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Is The Forest Service Holding Back Bigfoot Proof?


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Keep the thoughts flowing.



"What did you know and when did you know it," will be the question the public should  ask.


Well, yes, but you seem to be ignoring part of the picture.


Anyone who comes forward is confessing to suppressing information already.   If there are consequences for that, the only possible way to avoid them is to continue to suppress information, not to confess publicly. 


Right?  For people in the know, it is a chess game with preservation of career on the line. 






MIB : This hits the nail on the head. The longer the cover up goes on the worse it's going to be for those at the top. It's their job to keep the public safe which means informed. The people need to be informed about bigfoot that cause seasoned hunters to have nightmares.


Southernyahoo, that poster appears to be fabricated but it would be cool to see real posters like this. Maybe it's intended to test public reaction and it was real!

So according to our resident skeptics, our government:


1.  Has never suppressed information,

2.  Never spins information, and

3.  Never attempts to influence the public through information management.


JDL, good points and it seems the public can't handle the truth. Since many of us are sure bigfoot exists without a doubt, and those with good luck have seen the critter; we wonder why BF is treated as a joke. It makes us wonder why the top forestry officials have remained mute. Since we know about BF, upper management has to know. It's their job to know, and they know what's in the forest. For what ever reason, they are suppressing this knowledge is my guess.


The forest service is cut up into what's called 'national forest' such as the Rogue River National Forest that covers a big part of southern Oregon. It's composed of fire fighters, road engineers, foresters, parks people, biologist, forest rangers, police, office people and the list goes on. There could be 200 fulltime employees. Only a fraction of them get to spend lots of time in the woods and they seldom see BF. Bigfoot sightings are rare. When someone witnesses a BF, they probably say nothing knowing the slander that will follow. If sightings happed often, workers would compare stories without fear of ridicule. Ridicule is a silencer.

Edited by georgerm
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Anything to keep that belief alive I guess.


Well maybe it's a matter of the knowers knowing that other people should and must know, especially the government.


 I can't say this is legit, but the Forest Service logo appears to be.



That photo must be a hoax though the government would never tip it's hand to the bigfoot conspiracy.

Some government departments and individuals would have more to gain through funding and power managing bigfoot populations and research.

That would really depend on what bigfoot turn out to be, no?

Wouldn't matter animal, human, alien, ghost someone's gettin power and money to deal with it. It be too juicy to leave covered up.

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"That photo must be a hoax though the government would never tip it's hand to the bigfoot conspiracy."

If it's a hoax, the government should have addressed the poster and handled the issue of someone using their official logo on a poster. I'm sure there would be something illegal in that.

The way the poster reads, it's not an official acknowledgement of bigfoot's existence, but more like it could be used to cover their rear end, should something happen.

Remember, the skeptics argument is that the government has no reason not to address these things if they are real, but aren't you saying the government won't, because it would tip their hand that they know?

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Here is one Forest Service worker who came forward...

Geographical Index > United States > Minnesota > Cass County > Report # 44793

Report # 44793 (Class B)

Submitted by witness Carl on Thursday, April 10, 2014.


US Forest Service employee unnerved by possible vocalizations near Lydick Lake


(Show Printer-friendly Version)

YEAR: 2011

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 11

STATE: Minnesota

COUNTY: Cass County

LOCATION DETAILS: Approximately 2 Miles North of US Hwy @ . Forest RD 2958 and Forest RD 2351 near Lydick Lake.



OBSERVED: August 2011, while working for the US Forest Service I heard vocalizations in the Chippewa National Forest.These vocalizations are very similar to the central Michigan vocalizations. I was in a small clearing around noon when I heard a series of yelps followed by whoops.These vocalizations were about a mile apart from each other and about a half mile from me. It sounded like they were communicating with each other. The whoops were very GUTTURAL. The sounds were low and the yelps were high pitched. There are wolves in the area and I guarantee that they were not wolves. I posted a Youtube video, "Cass lake MN Bigfoot Vocalization site". I have been back several times but only heard wolves. My wife thought she saw something standing in the distance but we were unable to confirm.

