related to me that he saw what he at first thought were two children approx. 10 yrs. old wandering around the woods. This was early in the morning, just before daylight. His description of them, fit 2 white/albino juvenile BF. This scared him sensless, and he doesn't scare easy. He is easily over 300 lbs. and has violent confrontations regularly in his line of work.


Hello Stillwater1967,

First of all, welcome to the Forum. White doesn't seem to always be asociated with age. It may not be age related at all. I lean more towards grey as an age indicator though. White has always made me more than curious as to why it should occur. One would think that in nature white wouldn't work too well but other creatures are white, especially birds so maybe...

John Green's database has 80 reports of white BF's but I haven't cross-checked to see how many are juveniles. Of course proof of existence of the Creature might help ;)

SSR Team

Via Squatchermetrics on Facebook : There have been 23 reports of white/yellow/grey #Sasquatch in WA State, but none of which ever in the colder months of Nov/Dec/Jan/Feb/Mar.


Plenty of animals have white color phases or anomalous white individuals.  So no, age isn't the only determinant.


I came across two very blonde colored black bear hiking in Yosemite Park.


I'd bet just like humans and bears, Bigfoot hair would come in many colors.

Guest keninsc

While white hair is usually a sign of old age it's not always the case. I had a dog once who was black as she could be and at one year she had a heavy coating of white that made her look old, but she was only a year or so old.

Guest thermalman
Posted (edited)

There's also the albino gene at work in some cases of white hair/fur/skin.

Edited by thermalman

A friend of mine who happens to be a BF skeptic, but knows of my interest in the subject, related to me that he saw what he at first thought were two children approx. 10 yrs. old wandering around the woods. This was early in the morning, just before daylight. His description of them, fit 2 white/albino juvenile BF. This scared him sensless, and he doesn't scare easy. He is easily over 300 lbs. and has violent confrontations regularly in his line of work.

oh man, which WWF superstar are you friends with?


Two such reports jump to mind; unfortunately for you, it's relatively late and I'm not plugging in my thumb drive to find them ....  One was a relatively small (3' or smaller) juvenile in a tree; there is very little information in the report, which is on a website dedicated to paranormal activity.  I do think its mentioned over in the PA sightings thread.   The second, white, maybe 4-5 feet high in the suburbs of a north-central New York - that ones a BFRO report.  Its discussed in a little more detail in the New York Incidents & Observations thread (in sightings).


Sorry to just throw up the big blob of junk, but have a couple of other things to get to tonight. 


Hey, every time someone calls me "sir," I get another white facial whisker. It's a cross I bear.


Hello Incorrigible1,

Sir, sir, sir, sir, sir.........oh, nevermind.


Hello antfoot,

Great minds, eh? Couldn't resist that one as you already know LOL. But.....be my guest there's always room for more where Inc1 is concerned ;)

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