BobbyO Posted September 25, 2010 SSR Team Posted September 25, 2010 Good luck Mojo, & risky of course.. I'm incredibly ealous of you both being able to be so active in teh Field..
Guest Kerchak Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 (edited) The second point was that you kept on posting questions about getting off trails. That showed you did not have an understanding of how things were done - yet you tried to make a point that people did not get off trails much. I've hiked in various wild areas of the world (that would mean all sorts of countries) and I've never gone far from the trails that I have been travelling along (perhaps 100 yards or so to pique my curiosity to see what is there) and I know that most other people don't either. It's my opinion based on my own experiences that in any wild area of the world there won't be many people cutting far into the brush away from trails or logging roads. I was watching t.v about a bunch of folks looking for tigers in Bhutan. Biologists, scientists. Didn't look to me like they went far off the regular sherpa trails either. I dealt with it by showing you did not know the basics The basics of what? Road making in the wilderness? Who said I did? I fail to see how that had anything to do with asking Too Risky a question about how many people he thinks were in the scope of his camera THE DAY HE WAS THERE. so your musings, opinions, questions, - whatever you want to call them were not relevant Asking Too Risky how many people he thought were in the area his camera caught is not relevent to, er, his camera taking a shot of the area? Have I got that right? did not reflect the reality of the logged sites and logging roads. Then why don't you answer the question then? How many humans do you think were in the area that Too Risky's camera covered? Please by all means tell me your ballpark roundabout figure. Can you at least do that for me? We've already had Too Risky guess "zero" and Norcallogger guess "on a typical day no one". Let's try and get a consensus here. That too much to ask? Edited September 25, 2010 by Kerchak
Guest Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 Huntster, I ask you check out a specific claim in a specific thread and you respond by explaining away an entirely different source of information? I have addressed Glickman. His "clusters" can be readily explained by geographic variability in the familiarity with and acceptance of bigfoot mythology. Same spatial pattern of reports without a real bigfoot behind them.
Guest River Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 Alex if you would... Please quote what you agree/disagree with, this makes it much easier to understand where we are going... Thanks bro... Also love the comic relief Drew of the off the wall BS in your signature... Gotta say funny but so far from the truth, cause as you known BF does not exist.,There for the written word you have for your signature is so wrong and totally off in the shear basis of reality that you sir, either believe and deny, or you sir are like me and believe and just do not admit it to save the species... I think it is the latter... well done... below is a good read... Drew does not believe but is a good joker, love the comedy relief Drew... Drew says...ROFL.... yeah we know... Bigfoot is: An Unclassified, hairy, bipedal, North American primate, known to lie down in roads, climb trees, throw pigs, eviscerate deer, rock cars, shake VW Beetles, steal beans from cans using screwdrivers (also stolen), lift infants and carry them on their back, swim (breaststroke), smell worse than skunks, abduct humans, rape humans, emit infrasound, bash trees, collect and eat mussels, yell, knock on trees, twist trees, have glowing eyes, exude calmness, exhibit aggressiveness, be gentle, walk on all fours, throw rocks and pine cones, howl, scream, climb trees (adolescents only), use tools and adornments, hide in open fields, rattle doorknobs, maul dogs, eat worms, shake tents, make noises louder than jet engines, bury their dead, speak (as a military noble from pre-industrial Japan), eat rodents and salmon, act inquisitively, live in clans, or alone, act nocturnally(mostly), be crepuscular, whistle, make noises imitating other animals, express emotions with facial displays, body posture, and pilo-erection, stalk people, make braids in horses' manes, treat snake bites, wrestle, wear clothes, bare-back ride horses, carry hunters, chase bicycles, cross roads, emit cries that can vibrate pants, compress your chest cavity, and push you, it wears skins, is shy, overturns jeeps, is bulletproof, is a 'fence-passer-througher', a 'fence-paser overer', is a salt-trader, is said to have an under-developed flight response mechanism, and yet, have exceptional flight response time, tackle feral hogs, perform sideways shuffling, is gluten sensitive, eats pig food, is vegetarian, is omnivorous, is carnivorous, is known to play catch, is known to be bedazzled by pinwheels, it's colors can be black, dark brown, brown, reddish-brown, tan, red, white or grey, and may also be: (not yet proven) Paranormal, shape-shifting, telepathic, invisible, inter-dimensional, UFO Traveling... According to YOU,(link to your quote) there have been bodies found in Wa. state. Doesnt that make this thread a moot point? So which is it? No bodies found there? Or? Cant wait to hear this one... "Cause I can prove what I say" TooRisky 2010
Guest Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 I don't know how you do things in your neck of the woods norcalloger - but to plan, survey, cruise, build roads, log, check cruise, replant, and then maintain the regen until until free growth in blocks as large as that video shows takes quite a few people in the bush where I come from. We let the Keebler Elves do all that stuff.
Huntster Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 (edited) Alex, you know that gorillas are killed and eaten on an immense scale, and even sold in bushmeat markets in Africa right? And it looks like 125,000 gorillas can feed a whole bunch of folks, and that would bring us right back to yesterday's endangered status of 100,000 or so. How many sasquatches are there available for dinner? Edited September 25, 2010 by Huntster
Huntster Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 BF sightings in OKC have as much evidentiary support as those from other areas. That statement is a clear denialist's desperation. Humorous, too. Thanks for the laugh.
Guest Blackdog Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 How many sasquatches are there available for dinner? I don't know... last I heard they were still checking their schedule.
