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Creepiest Thing You Found While Hunting Bf, But Was Not...


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In the spirit of BFF 1.0, I am throwing this out there for all of the newcomers to post. Yes, 38 pages of creepiness in the Premium Section (join, you will like it!). It ended up being one of the most popular topics on BFF 1.0.


So post anything you found while hunting for BF that was not BF related and creepy, weird, strange, scary, and such...

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In 2007, Bill Miller and myself were about 15 kilometers up Garnet Creek F.S.R. in south west British Columbia, riding in Bills 6 wheel Polaris Ranger when ahead we spotted a shoe on the side of the trail. A little further up we came across a discarded small pack and a second shoe, both of which which looked as though it had been lying around for some time? only a few paces from there were a dry creek bed passes over the old road, (Spring runoff stream, now dry) we found the spinal column and rib cage that to Bill and myself looked as though it could be human? no other part of the skeleton was around. But there was weathered and hard to read papers in the pack. We took that with us and brought the pack to the RCMP. They asked us if we found any other remains, we hadn't, and then the strange part happened. He asked if we were going back up there. We said yes, thinking a team or something would be following us, he then handed us a orange plastic bag, like the ones you use when racking leaves, and said, "Bring the remains in for us will you?". We kind of looked at each other in disbelief  for a moment. And i think I said something like, "Well can you at least tell the boys at the check stops what we are doing so we don't get a hard time for having possible human remains in our truck"! He chuckled and told us not to worry about it. Well we did go back and bag the remains and brought them in. The officer said something about the pack we brought in might belong to a man who had been missing for 4 years? However we were never informed of any follow up investigation. Hardly C.S.I. That might not be the creepiest or scariest thing to happen to me in 37 years of research but it was the weirdest.


Thomas Steenburg

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In 2007, Bill Miller and myself were about 15 kilometers up Garnet Creek F.S.R. in south west British Columbia, riding in Bills 6 wheel Polaris Ranger when ahead we spotted a shoe on the side of the trail. A little further up we came across a discarded small pack and a second shoe, both of which which looked as though it had been lying around for some time? only a few paces from there were a dry creek bed passes over the old road, (Spring runoff stream, now dry) we found the spinal column and rib cage that to Bill and myself looked as though it could be human? no other part of the skeleton was around. But there was weathered and hard to read papers in the pack. We took that with us and brought the pack to the RCMP. They asked us if we found any other remains, we hadn't, and then the strange part happened. He asked if we were going back up there. We said yes, thinking a team or something would be following us, he then handed us a orange plastic bag, like the ones you use when racking leaves, and said, "Bring the remains in for us will you?". We kind of looked at each other in disbelief  for a moment. And i think I said something like, "Well can you at least tell the boys at the check stops what we are doing so we don't get a hard time for having possible human remains in our truck"! He chuckled and told us not to worry about it. Well we did go back and bag the remains and brought them in. The officer said something about the pack we brought in might belong to a man who had been missing for 4 years? However we were never informed of any follow up investigation. Hardly C.S.I. That might not be the creepiest or scariest thing to happen to me in 37 years of research but it was the weirdest.


Thomas Steenburg

That is just too weird. He may have thought a bear victim, but who knows unless there was a professional investigation which seemed not to happen.

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This wasn't while bigfoot hunting, it was while hunting for Civil War relics in Northern Georgia, but....


Pot growers.  Both fields, and one time an old barn used as a hydroponic farm (almost got shot that time - they intercepted us as we were leaving).

Strange altars that have obviously been used.  Makes you start looking over your shoulder.

A perfectly dug open grave with no erosion of the sides, filled with dead leaves on the bottom.  This wasn't far from the altar and none of us wanted to climb in and search under the leaves.

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Deer hunting the weekend after Halloween, I found an alter in the shape of a pentagram surrounded by feathers, animal parts, and blood.


I once watched a doe with an arrow sticking out of her neck.  At first I thought of shooting her to put her out of her misery, but as I watched I realized that she was behaving perfectly normal and didn't seemed fazed by it at all.  I let her be.


Lastly, I was deer hunting and saw something really shiny high in a meadow.  I decided to work my way to it, just to see what it was.  Near the crest of the Oregon Cascades, laying in an alpine meadow, was a mylar 'Happy Birthday' balloon.  They always said they just go up until they burst and float down somewhere.  I must have found somewhere.



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In the spirit of BFF 1.0, I am throwing this out there for all of the newcomers to post. Yes, 38 pages of creepiness in the Premium Section (join, you will like it!). It ended up being one of the most popular topics on BFF 1.0.


That archived thread alone is worth the price of the PMP. I have a direct link to it saved for anyone who wants it. Have to be a premium member to see it though.

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In 2007, Bill Miller and myself were about 15 kilometers up Garnet Creek F.S.R. in south west British Columbia, riding in Bills 6 wheel Polaris Ranger when ahead we spotted a shoe on the side of the trail. A little further up we came across a discarded small pack and a second shoe, both of which which looked as though it had been lying around for some time? only a few paces from there were a dry creek bed passes over the old road, (Spring runoff stream, now dry) we found the spinal column and rib cage that to Bill and myself looked as though it could be human? no other part of the skeleton was around. But there was weathered and hard to read papers in the pack. We took that with us and brought the pack to the RCMP. They asked us if we found any other remains, we hadn't, and then the strange part happened. He asked if we were going back up there. We said yes, thinking a team or something would be following us, he then handed us a orange plastic bag, like the ones you use when racking leaves, and said, "Bring the remains in for us will you?". We kind of looked at each other in disbelief  for a moment. And i think I said something like, "Well can you at least tell the boys at the check stops what we are doing so we don't get a hard time for having possible human remains in our truck"! He chuckled and told us not to worry about it. Well we did go back and bag the remains and brought them in. The officer said something about the pack we brought in might belong to a man who had been missing for 4 years? However we were never informed of any follow up investigation. Hardly C.S.I. That might not be the creepiest or scariest thing to happen to me in 37 years of research but it was the weirdest.


Thomas Steenburg


@Thomas Steenburg – Thanks for the post and it was good reading. Somewhere I recall reading some mighty strange Bigfoot reports with your name in some magazine or book mainly from Canada that I was given from somebody in New Jersey. Do you recall what months of the year that would have been? Did you ever go with John Green? Thumbs up!

Edited by Gumshoeye
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@Thomas Steenburg – Thanks for the post and it was good reading. Somewhere I recall reading some mighty strange Bigfoot reports with your name in some magazine or book mainly from Canada that I was given from somebody in New Jersey. Do you recall what months of the year that would have been? Did you ever go with John Green? Thumbs up!


I have sent you a message Gumshoeye. I didn't want to trail off the thread topic to much. I also notice a typo in my post. I wrote down the year 2007. That is incorrect, it was 2005.  The 4th of August to be exact.


Thomas Steenburg

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yes, this was a good topic and worth re visiting ..... especially as a PMP member for the old school stuff too.


somewhere, maybe there or on a hunting forum, ( I don't remember which) someone told of finding one of those little white baby shoes way way back where it shouldn't have been.......... the very idea of that is creepy enough.


sp please, do carry on as this will be interesting.

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A few years ago while moose hunting I found a small clearing

In the clearing there were 12 dolls hanging from trees by the neck with hangman's nooses

They formed a circle with one doll at every "clock" position

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I don't look for things that do not exist,but while hiking in the remote woods of  Florida I found a creepy looking house with no occupants in the middle of nowhere.

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That archived thread alone is worth the price of the PMP. I have a direct link to it saved for anyone who wants it. Have to be a premium member to see it though.

Let it rip R/A... can't find it... :aikido:

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