ALSO NOTICED: I found an area where wolves must have made a kill as there were deer bones scattered about and you could see where the wolves lay in the tall grass.

OTHER WITNESSES: None, I called my wife immediately after it occurred and she concluded it was a Bigfoot.

OTHER STORIES: The Ojibwe people believe that Bigfoot exists and could be like a woodland spirit.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Around noon, warm and humid

ENVIRONMENT: This is a red pine forest surrounded by lowland swamps. This area is flat and somewhat remote.


Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Bob Barhite:

I spoke with Carl, who is a long-time Fire Management employee of the US Forest Service. He received a call to investigate a site for a possible burn. The site, an abandoned C.C.C. campsite and baseball diamond, is very remote and is accessible by US forestry roads then down a rutty two-track drive. While at the site the witness started to examine the ball diamond and take mental notes as a possible location to bow hunt deer. Carl discovered a spot which appeared to be where wolves tore apart a deer. There were bones and fur in the tall grass, and a good size area had been matted down. While standing there he heard three high pitch screams to his right, and then a very low guttural whoop sound to his left. The whoop was a deep, resonant sound which Carl clearly remembers as "...low, and I mean really low." The call-and-response cycle was repeated several times. He went back to his truck and drove up and down the roads around the lake looking for whatever made the calls, but he never saw anything.

About a week later Carl took his wife to the location, and when slowly driving the road to the lake she believed she saw a tall, dark figure walking upright cross the road about a half mile ahead from them.

In December 2012 Carl returned to the site and recorded his thoughts and posted this video on Youtube:

At the time he was still unsure about what he encountered. Since the initial experience he's searched online to find cries similar to the low-throated whoop he heard. Some of the vocalizations captured in Lower Michigan and featured in Report #32981 by Jim Sherman of the Michigan BFRO are nearly identical to the sounds Carl heard.

Carl is an experienced outdoorsman, originally from Montana, who has had close encounters with wolves before, and even had a grizzly bear bluff charge him. The calls made the hair on Carl's neck stand on end, and he said he has never been spooked like that in the woods before. He was positive that it wasn't loons on the lake, coyotes, or moose cries in mating season. This was a different experience. The cries left him shaken, and when I asked whether he has gone to the location at night he chuckled and said, "Nope. I would never go there at night."


About BFRO Investigator Bob Barhite:

A native of far northeast Iowa, Bob has always had an intense interest in Bigfoot and exploring the great outdoors.

His first expedition was the 2012 BFRO Iowa Hill Country Expedition, and in 2012 Bob attended several private expeditions in Iowa and in Wisconsin. He has also conducted numerous solo expeditions in Iowa and Wisconsin throughout 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. He the 2013 Iowa Big River Expedition, 2013 Oregon Cascades Expedition, 2013 Michigan Upper Peninsula Expedition, 2014 and 2015 Wisconsin Expeditions, 2014 Iowa Expedition, was the lead organizer for the 2015 Iowa Expedition, and has been a guest lecturer at the request of the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. Bob is leading the 2016 Iowa Spring Expedition, and continues to monitor activity in a long-term study location.


Explanation of the report classification system

Submit a report for the sightings database

Please send any comments or inquiries to Contact@BFRO.net

Copyright © 2016 BFRO.net

Edited by Lake County Bigfooot
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So according to our resident skeptics, our government:


1.  Has never suppressed information,

2.  Never spins information, and

3.  Never attempts to influence the public through information management.

Evidently "the government" is so adept at fabricating, maintaining, and continuing a massive cover-up that "government" is able to suppress any dissenting word from former employees, the public at large, and possibly "bigfoot people" themselves.


The same government unable to create an ACA website.

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Anything to keep that belief alive I guess. 



Well maybe it's a matter of the knowers knowing that other people should and must know, especially the government.


 I can't say this is legit, but the Forest Service logo appears to be.




Good Picture, though I tell yaa . Does make you wonder what they are hiding, does it not?

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One would need to find from which forest that bulletin came from and contact them for further details.

