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Should The Members Of The Bigfooting Community Investigate Suspected Hoaxes?


Should Suspected Hoaxes Be Investigated?  

53 members have voted

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Guest Crowlogic

So is that a yes or a no?

Using that (Crow)logic, you yourself have no standing to criticize the community, yet here you are.

So what regulating authority should we submit to, Crow, if any? Or should we just let the hoaxes slide?

I'm more of the position that the bigfoot community is a hoax onto itself.  

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I'm more of the position that the bigfoot community is a hoax onto itself.


Duly noted. Thanks for clarifying.

Edited by Bonehead74
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The bigfoot community are the creators of the hoaxes.  It isn't the Lake Monster community or the UFO community making bigfoot hoaxes.  The last biggie was Todd Standing and was he not a member of the bigfoot community?  You can't create a bigfoot hoax without knowing about bigfoot and you can't know about bigfoot without being part of the bigfoot community.  The bigfoot community investigating itself is like wall Street creating it's own regulations.  Neither can end well.

See, now, this is what is gonna happen if you just let people who don't know how to go about this, go about this.


Every bigfoot debunk of any significance has been done by proponents.


I'm with SY.  Most of what I've seen here tells me folk aren't good at this.  It's one thing if one has actual evidence of a fake.  But most people in this field are in it for the thrill that comes from being the first to yell BS!  They'll still be yelling BS when those in the know are popping the champagne.

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Crow has a point even if we dont like to admit it. This subject is a joke to the scientific community.......one giant hoax. No photo, no plaster track, no eye witness account is going to change that......we need proof. If your not a pro kill advocate? you better figure out a better hair trap or start excavating caves or something.

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One of our most valued commentators, bipto, left here because of a lot of brainless scofflitizing about Area X.  Such intellectually challenged twaddle has no place on the BFF.


The only part that isn't an opinion is highlighted in red.


Oh right.  You've played to the grandstand and let a lot of ignant people think they're as smart as you.  Which...um....yeah, they are, aren't they.

Who, exactly, are you calling "ignant"?

Crow has a point even if we dont like to admit it. This subject is a joke to the scientific community.......one giant hoax. No photo, no plaster track, no eye witness account is going to change that......we need proof. If your not a pro kill advocate? you better figure out a better hair trap or start excavating caves or something.

Unfortunately, one of my numerous flaws is that I really don't give a flying crap about the "scientific community" or their opinions. I'll never understand why so many folks are so hell-bent on "science" validating what they already claim to know or believe.

Edited by Bonehead74
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But when it comes to this question, the scientific community is itself a joke.  One really shouldn't care what they think; one should just take their ignorant comments at face value and go back to one's work.  This is their job, and they're not doing it.

The only part that isn't an opinion is in red.

Scofflitizing is not an intelligent activity.  If one thinks it is, one thinks the bigfoot community should act stupid, and I am kinda thinking not.  Although doesn't it happen.


I mean, come on.  Is the question "should we continue the ridiculous uninformed grandstand braying that always goes on here?"  Why didn't you say so?  I change my vote.  Even Sasquatch Chronicles is better than what goes on here most of the time.


Again:  if one does not know what one is talking about one needs not to talk.  That would make bigfoot skepticism what it should be:  not heard and not seen.  The only people qualified to spot hoaxes in this field are the scientific proponents.  I really do not need to hear from anyone else.

WSA said it and I am gonna say it slightly differently:  biology doesn't advance through the spotting of hoaxes.  It advances through the following of evidence.  Hoaxspotting has set this field back five years for every hour it's advanced.  Mainly because the people doing it mostly don't know what they're talking about.  What NAWAC is doing is what needs to be done, by  more people more places.  That is, if you aren't satisfied, as I am, that the animal's real because nothing else with this pattern of evidence hasn't been proven.


Hoaxes?  Irrelevant.  It's not hoaxes that have kept the scientific community away; it's all the talk about them.  Oh yeah, and all the pie-sky "theorizing" that always accompanies a scientific vacuum.

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lol, bonehead on a roll here, multiple +s........


imo, there don't seem to be any true  experts, more like enthusiasts and celebrity enthusiasts with theories . even the greats and would be greats haven't put up anything concrete / irrefutable or the debate would be over.


that's precisely why norse is right about the science community seeing this as a joke. without a tangible reason they're not gonna look very hard at it ....


.......and with out science the only ones that care about exposing hoaxing are those enthusiasts ,whether  "bleevers" or  "scofftics"  , because nobody else gives a rip...ymmv.

Edited by Doc Holliday
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Who, exactly, are you calling "ignant"?

Anybody who yells BS! because that's what they do, and can't really give reasons, I mean, ya know, not reasons that make sense, 'coz, ya know, that's not the point of yelling BS!  it's yelling BS! FIRST.

Unfortunately, one of my numerous flaws is that I really don't give a flying crap about the "scientific community" or their opinions. I'll never understand why so many folks are so hell-bent on "science" validating what they already claim to know or believe.


Well that's one of my numerous flaws too.  One can call oneself a scientist all one wants, but when one's opinion is one I could have gotten from 4 out of 5 winos on the street, one hasn't exactly justified one's degree(s) to me.

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Unfortunately, one of my numerous flaws is that I really don't give a flying crap about the "scientific community" or their opinions. I'll never understand why so many folks are so hell-bent on "science" validating what they already claim to know or believe.


Then the next logical question? Is why bother disproving a hoax!!??? Science seeks the truth, if your not interested in the truth? Then nod at a hoax and keep walking........who cares what people believe right?

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Well, um, heh-heh, duh, eh.


The only thing that debunks a hoax is application of scientific method.  (Gee, wonder why that never works around *here.*)  I am really sick and tired of hearing people say "that's impossible, because I know nothing about any of the relevant topics and therefore ...um...can say that...."

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BFF Patron

Do the BF Community police get a badge, taser and training or do they just go rogue?  What's the pay?  Never did hear back from my sciency prof after sending a sound file of high interest, suspect even when reminded, I never will.  

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Guest Crowlogic

Crow has a point even if we dont like to admit it. This subject is a joke to the scientific community.......one giant hoax. No photo, no plaster track, no eye witness account is going to change that......we need proof. If your not a pro kill advocate? you better figure out a better hair trap or start excavating caves or something.

We know elaborate traps don't won't since none of the Mountain Monster guys ever catch anything.  Neither did the Alaska Monster Hunters.  Consider how else is it going to be proven to exist?  Is somehow a miraculous melding of the public and bigfoot going to take place through the intersession of a handful of knowing habituators?  So far they are the most unwilling to share the special reality of knowing bigfoot.  I hope there is a bigfoot so that those with the moxy to bag one are not wasting their time.

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What I meant by hair trap was not 5 rednecks a chain and a giant cage........ but like nathan deploys, something with wire bristles on a game trail that snags hair samples.

And I appreciate your concern but a day hiking or riding my horse in the mountains is never a waste.......;)

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Who has the energy to police hoaxes? It's exhausting. In the end, it is merely your opinion vs someone else's. Is it really worth the effort?

After the whole dyer saga....I for one choose to ignore hoaxers and hoaxes.Ignoring them is really the worst thing you could do to them. Any attention, good or bad is merely publicity for them.

Edited by simplyskyla
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