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Welcome  ,  MediumFoot  &  danv92  !


Welcome Roberto1. There have been witnesses in some BFRO reports that said they were skeptical about Bigfoot but when they had an actual sighting, that made them rethink their belief.

Welcome MediumFoot and danv92!


Hi my name is Chris, I've always been fascinated with the bigfoot subject but have only recently actually started actively researching the subject here in WI. Hopefully in time I will get to travel and start to investigate all over the U.S. Thanks for adding me to the forums!

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3 minutes ago, Chris said:

Hi my name is Chris


Welcome to the BFF Chris. Sorry for the delayed verification email, we were upgrading our servers.


6 minutes ago, gigantor said:


Welcome to the BFF Chris. Sorry for the delayed verification email, we were upgrading our servers.


It's all good! Thanks again for adding me!


Hello from France...

Long time true believer in the existence of 'Bigfoot', since the PGF i discover around 1980, and only with pictures from the film...no internet at this time. 

I am an avid cryptozoologue since this time, not only with BF, but Nessie, Mkele Mbembe......and especially after reading all the books from Bernard Heuvelmans, father of the crypto.

Maybe i have had an experience in 1984, when i was in Yukon, but at this time i didn't know about howling.....Anyway i have learned alot since, thanks to the former "blue forum" (i was a member here) and you forum since few years now.

Learn more every read, so thanks for that.

Also i am a herpetologist, gun guy, true lover of the wild....


PS sorry for my english, i will do my best to write a good english...




I've been interested with finding more out about bigfoot for a while, been a lurker here for a while.

Whilst I might not be able give you new information (based in the UK), but I hope to help to analyse evidence.


Hi, I'm just interested in bigfoot because since I graduated college me and my better half had lots more time to be camping and such at the family lot of land. It's 12 acres connected to several hundred and since there's so much family history they don't really care to enforce property lines much because our friends our family. Well, I got recommended some encounter videos and I just heard the wildest stories which I find interesting, but as a scientist I obviously can't say much about it scientifically. As a person though they ring true enough to be on the look out so I'm here more to find out what's going on with BF than really try to prove he's real or not. I'm scientifically trained so I enjoy speculating about things like the cloaking, advanced eye shine (or whatever it is, red eyes), tree breaks and structures. I'm a novice though, that's all I know. The whistling really wigs me out, I swear on God and all that's holy I heard that one night and I'm just trying to be prepared from now on.

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Welcome  Chris  ,  monitorman  ,  forcedmeme  &  Sengenjin  !


Hi. Have never had a sighting, but first got interested in BF from watching In Search Of with Leonard Nimoy in the 1970's.

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Hello, I am a great-grandmother who grew up on a farm 20 minutes from the city of Charlotte. As a child and young adult I had several sightings of Sasquatches. Then in my middle-age I lived in rural Bolivia, NC in an area not far from Green Swamp, and there were Skunk Apes living there. I believe they are real and the more you study about them, the more you will learn.

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Hi, I'm a socal native and have never had any squatchy experiences (I've seen 5 ufos though!). I spent summers in Oregon as a kid, and after my ufo sightings realized there's to many accounts of bigfoot sightings with many similarities. Definite believer, just want to see one (hopefully driving by one in my car, and not right in front of him). 

The big feller scares the **** out of me

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Welcome  Qwerty  ,  Ellie Mae  &  Bodybag  !

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