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The Ketchum Report


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Guest Jodie

Hahhh, what questions can you answer of any worth if you can't talk about the project? I don't think pleasing people is the primary motive, more to control the spin I suppose.

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FWIW , "critical" is as filled with bias and belief as "acceptance" is. Good thing we have objective peer reviewed science as the arbitor of truth.

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I think Melba's post is pretty much common sense. I figured that is what she was doing.

Most who are critical of this, should'nt be. She really does not owe us any info at all.

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Guest Jodie

Which is why I don't understand the facebook comments. She is not obligated at all to say anything, and if I had this much riding on something, then I would not do the facebook page not answering questions that can't be asked.

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Guest Cervelo

Everytime I read one of the FB posts I get the same feeling when I see someone on the highway pass a tractor trailer on the right.... first I wonder what the heck their thinking then a cringe but cant look away!

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Which is why I don't understand the facebook comments. She is not obligated at all to say anything, and if I had this much riding on something, then I would not do the facebook page not answering questions that can't be asked.

I don't know why you don't understand it. It is how our society has worked as long as I can remenber. When there is a goal and legalities involved, this is how people act.

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As an aside...what chance do you all think there is she will speak at the upcoming conference on "Primal People" in Richland, WA?

She is slated...has been before at other conferences and hasn't come through.

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Guest BFSleuth

Thank goodness I haven't counted on Dr. Ketchum for my happiness.... ;)

... that being said I think her FB statement is simply responding to the negativity posted on this and other forums. She's in a Catch 22. If she says nothing she is criticized. If she says anything she is criticized. In PR terms she is in a no win situation until publication.

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Guest slimwitless

Well bless her heart, I think she failed at keeping most of us happy.

Now, Jodie. You know if she delivers it will all be water under the bridge. You'll be telling friends and family you were following all this back when most people thought sasquatch was a figment of overactive imaginations (or some kind of undiscovered non-human primate).

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jodie doesn't care for dr ketchum or her study, and doesn't hold back about it. Even when comes out I doubt she will embrace it.

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Well, you are assuming there will be something forthcoming to embrace.

I hope there is but that is yet to be proven.

I think Jodie's reasoning is as sound as I would expect. Like many of us she has been burned many times before, and that forces some hesitancy on just accepting the FB promises of *soon* and the like.

But she hasn't closed the door.

I think we would all do well to adopt a similar stance of measured skepticism regarding this lest this entire thing turn out like *Enoch* and *The Georgia Boys Fiasco* among others.

If you want something to legitimately find fault with look no further than those skeptics who lobby for a couple of more years for a documentary to be released proving the PGF is an hoax, that has been promised for years upon years, while deriding and complaining about the length of time the release of the Ketchum Report is taking.

The protestations from Jodie related to this that I have read have been concerning the constant FB promises of *soon*.

That's a legitimate concern IMO.

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The protestations from Jodie related to this that I have read have been concerning the constant FB promises of *soon*

Is it really constant, or has it only been said once or twice?

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