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Has Bigfoot Science Stalled?

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Posted (edited)

There are not enough of us with the bucks to get behind some sort of foundation to fund research and raise significant money,  unless we can get a Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos interested.    Anyone on speaking terms with either one?     Saving an endangered species would be good press for them.  


University primatologist would apply for public grant money to study specific areas of bigfootery such as foot prints, hair, or language, From there, scientific papers are written that other primatologist would read. This may get the ball rolling so other university primatologist get involved. Read how it's already getting started.




Today in Bigfoot History | JAN 05  2013 | 5 Primatologist Advocate Bigfoot

Posted by Guy Edwards

   5 prominent primatologist that advocate Bigfoot (left to right: Jane Goodall,  George Shaller,  Russel Mittermeier,  Daris Swindler, Estaban Sarmiento) 


.................................     read more .......... Like that of Swindler, Ciochon’s work focuses on fossilized primate teeth, but of a very special species: Gigantopithecus blacki, the giant Asian ape of the Miocene epoch, which lasted from about 24 million to 5 million years ago.

Most Bigfoot supporters advance Gigantopithecus, or Giganto for short, as the likely ancestor of Bigfoot, if not the hairy beast itself. It’s a tantalizing but entirely unproven link that drives Ciochon to distraction. Ciochon thinks his study subject, which co-existed with the human ancestor Homo erectus for hundreds of thousands of years, may well be the archetypal inspiration for the “boogeyman†and other nocturnal monsters that populate the traditions of aboriginal cultures from Nepal to North America.

But he vigorously rejects any suggestion that Giganto, which he thinks was a specialized, bamboo-eating vegetarian, could persist today.

And he worries that the hotly contested grants that fund his work overseas may go elsewhere if the stigma of the shambling sasquatch of Native American lore attaches to his study subject.

“My biggest problem is there’s no evidence, other than conjectural hair and these footprints, some of which we know are faked,†Ciochon said.

“If someone finds a skeleton, I’ll be there in a nanosecond,†he said. “But that’s what it’s going to take to get me to change my mind.†  read more ............

Edited by georgerm
Guest Crowlogic

There are not enough of us with the bucks to get behind some sort of foundation to fund research and raise significant money,  unless we can get a Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos interested.    Anyone on speaking terms with either one?     Saving an endangered species would be good press for them.  

Better to hire an attorney to bust the bigfoot government cover up and it'll be solved a lot faster.  Since so many credible people believe the government knows all about bigfoot why invest in field work which could take decades?

BFF Patron
Posted (edited)

Crow you had much luck suing the government lately?        And Georgerm I would not hold Guy Edwards as any sort of authority to quote.   Someone that wears a red plaid flannel long sleeved shirt and a black stocking cap in the middle of the summer trying to look like Paul Bunyon is pretty suspect to me.    I have never seen him wear anything else.   

Guest Crowlogic

^ Freedom Of Information Act, The UFO community petitioned Congress for information.   But since a half century of privateers coming up empty does in not make more sense to go after the government who reportedly knows and suppresses bigfoot truth?  Even if it took years it's still faster than the luck the private sector have had.

BFF Patron
Posted (edited)

Crow sorry but you are displaying some ignorance of the law here.   Again I am not a lawyer but can read.      You do not sue the government under the Freedom of information act you inquire or petition.    You can even do it via the internet and it does not require any legal action.      The legal process was the act of Congress that gave the citizens the right to inquire about Government activities and the process was set up to allow that to happen.       If you sue the government about anything the government does not even have to accept the suit.      They can and usually will reject it.    The DOJ determines if they will accept the suit on behalf of the Government.   If they accept a suit,  usually it is something that the present administration wants to bring into the public eye.     In other words they make it political if it is a cause the administration agrees with.      WIth this administration, if you sue about coal industry standards,  oil pipelines,   or anything related to environmental issues they will accept the suit.   If you sue to get the boarder patrol to enforce the existing laws as have some of the boarder states, it will never make it into court.   Just the way things work.     http://www.foia.gov/index.html


Oh I wish to make a correction on Guy Edwards normal attire.    It is a red stocking hat that he wears year round, indoors and out.   Just saw him last evening.   


There are not enough of us with the bucks to get behind some sort of foundation to fund research and raise significant money,  unless we can get a Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos interested.    Anyone on speaking terms with either one?     Saving an endangered species would be good press for them.  


SWWA, there are other kinds of grants for primate researchers. Eventually bigfoot researchers will get these grants but for now .................................  applicants will get laughs.

