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Where Have All The Giants Gone?

Guest Crowlogic

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Footprints > why go into the middle of the forest of nowhere to hoax a footprint hoping that some one will run into it. How about tracking a creature that you are on it's tale while it is leaving prints in haste trying to evade. Yes, these do boggle one's mind when you are out in the field looking for a creature that is not suppose to exist.


Just the mere fact that it is a bare foot print that bares resemblance of that of a flat footed human is mind boggling. Especially when these prints are 14" and above. But then we do have a lot of hoaxers with GPS marking where they have left there mark of a hoax don't we? or is it that there is a real creature leaving these prints.


Do not these hoaxers get tired of leaving fake prints every where in the us or is there a motive behind this action by them? either way hoaxers cannot be every where  and to think this is being naïve. Naïve that hoaxers are in cahoots with each other to fake prints in order to achieve a goal. A goal to fool others by making them and all of us believe that they do not exist. Yet no one comes forward with their elaborate hoax to achieve their goal. What ever goal that may be. Yea ! I invite the debate to be proven wrong .

Why do hoaxers have to be in cahoots? And how do you know that the hoax goes unreported? I'm sure there are plenty of hoaxed tracks that get reported by the person that hoaxed them. That also explains the whole " no one could possibly be out here" nonsense. 


Also, some alleged bigfoot prints can easily be tracks left by a known animal and mistaken for bigfoot tracks.  

Edited by dmaker
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Footprints > why go into the middle of the forest of nowhere to hoax a footprint hoping that some one will run into it. How about tracking a creature that you are on it's tale while it is leaving prints in haste trying to evade. Yes, these do boggle one's mind when you are out in the field looking for a creature that is not suppose to exist.


Just the mere fact that it is a bare foot print that bares resemblance of that of a flat footed human is mind boggling. Especially when these prints are 14" and above. But then we do have a lot of hoaxers with GPS marking where they have left there mark of a hoax don't we? or is it that there is a real creature leaving these prints.


Do not these hoaxers get tired of leaving fake prints every where in the us or is there a motive behind this action by them? either way hoaxers cannot be every where  and to think this is being naïve. Naïve that hoaxers are in cahoots with each other to fake prints in order to achieve a goal. A goal to fool others by making them and all of us believe that they do not exist. Yet no one comes forward with their elaborate hoax to achieve their goal. What ever goal that may be. Yea ! I invite the debate to be proven wrong .

Why do hoaxers have to be in cahoots? And how do you know that the hoax goes unreported? I'm sure there are plenty of hoaxed tracks that get reported by the person that hoaxed them. That also explains the whole " no one could possibly be out here" nonsense. 


Also, some alleged bigfoot prints can easily be tracks left by a known animal and mistaken for bigfoot tracks.


Let me ask this, what do we know about hoaxers? What purpose do they have to hoax in the first place? and what would make them go out in the middle of no where and make a track that goes for miles into abyss? What motive do they have to create the hoax? Is it for fame or for greed or to make us believe that they exist just to laugh at us later?

See I ask these questions cause I know they exist, so with the knowledge I have gained it is hard to understand a hoaxer. I just cannot step into their shoes and understand their ideas of hoaxing.

Now I can say that yes I have been hoaxed, I believe that the hoax was done to see how gullible I was. But after having a few sightings and even dealing with this telepathy crap that I cannot even understand. I know for a fact that what I have encountered was not hoaxed at all. I do have proof of this and though it might not be proof for every one here it was proof enough for my self. So you can see how difficult it is for myself to understand the mind of a hoaxer. I cannot wrap my mind around it. It is difficult.

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Footprints > why go into the middle of the forest of nowhere to hoax a footprint hoping that some one will run into it. How about tracking a creature that you are on it's tale while it is leaving prints in haste trying to evade. Yes, these do boggle one's mind when you are out in the field looking for a creature that is not suppose to exist.


Just the mere fact that it is a bare foot print that bares resemblance of that of a flat footed human is mind boggling. Especially when these prints are 14" and above. But then we do have a lot of hoaxers with GPS marking where they have left there mark of a hoax don't we? or is it that there is a real creature leaving these prints.