Huntster Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 I don't know what the brown bear density is in eastern BC/western Alberta in comparison but there are a fair few of them there and also sasquatch sightings too. Brown bear population densities in North America is a fascinating science in and of itself, and Alaska tops the science. Fully 75% of North America's brown bear population is in Alaska. And in Alaska, we have regions with bear densities of 1 bear per 300 square miles, and areas with densities of several bears per square mile. The Gulf of Alaska coast holds the lion's share of brown bear in Alaska, but even then, there are areas with few brown bear and extremely high densities of black bear. This is especially true on the larger islands. Kodiak Island, of course so well known for it's very high density of brown bears, has offered not a single sasquatch report that I know of. It shouldn't be a surprise, and I've challenged skeptics repeatedly asking why that is, and if I get a response at all, it is typically lame or diversionary at best. But what is not widely known are the brown bear densities of the ABC islands of Southeast Alaska; Admiralty, Baranof, and Chichagof Islands. These island are high density brown bear habitat. Admiralty Island boasts brown bear numbers/density as high as Kodiak. As expected, few sasquatch sightings come from there (see Raincoast Sasquatch by Rob Alley). Just south of the ABC islands is Prince of Wales Island. It is the third largest island under the US flag (after the Big Island of Hawaii and Kodiak). There are no brown bears, however, the island boasts an extremely high density of the largest black bears in North America. Not surprisingly (to anyone studying reports, which does not include anybody within the science industry, apparently) there is a very high sasquatch report density from this island. Just to the east of Prince of Wales Island is Revillagigedo Island. This is the island that the city of Ketchikan is located. Ketchikan is the third largest city in Alaska with a population of 14,070 (approximately 1/3rd the population of Azuza, California). This island, too, is devoid of brown bears, but hosts a high density of black bears, and also boasts a high density of sasquatch reports. The average lay feller can see the obvious trend here, but I'm afraid scientists and pseudo-scientists can't. They're busy discussing sasquatches in metro Oklahoma City..................
Huntster Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 we can't find fresh bigfoot meat... well... anywhere. (you name it) Who's "we"? You name 'em.......
Huntster Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 Perhaps the truth is that sasquatch isn't 'anywhere' (i.e everywhere) and maybe the truth is that sasquatch is only 'somewhere'??? Perhaps the sasquatch mystery only has a chicken nugget of truth instead of being the entire KFC franchise??? You really don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. A skeptic would recognize that. A denialist wouldn't. And won't. Ever.
Huntster Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 Huntster, I ask you check out a specific claim in a specific thread and you respond by explaining away an entirely different source of information? I have addressed Glickman. His "clusters" can be readily explained by geographic variability in the familiarity with and acceptance of bigfoot mythology. Same spatial pattern of reports without a real bigfoot behind them. You obviously didn't review his theory. It specifically addresses your claim (pages 6 & 7): The relationship in the clustered data is the correlationbetween population density and frequency: the Group A correlation of +0.9661 is high relative to the Group B correlation of +0.1244. A second relationship in the clustered data is the correlation between population and frequency. When Group A is separated from the dataset, its correlation to population rises from +0.1192 to +0.5664. Group A is differentiated from Group B by its high correlation to population density. This is consistent with the model of receiving a report of a cataloged animal (Eq. 1). Let’s assume that manufactured reports will be uniformly distributed across the population. If the rate of manufactured reports is constant, then the frequency of reports should correlate to population. To some degree, this is seen in Group B. There may be other unidentified influencing factors such as mean media exposure to Bigfoot, which may influence the density of manufacturing. The author speculates that Group A and Group B represent different phenomenon. Group B may represent manufactured reports because of the correlation to population, whereas Group A may represent a different phenomenon because of its correlation to population density. The author hypothesizes that if Green’s data is the superposition of multiple phenomena that this is the expected result. Professor, it might be good to study the phenomenon before your peer review. It may even help you present a more accurate package the next time you're invited to speak on the topic to the professional wildlife managers.
Guest rockinkt Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 We let the Keebler Elves do all that stuff. Elves would be perfect because they would be much shorter than the squatch and able to duck and dodge if attacked by a gurmpy one. Speaking of ducking and dodging...
Guest TooRisky Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 According to YOU,(link to your quote) there have been bodies found in Wa. state. Doesnt that make this thread a moot point? So which is it? No bodies found there? Or? Cant wait to hear this one... Maybe I should make this completely clear... "I HAVE NEVER FOUND NOR HAS THERE EVER BEEN A PICTURE, VIDEO OR DOCUMENTED CASE OF ANY DEAD BODY FOUND IN WASHINGTON STATE THAT I KNOW OF" ... But in turn there have been "STORIES OF BODIES BEING SEEN BOTH ALIVE AND DEAD HERE IN WASHINGTON STATE AND THEY HAVE BEEN PUT INTO PRINT, HISTORICAL RECORDS AND CARRIED BY VOICE IN STORY/LORE"... Sorry for the caps folk, Some have a listening problem "They hear but just do not listen"... Now with this said I hope we all understand exactly what I ment in said "Link"
Guest alex Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 Huntster, I ask you check out a specific claim in a specific thread and you respond by explaining away an entirely different source of information? I have addressed Glickman. His "clusters" can be readily explained by geographic variability in the familiarity with and acceptance of bigfoot mythology. Same spatial pattern of reports without a real bigfoot behind them. Then why do Reports occur more frequent in different season's of the year, and why do they have a connection with bodies of water?
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