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The Ketchum Report


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Wow , just wow!! As a member of the "so called science community", I am beginning now to understand why more of my colleagues are not quite as receptive as I to this phenomenon. I stumbled upon the ketchum project some 11 or so months ago . I was , at that time , fascinated and excited that this legend might in fact be real . I began then to read all that I could about BF , went to all the forums that would allow me in and began to immerse myself in what was known to date . I read about Meldrum and all that he had been through and felt horribly about how he had been treated by his colleagues . I entered this field with an open mind , as I have learned many times over in science that it is very important to think outside of the box and equally as important to understand that mainstream thinking is not set in stone and believing that it is , is dangerous and will keep you in the dark ages. I do believe that sasquatch exists as there are far too many credible sightings and far too many genuine researchers that have seen this creature to believe otherwise .

However, having said that , and no worries, this will be my last post here , although I have encountered and interacted with some very genuine, bright , and grounded individuals , I have also realized that the sentiments of @science critic are echoed by many . I have read all 200 pages of this thread and have realized that some here are so biased the other way that they are worse than the "skeptics " and members of the "so called science community " like myself. Stating , as he has that scientists are a part of the problem speaks volumes really . I would argue that with science on your side , and with publications in decent journals, will come more interest from other scientists, which will bring funding and exposure ... all of which will allow this field to move forward far quicker that it would otherwise . So .. .science critic , understand that attitude will only serve to keep this field in the dark ages . Perhaps there are some that would like it to stay as it is , perhaps they are concerned that having scientists involved will disallow the average researcher from being at the forefront of the field . That is a genuine concern and I would hope that would not be the case . At any rate , I would suggest that we all need to keep an open mind, scientists and non-scientists alike , as to do otherwise will keep this field and many others from moving forward .

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Guest Particle Noun

Crystal, I can certainly understand that sentiment. But surely you can understand a little the frustration from the other side. There are a small number of people in the scientific community ( you seem to be one of them ) who don't react to this subject with comedic sneers if not outright hostility.

And this is muddied by all of the arm chair skeptics who heap derision on those who've had an experience.

That doesn't necessarily excuse the abundance of denigration toward the scientific community, but it can provide some context. Looking back through this thread isn't going to be the best place to see that at work, since the forces shaping that behavior have already been in place for a long while.

I, for one, hope you will bring your perspective to this debate, perhaps ignoring any level of hostility toward the scientific community which rubs you the wrong way.

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Thank you @particle noun. I have lied now as that was not my last post, but I did want to respond . I do definitely understand the frustration and hostility , but we cannot all be lumped together really . I do understand what you are saying and I should have been far more clear as this is certainly not the only thread I have read . I only meant that I have seen those sentiments echoed again and again throughout this thread , but also many others as well . My thoughts on it have always been that there is good reason for many feeling as they do as I too am frustrated by many of my colleagues and their close-minded attitudes . However, having said that the post that I was responding to was just as close-minded as any scientist I have ever encountered . The point is that we all need to have an open mind , both skeptics and non-skeptics. Lastly, for whatever it is worth , although I do have my reservations about the. Ketchum project, I am not a skeptic by any means . I believe sincerely that these creatures exist and in time , hopefully a short time , there will be evidence to convert even the most skeptical of individuals . Particle noun , again , thank you for your post .

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You are really out of the loop Drew.

Look I don't 100% know what the Sykes Report will say but it will not be.....

Ok, maybe I do know, but I know a lot more than I will ever post.

Had you not been such a skeptic in the past you might be more trusted and know more.

Everyone is remaining mum who knows, and the rampant and unfounded speculation, like the above quote by you is just rampant and unfounded speculation.

That's the kindest thing I can say about it and remain within our rules.

If you think it is going to say "Solicited DNA comes back BIGFOOT"

Then you are the one out of the loop!

It is for a TV documentary, it is going to be all hype just like the Ketchum report.

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Guest Shaun

@Crystal - This might seem odd, but I'd like to ask you not to leave the forum, or refrain from posting. In my opinion we need more level headed people like you on here, and I applaud your comment about us all needing to have 'an open mind'.

The most sensible thing I've ever read in this thread.

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I think there are many more here that feel the same way as shaun, including myself. I will just leave it at that. UPs

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Yeah Crystal, stick around! Who knows, maybe something new will actually come to light :)

Edited by AaronD
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And this is muddied by all of the arm chair skeptics who heap derision on those who've had an experience.

Is it your opinion that skeptics who do not take as granted the truth claims of those claiming an experience are heaping derision on those folks? Is then skepticism itself the equivalent of derision, as you see it? Believe, or deride, the only options?

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Thanks so much Shaunw73, UPS , and AaronD for your supportive comments . My reaction was unwarranted and a bit petty to say the least . I do apologize . I have become so interested in all of this that I dont think I could really stay away ,even if I tried . Additionally, I have encountered so many people on here that are really sharp and knowledgeable that I would be missing a lot of great discussions to walk away at this point . I apologize for my earlier rant .

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Guest spurfoot

Crystal, your reaction was understandable. I have sometimes felt the same. I hope you continue to take interest in the subject.

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Found this yesterday on Newswise. Due tomorrow and probably nothing but curiously lacks details, just Genetics Journal related.




=GSA"]GSA's GENETICS Journal, =June%202012%20Highlights"]June 2012 Highlights


A reporter's PressPass is required to access this story until the embargo expires on 6/14/2012 10:00 AM EDT

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6/14/2012 10:00 AM EDT

Released to reporters:

6/12/2012 4:35 PM EDT


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BFF Patron

http://www.newswise....cles/view/9612/ (yeah, a 1998 embargo)

If nothing else this article alludes to what simple hair from a bigfoot could tell us about diet, nutrition, etc.

It would probably be cooler to be able to do scanning electron microscopy on BF molars though ... don't think anyone claims to have one of those though.

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Guest watch1

Mike, Watch1

( I'm just saying ) Didn't expect this from you as you always seem more upbeat...


Yep, I sorta surprised myself with that comment. The truth is, I shined a light down in a rabbit hole and I saw some things that told me we have been on a merry go round for several years and we always seem to end up where we started. The Bigfoot community is it's own worst enemy. There is more hidden than shown and more back door workings and dealings than anyone can imagine. There are also those watching the ones that are watching others. Not everything is as it seems and not everyone is who you think they are.

I hope that those that have worked so hard to bring the truth forward are successful in doing so. I wish Melba Ketchem the best.

Mike (watch1)

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