Research Grants  https://www.asp.org/grants/

Grant proposals are invited for either captive or wild primate-oriented research projects. Preference is given to research projects with clear testable hypotheses that will add to the general knowledge in primatology not related to conservation or conservation education (see Conservation Awards and Grants). Applications for start-up funds, supllementary funding for students, and innovations in animal care and research technology are welcome. Award amounts range from $500 to $1500, and are funded out of ASP's general fund as an ongoing commitment ot research and developing young investigators.

arrow_red.gifresearch grant application details

arrow_red.gifpast research grant recipients

arrow_red.gifSmall Grants FAQ



Guest Crowlogic

Crow sorry but you are displaying some ignorance of the law here.   Again I am not a lawyer but can read.      You do not sue the government under the Freedom of information act you inquire or petition.    

Exactly to sue as I stated is not unlike suing for peace it is a request a petition.  However governments do get sued.  That said the private sector is empty handed yet it insists often enough that the government "knows".  Well make the "knowers" stand and deliver one way or the other.  

BFF Patron

Have you seen copies of documents that the UFO people get from the government under the FOIA?      They get the documents, but the majority of the text is blacked out.   You can barely read enough to know what the subject is.    That is how the government "knowers" deliver as required by law.      The Roswell thing happened 67 years ago and did not involve US Nuclear secrets, but documents related to that are still classified and FOIA requests often result in heavy text blackout.    Normal classification protocol expires in 20 years.   The government explanation of the event was that it was a classified intelligence gathering balloon.   The classified technology in a 67 year old balloon would have been public knowledge decades ago.   That should be ample evidence that the government does and will cover up information it does not want the public to know.  


I do not know if anything to do with BF is part of a government cover up, but if it is,  we will never get anything out of the government the government does not want us to know with the FOIA or any other means.    That is just how the government operates.  

Guest Crowlogic

^You do understand that I am not advocating the government having a conspiracy lock on bigfoot.  I brought it up because many proponents as a matter of course maintain that the government knows and hides the truth about bigfoot.  I'm the first one to say no such thing on any level.  But at this stage of the game is anything more or less likely to confirm or deny bigfoot's existence?   Personally I believe it's time to put conspiracies away.


^You do understand that I am not advocating the government having a conspiracy lock on bigfoot.  I brought it up because many proponents as a matter of course maintain that the government knows and hides the truth about bigfoot.  I'm the first one to say no such thing on any level.  But at this stage of the game is anything more or less likely to confirm or deny bigfoot's existence?   Personally I believe it's time to put conspiracies away.


We may not know for awhile until retired Forest Service wildlife biologist come forward. Do you know of any?


Back to SWWA:

For now, I assume bigfoot is a flesh and blood highly evolved animal that has totally amazing physical and mental strengths. This makes bigfoot nearly impossible to study in the wild ………………… not impossible though.


We are approaching a ‘thread black hole’ and government cover-ups of UFOs…………………. so what’s up with ‘cattle mutilations’ and UFOs following  bigfoot around? It’s all fascinating, spooky, and packed with facts, but needs to be discussed in the special forum section?

MIB: Your point in regards to shutting more forest down from loggings due to BF is a valid point. Lately however, private land logging is through the roof in areas around Coos Bay, Oregon, and very low in national forest land.


A topic presented itself that could be the beginning of a method to solve the bigfoot riddle.  Some on this forum are “amateur primatologist†and carrying on bigfoot studies during our own time. These studies range from written research to field research lasting for weeks on end. Many primatologist will sometime be paid with grants to study bigfoot!  Try this: go to Google  -  type in ‘primate grants’ and pop …………..  look at them all!  Why not give it a shot?



The exciting part is these grants are available now and hopefully will continue in the future. Wow, this application is daunting but possible. Read some of the approval requirements. The $2500 from the grant will buy some nice trail cameras! We may have forum members interested in an adventure.





Bigfoot science may unstall if grants keep coming about.


Ok. Getting grants is a great idea. But just for discussion let’s see what it takes to get one. I will go down the list to get one of those primate grants.

Eligibility - graduate students, qualified conservationists and primatologists .

Selection criteria - All appropriate projects will be considered, but the regions of current interest are Asia and West Africa.

Abstract –

1) Most people could come up with an acceptable proposal.

2) You have to present prior research. Remember this needs to be recognized as actual research.

3) Describe how you will prevent disease transmission. If you are planning on any kind of baiting this would have to be addressed.

4) Methods. If your goal is to use game cams and any of the reviewers know the history of their use in this field; you better be thinking out of the box on explaining your methods on this one.

5) Dissemination of results. Will you be up to the task of writing and publishing a paper for peer review?

6) Timetable. This might be hard to determine not knowing what your results are going to be.

7) Budget. Please note priority is given to proposals with matching grants. Note here that you are going to have to do this same procedure to procure any other grants.

8 ) Bibliography. I’m just curious what you are going to use for this. Book references, anecdotal reports, prior research (if any can be found)?

