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The Ketchum Report


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And I have a bloody headache from all this reading. I heard (while at the Primal People Conf) that the "steak", or what is remaining, is divided and stored at various locations. There is supposedly quite a bit left....

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Guest watch1

Question: Has anyone else wondered why the media grabbed onto the Sykes DNA study but there is very little about Ketchum's DNA study other than on bigfoot blogs? Maybe I've just missed it. Just curious is all.

The media most likely has the plans already in place to shoot holes all in this report and have the "professionals" lined up waiting to do the same. Then after that happens, who in their right mind is going to try it again and go through the same thing. Get use to it folks, you are never going to hear the truth. If you did, would you believe it?

Mike (watch1)

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Yes, Bart claims to have the bloody boots but he's unsure how many times Justin wore them after the "shooting" incident and before giving them over.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

Interesting how General has physical evidence, but people still easily label him a hoaxer. I guess it's inevitable.

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We don't know if the DNA on the boots is viable or not. Yes, they were worn after the fact and were even exposed to salt water. They might test well, and they might not. They will eventually be tested. It's worth a try. As far as Sykes testing the sierra sample goes, not he has not yet.

I will say this. This new study is not secretive. We, the Olympic Project have already submitted samples. No NDA's have been signed at this point, and I hope there will be none of that going on. Not sure I can wait like this again lol. I understand Melbas delays, but like all of you my patience is thin.


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Guest slimwitless

Thanks for the update, Derekfoot. Did any of the samples submitted to Sykes study test "positive" for Dr. Ketchum?

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I heard from a reliable source that i can't reveal that the report will be published on the back of a happy meal and comes with your choice of Ketchum, Paulides, lindsey, or Sas action figure . It will coincide with the release of the new McSassy- a sandwich with zagnuts, garlic, and duck feathers. Of course you will find no bones...

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Slimwitless, no, haven't heard anything yet. We just gave him, via Meldrum our first sample submission a few weeks ago.


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Guest slimwitless

Thanks again. I guess I was wondering if the sample you did send to Sykes was something new or if it was something that already "passed" Dr. Ketchum's screening (the saliva from the trail cam for example).

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