Do not these hoaxers get tired of leaving fake prints every where in the us or is there a motive behind this action by them? either way hoaxers cannot be every where  and to think this is being naïve. Naïve that hoaxers are in cahoots with each other to fake prints in order to achieve a goal. A goal to fool others by making them and all of us believe that they do not exist. Yet no one comes forward with their elaborate hoax to achieve their goal. What ever goal that may be. Yea ! I invite the debate to be proven wrong .

Why do hoaxers have to be in cahoots? And how do you know that the hoax goes unreported? I'm sure there are plenty of hoaxed tracks that get reported by the person that hoaxed them. That also explains the whole " no one could possibly be out here" nonsense. 


Also, some alleged bigfoot prints can easily be tracks left by a known animal and mistaken for bigfoot tracks.



Let me ask this, what do we know about hoaxers? What purpose do they have to hoax in the first place? and what would make them go out in the middle of no where and make a track that goes for miles into abyss? What motive do they have to create the hoax? Is it for fame or for greed or to make us believe that they exist just to laugh at us later?

See I ask these questions cause I know they exist, so with the knowledge I have gained it is hard to understand a hoaxer. I just cannot step into their shoes and understand their ideas of hoaxing.

Now I can say that yes I have been hoaxed, I believe that the hoax was done to see how gullible I was. But after having a few sightings and even dealing with this telepathy crap that I cannot even understand. I know for a fact that what I have encountered was not hoaxed at all. I do have proof of this and though it might not be proof for every one here it was proof enough for my self. So you can see how difficult it is for myself to understand the mind of a hoaxer. I cannot wrap my mind around it. It is difficult.


Hoaxing is fun for some, like kids putting a potato in an exhaust pipe or TP  the teachers house. I wouldn't think too deep for reasons.

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Hoaxing is fun for some, like kids putting a potato in an exhaust pipe or TP  the teachers house. I wouldn't think too deep for reasons


See this I do not consider hoaxing, this is just being plain mischievous.




1. something intended to deceive or defraud




2 a :  able or tending to cause annoyance, trouble, or minor injury


If I was hoaxed there could be no way to know what I was thinking while I was in the field with out me saying it out loud for all to hear. Who can hoax that and I am not hoaxing cause this bothers the crap out of me . What bothers the crap out me is that they know what we are thinking. So in my opinion this makes this creature a entity and yes I know I use the word opinion a lot but what other word is there to use that can express what I have experience. So yes at times I am at a lost for words and there have been times that I have been wanting to post and have written only to delete what I have been wanting to post.  

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I think you may have missed the point.  I dont believe he was claiming that putting a potato in the exhaust is a hoax, rather something people do for kicks that defy reason, hoaxing is another example of that.  To try and understand what makes people want to hoax is a practice in futility.  People get their kicks doing different things.  


What leads you to believe that they can read your mind? 

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I have a theory where the giants have gone and what may have happened. 


Thousands of years ago an ancient species of very large ice age human migrated across the land bridge from Asia to NA. At first they were the only species of humans to inhabit the continent. They had a rudimentary understanding of geometry and built simple stone structures some of which we still find today. When homo sapiens sapiens arrived there was peace, at first, between the 2 different species of humans. But then a war broke out and all of the homo sapiens sapiens tribes united against the ancient species of humans. The united tribes won the war with the surviving losers escaping into the deepest parts of the forest to forever strive to remain anonymous.


All speculation of course.

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I think you may have missed the point.  I dont believe he was claiming that putting a potato in the exhaust is a hoax, rather something people do for kicks that defy reason, hoaxing is another example of that.  To try and understand what makes people want to hoax is a practice in futility.  People get their kicks doing different things.  


What leads you to believe that they can read your mind? 

Twist maybe I got it wrong but like you said  To "hoax is a practice in futility".


What leads you to believe that they can read your mind?


Cause I have actually field tested this for myself and it freaked me out . Now I am trying to understand it cause I have know idea what cards I have opened. Believe me it is some thing that just cannot be hoaxed.


Less Shroud if you read this and you can capture this on your camera go for it.  Cause it will happen if they are around and you will get a kick out of it. It's game to them and they like to play it with us, just be care full. They are way bigger then us and you can not stop them so you are on their terms. Good luck on your endeavors. Great show.    

