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What About The Bones?


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We have currently found and investigated 20 elk kills in the area where we're working. Four of which show possible bigfoot feeding behavior. Still working on the reviews.

We've been doing some creative things with trailcams that are producing interesting results. Camouflage, mounting them high, time-lapse Plotwatcher type cams, and small drop cameras that will run for a couple hours while checking an area out. You come around and pick them up later. When I get the time I'll be sharing some of the techniques in the research section.

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Gawd that is childish. That you traffic is dreck like this doesn't compliment you Crowlogic.


But thanks for linking me to the opinion of somebody who touts his scientific discernment by pointing out the reviewed author's lack of academic "tenor." I mean, self-parody is always the most delicious kind.

Edited by WSA
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Guest Crowlogic


Gawd that is childish. That you traffic is dreck like this doesn't compliment you Crowlogic.


But thanks for linking me to the opinion of somebody who touts his scientific discernment by pointing out the reviewed author's lack of academic "tenor." I mean, self-parody is always the most delicious kind.


Touch a nerve did it?  Did you see the video where I think Townsend is supposedly addressing his class?  You have to remember the old Crazy Eddie audio store TV commercials to appreciate it to the fullest.

Edited by Crowlogic
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Mostly same old news. Just a rehash of what's already been said. The peer review part mentioned relates directly to our reference sources, which have been. But of course that point is missed completely. But attack the person and don't bother to look at the evidence. Usual ploy. One of the reasons bigfoot science is stalled is because the people that consider themselves experts in the field constantly attack anything bigfoot related that they didn't have something to do with themselves. The author of that article and another also quoted in the article for example.

That being said; one point I am trying to get across to Mitch is that it's not proof until it is accepted as such. Present it. Let the evidence and the research be reviewed. Let others make that decision. I will say it. It's a mistake to do otherwise.

As to that attack about one of his students (me) doing this because of his class, that is simply a joke. Whoever wrote that has no idea what my background is. As I said, just another personal attack.

Also to assume that before we presented this line of inquiry, that others were out in the field looking closely at the bones for this type of feeding behavior is false. John Mionczynski is one of the few people that has presented much of anything related to possible bigfoot feeding behavior. Unless someone is a paleo-anthropoligist, this type of evidence is only looked at in fossil remains.

I have no respect or patience for people who constantly attack others to make themselves look better. You want to look at the evidence. You want to discuss the evidence. Fine. We've always said we were willing to do so.

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BFF Patron

Seems like in this day and age the only way to deal with these attacks is counter attacks and discredit those who do not have their facts straight.   Are you able to do that at all?  The Zen Yeti blog can and will say anything they want and could care less if they have their facts wrong.  But who reads that other than a bunch of skeptics trying to support their disbelief?.     In a way Townsend has created a lot of these problems by not revealing your academic credentials.   Any reference to you as simply another student started that nonsense.     Those that directly challenge your findings need to be challenged publicly in return.   The protective mantle of advanced degrees are often misused.   One would think someone with graduate school behind them would know how fragile uninformed opinions really are and can be very embarrassing.  

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I have stated my credentials here, and on my analysis which no one seems to comment about. Probably unlike some of the statements in the main paper there is little to attack. I will not go attack for attack. It accomplishes nothing. They say what they want, always attacking the person. Since that is their modus operandi they assume I would do the same with no basis it fact. I have no desire to play that game.

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Crowlogic: Nerve? Hardly. I'm as dispassionate as one can be about a subject on which I've no personal stake. You, on the other paw, seem to have some kind of personal crusade going on. You might want to get a grip my friend. But yeah, I resent character-bashing of all kinds, and especially when it is put forth as a rebuttal of evidence by someone who appears to lack the chops to do it in a more reasoned and intelligent way.  I spell that: T-R-O-L-L.  Stick to the scientific discussion and leave this kind of garbage out of it, how about? 


So, aside from the fact you can't/don't/won't acknowledge any possibility for existence, what is it that brings you to the conclusion the thesis of this research is invalid?  Address that, or just reveal yourself for the troll you are and be gone, I say. 

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Guest Crowlogic

Crowlogic: Nerve? Hardly. I'm as dispassionate as one can be about a subject on which I've no personal stake. You, on the other paw, seem to have some kind of personal crusade going on. You might want to get a grip my friend. But yeah, I resent character-bashing of all kinds, and especially when it is put forth as a rebuttal of evidence by someone who appears to lack the chops to do it in a more reasoned and intelligent way.  I spell that: T-R-O-L-L.  Stick to the scientific discussion and leave this kind of garbage out of it, how about? 


So, aside from the fact you can't/don't/won't acknowledge any possibility for existence, what is it that brings you to the conclusion the thesis of this research is invalid?  Address that, or just reveal yourself for the troll you are and be gone, I say. 

You are correct that I am 100% not on board with any possibility of bigfoot.   Since you are not where I am with it you can't be expected to understand me or anyone else like me.  But I have walked in your shoes.  I know the footer creed, I know the footer excuses, I know the footer mindset I was once as you are.  Now if non trolling would be something like "Well Ok kids sure the world is big and mysterious and there's plenty of room for all and gee we just don't know all there is about this thing.  Then I would be denying everything that consigns it to being an entertaining myth.  When one stops believing the sky can be green it turns irreversibly to blue.

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That answers that: Troll.

My lawd man. Get you a life. This is getting sad.

I've seen the work you do with your hands. As a fellow craftsman I'd just caution you about too much time spent at the bench. Go out and take some air once in a while. You are coming across as nothing but a crank.

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Guest Crowlogic

That answers that: Troll.

My lawd man. Get you a life. This is getting sad.

I've seen the work you do with your hands. As a fellow craftsman I'd just caution you about too much time spent at the bench. Go out and take some air once in a while. You are coming across as nothing but a crank.

You're here as much as I am so how about that get a life thing?

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