I think its a fake.

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So according to our resident skeptics, our government:


1.  Has never suppressed information,

2.  Never spins information, and

3.  Never attempts to influence the public through information management.

Evidently "the government" is so adept at fabricating, maintaining, and continuing a massive cover-up that "government" is able to suppress any dissenting word from former employees, the public at large, and possibly "bigfoot people" themselves  the very top management level of the forest service.


The same government unable to create an ACA website. that won the cold war.


The top forest service officials don't care what former or present lower level employees say about bigfoot, since they know they will succumb to the ridicule factor and be laughed out of the office. Bigfoot has created a perfect storm for covering its existence by accident or planned. They know rare sightings here and there keep the mystery going just enough to make fools out of the witnesses. So it's like a dog chasing it tail.


Edited by georgerm
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Just saying that the government does, in fact, control information.  The degree to which that is done is situational depending on a number of factors.  The degree to which they do so regarding bigfoot is obviously a matter of debate.


I only have the following to go on.


1.  From direct personal experience, they do exist.

2.  The Army Corps of Engineers listed bigfoot as Northwestern fauna in the 1970's.

3.  Based on 1 and 2 above, the government is aware of their existence.

4.  The US government has not, since that Army Corps of Engineers publication, further acknowledged their existence.

5.  On the other hand the government has not claimed that they do not exist.  Recently, the stance has been that they have no proof or information regarding their existence.

6.  FOIA requests, however, do turn up reports in various agency files, some from government employees regarding their existence.

7.  There are, within the US, jurisdictions wherein bigfoot are protected by specific law, if not by name, then by description.


Is there a conspiracy?  I haven't used that descriptor.  When I have been in positions during my military career where I have been required to withhold information, I never looked at it as a conspiracy then.  Just as information management.

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One would need to find from which forest that bulletin came from and contact them for further details.

I think its a fake.

Maybe some group should post warnings like this at all campgrounds  but not trying to fool with forest service information. It could draw the kind of publicity needed to push the forest service out in the open to confess .................................  hmmmm  ...................  Is it breaking the law for a group to post warnings?


It would be cool is someone here found out. The phone numbers led no where.


Maybe a lower level employee took matters into his own hands?

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So according to our resident skeptics, our government:


1.  Has never suppressed information,

2.  Never spins information, and

3.  Never attempts to influence the public through information management.

Evidently "the government" is so adept at fabricating, maintaining, and continuing a massive cover-up that "government" is able to suppress any dissenting word from former employees, the public at large, and possibly "bigfoot people" themselves.


The same government unable to create an ACA website.

Again, there is no need to "supress" the truth..... All they need to do is make a mockery of a subject, and treat witnesses like freaks. Its called disinformation.

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And the way to counter their mockery is to provide physical evidence, but sadly, there are so many obstacles / excuses for being able to do so, that conspiracies must be implemented to allow for the existence of bigfoot. It's an impasse, if not a Mexican showdown.

Edited by Incorrigible1
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Agreed concerning Sasquatch as I cannot see their motive at all.

But concerning other subjects I would not put it past them. Not for a second.....

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Here is one Forest Service worker who came forward...

Geographical Index > United States > Minnesota > Cass County > Report # 44793

Report # 44793 (Class B)

Submitted by witness Carl on Thursday, April 10, 2014.


US Forest Service employee unnerved by possible vocalizations near Lydick Lake


(Show Printer-friendly Version)

YEAR: 2011

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 11

STATE: Minnesota

COUNTY: Cass County

LOCATION DETAILS: Approximately 2 Miles North of US Hwy @ . Forest RD 2958 and Forest RD 2351 near Lydick Lake.



OBSERVED: August 2011, while working for the US Forest Service I heard vocalizations in the Chippewa National Forest.These vocalizations are very similar to the central Michigan vocalizations. I was in a small clearing around noon when I heard a series of yelps followed by whoops.These vocalizations were about a mile apart from each other and about a half mile from me. It sounded like they were communicating with each other. The whoops were very GUTTURAL. The sounds were low and the yelps were high pitched. There are wolves in the area and I guarantee that they were not wolves. I posted a Youtube video, "Cass lake MN Bigfoot Vocalization site". I have been back several times but only heard wolves. My wife thought she saw something standing in the distance but we were unable to confirm.

