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The Jacobs Photo Is A Juvenile Sasquatch

Guest Forbig

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Guest RedRatSnake


I do understand the circumstances surrounding the pictures and story, this was a very big thing on the Old BFF when it came out, I myself have always thought those were selected pictures of what i will call Sasquatch looking positions, were is the rest of those pictures taken at that time, it was admitted there were more to show but i have not seen them, so until there produced it's just another attempt by the BFRO to keep the interest in there pocket.

Tim :) just

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I do understand the circumstances surrounding the pictures and story, this was a very big thing on the Old BFF when it came out, I myself have always thought those were selected pictures of what i will call Sasquatch looking positions, were is the rest of those pictures taken at that time, it was admitted there were more to show but i have not seen them, so until there produced it's just another attempt by the BFRO to keep the interest in there pocket.

Tim :) just

couldn't agree more.

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couldn't agree more.

I couldn't disagree more, all the pictures were shown at one place or another on the BFRO with the exception of one with the hunter picking up the camera. Like I said earlier if there was anymore then the hunter was involved in a hoax not the BFRO. That certainly wasn't the case because he never thought of it as being a Bigfoot. He walked around with the pictures for several days asking everyone what kind of animal it was. It wasn’t until his niece seen it later on then suggested he send it into people that study Bigfoot photos.

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the animal looked like it was taking it's weet ole time in that area, so why no more pictures ?

I wouldn't say that in 36 seconds it went from a bent position into a somersault postion a couple steps away then disappeared forever. I wish I could move that fast it would take me all day to get into that second position.

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Guest RedRatSnake


I never put it in a hoax category at all cause it seemed to be just an honest mistake in identity by some, i do how ever think as always the BFRO is responsible for pushing it way too hard before really thinking it over, they constantly tear there reputation away piece by piece with there assumption that every noise or blurry picture is a BF.

What would be nice since they have good resources is if they would just be truthful to them selves and focus on finding the real thing instead building one using out of focus cameras and windy nights in the forest.

Tim :)

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That still don't explain why all these witnesses plus some others heard so many wood knocks and vocal sounds while investigating it. Or the long history of eye witness sightings in that very same area. Or the survey that couldn't explain its odd proportions, or the short torso primate models that fit in its footsteps.

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Are you saying that all those people converged to investigate these Jacobs images?

There was more than that investigating them, including a scientist from Duke University and an engineer that surveyed the area and calculated its size.

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Still looks like a bear to me.

How many teenage Bigfoot have you seen?

Good point Krakatoa, my only sighting was of mature Sas and brief at that many years ago. Like any picture or video we see what we want to; biased upon eveyhting we have seen and heard on the subject of said video or picture, I could be wrong been wrong many times in my life. Just saying what my mind tells me having seen hundreds of bears of all sizes ages and colors...and i just dont see a bear. However I do agree that there shuld be more pictures in the sequence than there is.


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Guest RedRatSnake


I wanted the Jacobs pictures to be real, i can still remember that day when i logged onto the net and they were on Yahoo, my jaw dropped and i yelled to my wife ~ Hun they got pictures of a BF ~ then i went to the forum thinking i would be one of the first to get posting and talk about it.

Well i was like hours late and way behind cause by the time i got to the already 3 page long thread some very good minds had already figured out the pictures had the anatomy of a small bear, plus there were bears around just minutes before the BF pictures were taken and bears while it was there, that i find hard to believe since they would be competing for food and i would expect some fighting and it looked all peaceful to me, now i am not a hunter or woodsman of any kind but i do research a lot and in this case in the end the only ones that were still claiming BF were the ones that posted the pictures in the first place.

Tim :)

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Forbig, is that a bigfoot sign hanging in the truck? Looks like a happy bunch.

Looks like it I remember this well there was many more than just one tractor trailer load of people. If you counted the traffic jam of people searching for the Jacobs Creature it would total in the thousands. There’s no shortage of people living in that area that didn’t believe it was a bear. Other than the recorded eye witnesses in that area it all makes me wonder just how many have seen it but never came forward to report it.

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there were bears around just minutes before the BF pictures were taken and bears while it was there, that i find hard to believe since they would be competing for food and i would expect some fighting and it looked all peaceful to me

Tim :)

You better have another look and check the facts:

There was no bear there at the same time it was.

What looks like a bear was the overturned salt lick and feeding dish after some type of off camera scuffle.

The bear and everything disappeared for days after the creature picture.

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Guest RedRatSnake


It's been a while since i have talked about this so i am a bit foggy on some of the old details, too bad we don't have the old threads, anyway it was proved to me and many others that it was a bear and nothing else, that's about all i will say cause the subject is really been beaten to death and i lost interest in it long ago, figured i would try and relive it but it ain't working for me, it would take too much time to refresh myself on the facts ~

Thanks Tim :)

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