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The Ketchum Report


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:drinks: I just got home and caught up with today's post when I hit Sas's post at 8:46 this morning and I just can't stop laughing.

Sorry about the fingernails and the retinaes Sas. It's a two martini cocktail for me at this point.

Sas I knew you had to be a published academic, it shows from your knowledge of this process from day one. I appreciate the way you make it easy to understand for a lay person like me. This morning's post just has me in stitches though, love an over the top dry sense of humor. You da man today Sas.

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Yes I have a sample in the study.



Just curious. Have you seen any part of the paper, such as an abstract or the part that mentions your sample? Do you know whether or not Dr. Ketchum is the primary author or is a co-equal collaborator?

In your opinion, knowledge, or overheard rumor at TexLa, will the paper be published in a general science journal, a life-science journal (biology, zoology, anthropology), or a forensic science journal?

On your website you mention a video unreleased to the public and track casts from the area. Have you seen these artifacts and are you impressed?

I can't help but wonder if the reviewers are trying to "Colombo" the paper to death (as in "Oh, by the way Dr Ketchum...just one more thing..."). Every time she responds to the requests for re-write, they come up with some other nit-picky thing they want fixed, turning publication into an endurance contest, looking to see how long it takes before she gets fed up and withdraws the paper.

Careful Mulder, you are committing the logical error known as the undistributed Peter Falk boomerang unintended results fallacy, also known by shorthand as "Duck!"

Columbo's "Oh, by the way, just one more thing..." and some other nit-picky things always exposed a crime and brought the truth to light.

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Thanks Peter O. It's been an interesting time researching this subject.

Jerrywayne, I could probably flood you with info about surrounding evidence, but most is reported by other researchers, and I don't have access to those artifacts. PM me if you like.

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Guest Transformer

I do have an NDA , and am giving benefit of the doubt that she has assembled a team of coauthors , some of whom are more qualified than herself in certain aspects of the work, so no matter how this goes down, you won't be pointing a finger at just one person for it's success or failure.

Thank you and I will not bother you with more questions due to your need to follow the NDA.

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From the facebook page:

Q - Dr. Ketchum was just wondering how do you think the media will respond when this paper comes out ?

A - Sally here - Greg, I am more in tune with the media since I work with them. This will be a huge story. I don't mean to sound trite, though. There's just not much else that can be said at this point.

Edited by tuckybuzzard
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I do have an NDA , and am giving benefit of the doubt that she has assembled a team of coauthors , some of whom are more qualified than herself in certain aspects of the work, so no matter how this goes down, you won't be pointing a finger at just one person for it's success or failure.

When does the NDA expire?

Tim B.

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Guest BFSleuth

Perhaps when PD comes, we can start a new thread for members that have submitted samples to discuss the procedures for collection, etc. Very cool, sy, very cool.

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It's that way for a reason Tim, the scientists aren't going to speak on it until it can pass peer review, and a layman submitter like myself would likely butcher the facts, and speak too soon. I imagine much was learned during the coarse of the study, some of which could have been unexpected and not found right away. The more you look, the more you find.

I don't have any complaints, I don't have alot of money or sample tied up in this, all I see is a win for bigfoot enthusiasts, because science is giving it more than a fair shot at proving itself.

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I don't have any complaints, I don't have alot of money or sample tied up in this, all I see is a win for bigfoot enthusiasts, because science is giving it more than a fair shot at proving itself.

When the paper is released, I will be 100% in agreement with you. Until then, it's just another group with special knowledge hinted at but not shared with everyone.

Tim B.

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I understand that Tim, just keep in mind that the submitters of samples don't know the results nearly as well as the authors do.

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