ALSO NOTICED: I found an area where wolves must have made a kill as there were deer bones scattered about and you could see where the wolves lay in the tall grass.

OTHER WITNESSES: None, I called my wife immediately after it occurred and she concluded it was a Bigfoot.

OTHER STORIES: The Ojibwe people believe that Bigfoot exists and could be like a woodland spirit.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Around noon, warm and humid

ENVIRONMENT: This is a red pine forest surrounded by lowland swamps. This area is flat and somewhat remote.


Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Bob Barhite:

I spoke with Carl, who is a long-time Fire Management employee of the US Forest Service. He received a call to investigate a site for a possible burn. The site, an abandoned C.C.C. campsite and baseball diamond, is very remote and is accessible by US forestry roads then down a rutty two-track drive. While at the site the witness started to examine the ball diamond and take mental notes as a possible location to bow hunt deer. Carl discovered a spot which appeared to be where wolves tore apart a deer. There were bones and fur in the tall grass, and a good size area had been matted down. While standing there he heard three high pitch screams to his right, and then a very low guttural whoop sound to his left. The whoop was a deep, resonant sound which Carl clearly remembers as "...low, and I mean really low." The call-and-response cycle was repeated several times. He went back to his truck and drove up and down the roads around the lake looking for whatever made the calls, but he never saw anything.

About a week later Carl took his wife to the location, and when slowly driving the road to the lake she believed she saw a tall, dark figure walking upright cross the road about a half mile ahead from them.

In December 2012 Carl returned to the site and recorded his thoughts and posted this video on Youtube:

At the time he was still unsure about what he encountered. Since the initial experience he's searched online to find cries similar to the low-throated whoop he heard. Some of the vocalizations captured in Lower Michigan and featured in Report #32981 by Jim Sherman of the Michigan BFRO are nearly identical to the sounds Carl heard.

Carl is an experienced outdoorsman, originally from Montana, who has had close encounters with wolves before, and even had a grizzly bear bluff charge him. The calls made the hair on Carl's neck stand on end, and he said he has never been spooked like that in the woods before. He was positive that it wasn't loons on the lake, coyotes, or moose cries in mating season. This was a different experience. The cries left him shaken, and when I asked whether he has gone to the location at night he chuckled and said, "Nope. I would never go there at night."


About BFRO Investigator Bob Barhite:

A native of far northeast Iowa, Bob has always had an intense interest in Bigfoot and exploring the great outdoors.

His first expedition was the 2012 BFRO Iowa Hill Country Expedition, and in 2012 Bob attended several private expeditions in Iowa and in Wisconsin. He has also conducted numerous solo expeditions in Iowa and Wisconsin throughout 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. He the 2013 Iowa Big River Expedition, 2013 Oregon Cascades Expedition, 2013 Michigan Upper Peninsula Expedition, 2014 and 2015 Wisconsin Expeditions, 2014 Iowa Expedition, was the lead organizer for the 2015 Iowa Expedition, and has been a guest lecturer at the request of the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. Bob is leading the 2016 Iowa Spring Expedition, and continues to monitor activity in a long-term study location.


Explanation of the report classification system

Submit a report for the sightings database

Please send any comments or inquiries to Contact@BFRO.net

Copyright © 2016 BFRO.net

^Hey!  I know Bob!  Been on a couple outings with him.  COOL!

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Quite interesting Cotter, and I saw his youtube video yesterday. Someone needs to post the video. With enough forest service people coming forward then federal disclosure of bigfoot's existence or nonexistence should happen.

Seems like the Army Corps of Engineers are standing firm on bigfoot after publishing BF news years ago. Do they still claim that bigfoot is an issue for them? .....

Mockery has a tendency to shut people up. If a majority of the public knows and believes BF should be protected, then the mockers will creep off like those big forest slugs.

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