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BFF Patron

I have a theory where the giants have gone and what may have happened. 


Thousands of years ago an ancient species of very large ice age human migrated across the land bridge from Asia to NA. At first they were the only species of humans to inhabit the continent. They had a rudimentary understanding of geometry and built simple stone structures some of which we still find today. When homo sapiens sapiens arrived there was peace, at first, between the 2 different species of humans. But then a war broke out and all of the homo sapiens sapiens tribes united against the ancient species of humans. The united tribes won the war with the surviving losers escaping into the deepest parts of the forest to forever strive to remain anonymous.


All speculation of course.

I have a modification of your theory that applies some  known pre-Columbian history.   We do not know how or when BF arrived on this continent.    We think that humans from Asia crossed the Bearing land bridge  around 14,000 years ago during the last ice age.    We have human remains and artifacts on the West Coast that date back that far.   There are artifacts on the East coast that are older than that.    Solutrean spear points have been found.    The Solutrean culture was 22,000 to 17,000 years ago.    A PHD at the Smithsonian believes they beat the Asian migration here by following the polar ice cap from Europe.     It is also possible that if BF had a Western European origin they could have made the same migration.   Less likely but possible.   At some point the human migrators from the West and those from the East met.    The result is Clovis spear points that are quite similar but not as refined as the Solutrean points.   These are known facts or at least supported by finds.    Perhaps either or both of these groups lived in peace for a time in North America with BF.    Certainly giant skeletons linked with the mound culture have been found buried with normal size skeletons.    We may never know if they were BF because the Smithsonian seems to have lost them.     We do know that the Mayans invaded the Mid West and warred with the Mound Culture.     Mayans killed or captured those they conquered.   I cannot see BF allowing themselves to be enslaved by 5' 3 or 4 inch humans.   They would have just slipped into the woods moving West or East of the Mayan invaders.     Is that why BF avoids contact with humans today?    Do they have a verbal history of that invasion and a distrust of all humans?     Certainly humans and BF could have had conflict from first contact.   Humans are known to do that when they move into new territory.   If BF was here first that could have been when conflict started.    Humans at the time took on mastodons with spears.   BF would not even be as dangerous as that.    Because BF is not know to have used spears BF would be in as much danger from humans with spears as they are today from humans with guns.     That danger and distrust could have started at first contact and continues to this day.       Like you say all conjecture and similar to your theory. 

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If bigfoot exists, what you laid out, in some way, most certainly had to have played out.  Something had to of occurred to make bigfoot avoid humans as much as they do.  What blows my mind is that after what could be 12k,13k, or even as far back as 17k years, they still carry this tradition with them despite having no written language to record the history.  They must be some great story tellers! 

Edited by TWlST
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Could you elaborate on the field testing you have done? 


You know how you hear the stories people talk about these creatures. Well I had the chance to test those theories I had of what people were talking about. So I went out in the area where these creature were visiting and tested the theory if they could read us or our mind no matter how silly that it sounds. Results were un-questionable and left me at aw. So I can just imagine some one with a Doctrine in Biology maybe or something else might feel if they ever encounter this telepathy.


If you ever get into interaction with them tested for your self . All I know the first time I tried I was in a stand and I asked for them to chase me some deer and they did. Two does at 50 yards or maybe beyond, well beyond my bow range. The second time I asked for a specific item and that was a crows feather and to have it placed on the trail some where. I was not specific but the strange part was the feather was placed by my exit point to my stand. I did not mention my experiment to no one until afterwards. When I spoke to them it was just a thought to them about the deer and the feather.


So how can some one hoax a thought and one with a witness who had no idea what I was doing. Who feels the need to be armed in this area. The deer incident I could hear the creature breathing underneath me but I could not see it. So that now leaves another question for me and that is about this stealth mode  that everyone seems to on now days.


That day that it chased those deer towards me and was underneath my stand was it in stealth mode watching my reaction to what happen? Is this behavior of a intelligent creature or entity that may very well be observing us ? I was freaked out to come down from my stand that night and I really thought that I was a goner. But I made it back to my friend with my bow and a arrow notched. But then again I did ask for this and I learned from it. Never to ask for anything when its about to go dark. :o ( Telepathically at least )  

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I have a theory where the giants have gone and what may have happened. 


