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The Ketchum Report


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I will add, c2c gets some real A1 callers. Holy cow. Talk about listening to the whole show then ask the dumbest questions.

She says there are > 15.000 in population living here. All over. Knapp threw out the 15k estimate as a guess. She gives much respect to habituators. Not so much to bfro and a Sunday night tv show. Steered clear of Smeja and the shooting.

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She says there are > 15.000 in population living here. All over. Knapp threw out the 15k estimate as a guess. She gives much respect to habituators. Not so much to bfro and a Sunday night tv show. Steered clear of Smeja and the shooting.

Does she say how she comes to that 15,000 number?

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Knapp suggested 15,000 as a possibility. She said probably at least that amount. Idk where George gets that estimate.

Steers clear of any alien connection also.

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I'm no good at finding links, free ones at that. If some member could find and post, it is a good interview. Lots of good info, little of it "new". Some confirmations. You can feel her frustrations and hear it in her tone. She wants it to be over as much as we do. Catch it if you can.

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starts about minute 39.. I am at 1:09

her sincere conviction cannot be denied (ha, this is the Bf forum, of course it can! my bad!) and is encouraging for me, she raced ahead to "people" (I'll take that as Bfers!) should leave them alone because they don't want to be studied and/or it is inappropriate (leave to the professionals in the future)...which for me is the transformation one would expect of finding they rise to the dignity we should afford such a being...

it remains to be seen if BFers will be the worst of the critics, we certainly are now as the few really invested, whether in heart or hope.

Oh, It's Christmas Eve.....goodwill to all! Edited by apehuman
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BFF Patron

Tomorrow would be a great day for this to drop.... Couldn't think of a better gift for Christmas! If it's real that is.

Yeah, I said that last Christmas week, *sighs wistfully in the traditional blue Christmas rainy season of the Southern Apps.*

When I first heard about Dr. Ketchums study, I was so excited that at a football party with my friends I gave an AA type of confession." Hi, my name is LTBF and I'm a Bigfoot beleiver." I then went on to explain that a convergence of evidence is coming that will blow the roof off this subject. I still feel this way, however, not one to go on blind faith I began to research at a deeper level. I found this forum and beleive it or not, read this entire thread before posting anything. It matters little to me what title someone gives me in reguard to Bigfoot. I am rooting very hard for the facts to be good, but in my mind it seems a bad idea to go on a program about the paranormal when you are trying to get a scientific paper published. Please tell me the facts, anyone. I have heard a proposition, but no facts. I am trying to be respectful of Dr. Ketchum and again want her to be right. If I was her PR person, I wiould say: "Let the science talk, and stay clear of everything but the DNA evidence" The scientific community can dismiss you all the faster if you are associated with the topics from Coast tom Coast.

Remember they will have subscriptions, reprints, books, documentaries, etc. to sell science or not and so will alot of people apparently dependent on their big release, it is all part of the big show of Bigfoot. Let's just hope they have the big evidence that goes with it and not the raccoon or owl recordings that are Bigfoot's mimicry (and my personal favorite Bigfoot skills btw).

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Guest Thepattywagon

I listened to a good bit of the interview last night, and I still feel the same regarding her approach to all of the PR stuff. My feeling was and is that her conviction in the data being totally sound affords her the luxury of speaking her mind on a personal level regarding what she thinks these creatures are.

I really don't have a problem with that. She is very articulate and obviously an intelligent woman who knows how to comport herself during an interview.

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Guest poignant

Heard it last night live. Good interview - put her in a positive light with talk of her prior expert witness roles and stringent forensic methods.

Best to get it straight from the horse vet's mouth, I say.

Everything else is just noise and poison.

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Guest thermalman

Absolutely Poig. I hope she turns it back on them and launches lawsuits for slander against them all. I've always thought, and mentioned, she's sitting back having coffee and laughing at those idiots who know nothing. She's deadon about the jealousy attribute of others who didn't get to the finish line first. She's straight up and knows what she's talking about.........:)

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