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The Ketchum Report


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Interesting, I have access to a press pass...........

edited to remove quote.

Edited by Cotter
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Yes, very interesting. If it's not about BF, it will still be interesting by the sound of it. Having said that, it's probably about how butterflies evolved with my luck.

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Guest slimwitless

Whatever the paper is the keywords make it sound interesting!

I think it's more likely to be the paper released to reporters today for release on Thursday. The keyword (and channel) is simply "genetics".

Just FYI. (I'm doubtful but hope springs eternal).

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^^ I've got access to one, attempting to get things rolling, unfortunately, the person in possession of it is on a hot assignment in the oil fields....

Doin' my best here to get a peek at it.

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Guest spurfoot

The absence of keywords other than "genetics" suggests that Particle Noun found a very secretive paper under embargo. Is it The Bomb !

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Guest slimwitless

Yeah, the fact that genetics isn't mentioned kills this as being a possibility.

Well, this one fits the bill:


Yeah, that's the one I'm talking about. A few weeks back there were several papers marked only as "Science". We all know what happened there...or not.

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"......Keep in mind, though, that this is an online publication (hard-copy print editions come out a few weeks later) and unless you have a subscription or access to a subscription account (like a college library), you won't see the full paper online or in print. Copies of papers are available from journals for a fee......"

...this is paraphrased from a post from Sally Ramey earlier today (14 hrs ago as of the time of this post). It answers a couple of questions, particularly the "is there even a paper?", "has it even been submitted?" and may even narrow down the "which journal" question.

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Guest BFSleuth

Good point BeachFoot. When the Ketchum study is published we will all be able to read the news reports about the study, but in order to read the actual study you will either need to already subscribe to the journal or purchase a copy of the report. Typical cost to buy a single report is about US$25-30, depending on the journal.

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