Thousands of years ago an ancient species of very large ice age human migrated across the land bridge from Asia to NA. At first they were the only species of humans to inhabit the continent. They had a rudimentary understanding of geometry and built simple stone structures some of which we still find today. When homo sapiens sapiens arrived there was peace, at first, between the 2 different species of humans. But then a war broke out and all of the homo sapiens sapiens tribes united against the ancient species of humans. The united tribes won the war with the surviving losers escaping into the deepest parts of the forest to forever strive to remain anonymous.


All speculation of course.

I have a modification of your theory that applies some  known pre-Columbian history.   We do not know how or when BF arrived on this continent.    We think that humans from Asia crossed the Bearing land bridge  around 14,000 years ago during the last ice age.    We have human remains and artifacts on the West Coast that date back that far.   There are artifacts on the East coast that are older than that.    Solutrean spear points have been found.    The Solutrean culture was 22,000 to 17,000 years ago.    A PHD at the Smithsonian believes they beat the Asian migration here by following the polar ice cap from Europe.     It is also possible that if BF had a Western European origin they could have made the same migration.   Less likely but possible.   At some point the human migrators from the West and those from the East met.    The result is Clovis spear points that are quite similar but not as refined as the Solutrean points.   These are known facts or at least supported by finds.    Perhaps either or both of these groups lived in peace for a time in North America with BF.    Certainly giant skeletons linked with the mound culture have been found buried with normal size skeletons.    We may never know if they were BF because the Smithsonian seems to have lost them.     We do know that the Mayans invaded the Mid West and warred with the Mound Culture.     Mayans killed or captured those they conquered.   I cannot see BF allowing themselves to be enslaved by 5' 3 or 4 inch humans.   They would have just slipped into the woods moving West or East of the Mayan invaders.     Is that why BF avoids contact with humans today?    Do they have a verbal history of that invasion and a distrust of all humans?     Certainly humans and BF could have had conflict from first contact.   Humans are known to do that when they move into new territory.   If BF was here first that could have been when conflict started.    Humans at the time took on mastodons with spears.   BF would not even be as dangerous as that.    Because BF is not know to have used spears BF would be in as much danger from humans with spears as they are today from humans with guns.     That danger and distrust could have started at first contact and continues to this day.       Like you say all conjecture and similar to your theory. 


What if the wars were over land and the game that roamed over it? When humans invaded they took this as competition. Sure they did not have spears but why need them when they have rock nice hand size rock that be thrown like baseballs . Even giant logs could be used as projectiles but I am more interested in my rock theory.


I say the rock theory since I am always finding these nice size rocks in fields where deer graze and sleep. I always found it strange when I did, cause they would be the same size rock that we found on the log next to our fire that there is a photo off on here in this forum some where. So if they lived primitive then, in theory they should still be living primitive now but have already established boundaries.

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BFF Patron



If bigfoot exists, what you laid out, in some way, most certainly had to have played out.  Something had to of occurred to make bigfoot avoid humans as much as they do.  What blows my mind is that after what could be 12k,13k, or even as far back as 17k years, they still carry this tradition with them despite having no written language to record the history.  They must be some great story tellers! 

I think it is not because they are such good story tellers but because man has never stopped being so dangerous in all the time we have had contact.    We are the most dangerous creature on this planet. 


Shadow.   Humans hunting big animals have always used large numbers to surround and kill.     While thrown rocks and logs are dangerous things,   if you are surrounded by 10 humans with spears pocking them at you, you are likely to die and not likely to take out very many of your attackers.  Some of the mastodon finds have many spear points embedded in them.   We are not sure of the tribal culture of BF.   Humans rarely have had patriarchies where one male has many females and drives all other males away.    That works for herds of elk and deer, but for human predators,  tribes of adult males all working together protect the tribe or to produce a kill improves chance of success and survival of the species.     Again, perhaps that is why we are so dangerous. 

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BFF Patron

Good stuff Wag.      Seen some of it before but a lot of new stuff for me.     Barges of artifacts being taken out and dumped in the Ocean?     What the hell are they afraid of?  

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