9) C.V.'s of principal personnel. Consider that they are going to be looking at your credentials; same as happens here constantly on the forums.

10) Copies of permissions from appropriate governmental agencies. Maybe you can get them, but maybe not, especially if they know why you want it.

11) Completed and signed institution agreement form. This amounts to being connected to an institution.

12) Names and addresses of 3 people qualified to review your proposal.

As I said, for discussion. Something else to consider is if your goal is to collect and test DNA samples you could easily blow the whole amount of $2500 to $5000 in just one test. If those sums would even cover the amount of testing required.

Actually this grant program is a lot simpler than many I have seen.

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Hello All,

This is the stuff that causes me to stall and I'm not even a scientist. And one wonders why the Bigfoot subject struggles.

Let's talk Bigfoot podcast June 5, 2008: Listen to the 07:00-08:20 minute segment:

Sasquatch Watch Radio podcast Sept. 15, 2008: Listen to the 40:20-41:35 minute segment:

Now look at this calender for the Moon phase on the night of Don Keating's Sept. 15, 1985 "encounter":


And even after all this I ran across this little tidbit:


I'm done with all this junk. And BTW Mr. Keaating's little "indiscretion" shall we say was exposed back in 2010! So why did some of the top people in the Bigfoot public eye never mention it? What? Nobody KNEW about it??!

Yep. Done....

  • Upvote 1

Ok. Getting grants is a great idea. But just for discussion let’s see what it takes to get one. I will go down the list to get one of those primate grants.

Eligibility - graduate students, qualified conservationists and primatologists .

Selection criteria - All appropriate projects will be considered, but the regions of current interest are Asia and West Africa.

Abstract –

1) Most people could come up with an acceptable proposal.

2) You have to present prior research. Remember this needs to be recognized as actual research.

3) Describe how you will prevent disease transmission. If you are planning on any kind of baiting this would have to be addressed.

4) Methods. If your goal is to use game cams and any of the reviewers know the history of their use in this field; you better be thinking out of the box on explaining your methods on this one.

5) Dissemination of results. Will you be up to the task of writing and publishing a paper for peer review?

6) Timetable. This might be hard to determine not knowing what your results are going to be.

7) Budget. Please note priority is given to proposals with matching grants. Note here that you are going to have to do this same procedure to procure any other grants.

8 ) Bibliography. I’m just curious what you are going to use for this. Book references, anecdotal reports, prior research (if any can be found)?

9) C.V.'s of principal personnel. Consider that they are going to be looking at your credentials; same as happens here constantly on the forums.

10) Copies of permissions from appropriate governmental agencies. Maybe you can get them, but maybe not, especially if they know why you want it.

11) Completed and signed institution agreement form. This amounts to being connected to an institution.

12) Names and addresses of 3 people qualified to review your proposal.

As I said, for discussion. Something else to consider is if your goal is to collect and test DNA samples you could easily blow the whole amount of $2500 to $5000 in just one test. If those sums would even cover the amount of testing required.

Actually this grant program is a lot simpler than many I have seen.



Thanks for posting the grant requirements. Presently bigfoot study grants are doubtful, but as bigfoot gains acceptance, grants will be reachable. The process needs to gain momentum in the academic world. In my opinion, bigfoot is not such a joke anymore in academia but many don't have the courage to pursue bigfoot studies due to the ridicule factor. Once the credentialed primatologist get on the bigfoot trail like a bunch of hound dogs, grants and peer review papers will pour in like rain.

BFF Patron

I don't think small grants are the answer to anything.    $2500 to $3500 dollars is chump change if I add up what I have self funded to support my own research.   The problem is not money.    It is knowing enough about BF to conduct repeatable research whereby you can locate, study,  and document BF activity.        As in real estate location location location is key.    You cannot study something you cannot consistently find.    I see the key is someone that knows what to look for finding a BF laire,  nest, or camps if they have such a thing,  and being able to observe that location for a considerable period of time.   That takes field work, boots on the ground,   and the skills necessary to pull that off without the BF knowing you are around.    Or if they know you are around, accepting your presence in a Jane Goodall sort of way.      The person most capable is not some PHD who has to be reminded to tie his shoes before he leaves the house and heads off to campus but someone with considerable woodman skills who knows what to do when they locate a BF tribe, be it observe or take a specimen.     That breakthrough will require the right person to have the right contact and an extreme amount of luck in the first place.        


Lets examine just for a moment the purported behavior patterns of these critters.  They're masters at hiding, They're masters at getting around at night.  They don't leave a lot of sign. They seem to have a fair degree of intelligence.  The appear to be tactically sound.




A bunch of academia is going to go into the forests, mountains, and woodlands, and make discoveries?


Not in this universe.


Grants or no grants.

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