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The Ketchum Report


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You didn't miss anything Drew.

Well, other than the road-kill adult male sasquatch that has been handed in to the Smithsonian and is now on public display. Apart from that, nothing at all.


well, I was talking to my sister-n-law's neighbor, who has a brother that works with a guy that was janitor and the Smithsonian ,and he said that there is a very good

chance that this story is true, so that is as gospel for me. Heraldo should be breaking the story not actually shorty, but not really long in the near future either.

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Finding Bigfoot will be hitting the Smithsonian Museum and checking for eyewitness reports about the Bigfoot that was on display for only a few hours, then mysteriously disappeared. Bobo will overnight camp on the mall, looking for bigfoots coming to the reflecting pool to drink.

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Guest Jodie

+1 for inc1's eloping news (not sure if you eloped, or kidnapped Jodie though)

We are under an NDA and can not comment further on our relationship or that of our charges. Suffice it to say it is a part of the study, Inc1 will be dealt with accordingly for leaking this sensitive information.

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Guest Crowlogic

Feral human? That means a human being was shot and killed. It means that there will be murder charges against the shooter.

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Not really since she isn't using those old domain names. A couple of days ago you said there is really nothing to this whole thing anyway. Tough to bring up murder charges on a murder of nothing.

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Guest Crowlogic

Not really since she isn't using those old domain names. A couple of days ago you said there is really nothing to this whole thing anyway. Tough to bring up murder charges on a murder of nothing.

I still think there's nothing to it. But in the unlikely event that there is and there was a feral human killed it won't escape the eyes of the law. However IMO the case against feral humans is even weaker than the case for an unknown biped primate. If the Patterson film is real what he filmed is; far more primate like than human like. Feral or otherwise.

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im gonna laugh my butt off if it is proven & turns out to be neither & nothing like any of the theories

....maybe a giant bipedal mole or something.

if it is real & a feral human there is probably a lawyer somewhere that would try to bring charges against the shooter. might not stick, but the smell of $ & the publicity might be blood in the water for a would be shark


jodie dont be too hard on inc for the nda leak.....but do be sure not to take the kids camping in the Sierras for vacation :derisive:

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Guest slimwitless

Ketchum has backed away from both the copyright filings and the feral human domain names. It seems unlikely she would include the hairy flesh sample from the Sierras in her study if she felt it came from a human being. But...what do I know?

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Baseless because there have been so many claims of proof of Bigfoot that have panned out in the past?


Baseless because they are speculating on a report no one (who is talking) has seen and pronouncing those speculations as fact.

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Guest parnassus

I hope someone asks her about the May conference. I have to make my travel plans, you know. :mole:

If she comes and delivers the goods, I'll buy the first round. :russian:

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Guest FuriousGeorge

I hope someone asks her about the May conference. I have to make my travel plans, you know. :mole:

If she comes and delivers the goods, I'll buy the first round. :russian:

Just call the airline and say you would like to book a ticket. You're not sure when. It could be quite soon or a little farther out.

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BFF Patron

Just call the airline and say you would like to book a ticket. You're not sure when. It could be quite soon or a little farther out.

Hairy Hominoidal Airways is a winner.... their motto, "We're never on time but don't waste YOUR time making promises we can't keep..... FLY NOW PAY LATER..... " (18 months interest free before initial payment due)..... renewable every 18 months with a log-in to the BFF, "liking" our Facebook page or commenting on certain highly rated Bigfoot blogs.... (which shall remain un-named so as not to pressure any of our brethren)....

yeah, j/k

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