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Guest MikeG

No she didn't.

If you think she did, simply reference it.


Guest OntarioSquatch


The proof that the Sasquatch is not only the closest living human relative but is actually a contemporary living human.
Also discussed is how testing has ruled out ape cross and any ancient contributor and that Sasquatch is indeed a modern human with some genetic mutations accounting for their physical appearance.
Guest MikeG

Since completely and utterly disowned by Ketchum herself, here on the forum:

25 January 2012 - 03:37 AM

To address the recent hype and misstatements concerning my paper, please be advised that the information pulled off the US Copyright website for a 2010 preregistration for a proposed media project is not an accurate summary of our scientific testing and data and does not reflect the current conclusions of our scientific paper. The contemplated media project was never produced and no update was ever made to the short description on the preregistration statement. Instead of working on proposed media projects, we have been focusing our time and energy on our ongoing scientific testing and data which will be accurately summarized in the final version of our scientific paper. The final paper presenting our data, analysis and updated conclusions will be published in a peer reviewed scientific journal but we do not have a publication date at this time.



Indeed. Every photo and film that folks have claimed to be Bigfoot should have been confiscated if the gov't was interested in suppressing such information and had the power to do so. Come on folks, that's an alarm clock you're hearing and a pot of coffee you're smelling...

Well, they wouldn't be worried about photos or film, as that can be easily discredited by simply dismissing it as a hoax or mistaken identity. It would be hard evidence, such as a body that the government would want hidden. That said, I don't buy into the government coverup theory either. I'm just not convinced the timber industry has enough pull to keep a lid on it.


Ummm...if the government was trying to cover up sasquatches wouldn't they have taken the hunter's story about killing two more seriously? I thought he reported the kills to Fish and Game but was just laughed at. Can somebody explain how the Government Cover-up and the Double Sasquatch Shootings and DNA samples from the "steak" can exist at the same time? One of them has to false, right?


The government can be engaged in a cover up, but make a mistake/be caught off guard and something gets through to the public before it can be "vanished". Accidents happen.

Alternately, the shooting/steak scenario could be an elaborate disinformation effort, to wit: engineer an elaborate hoax that sucks in a large number of people, including leading proponent scientists, then when they've committed themselves to a public position, reveal the "hoax" and permanently damage their reputation and credibility.

That's the twisted nature of psychological warfare...warp truth and falsehood into such a distorted mess that the average person doesn't know who or what to believe. Then come in with a carefully crafted "truth" that looks like the right thing, says all the right things, and they'll lap it up never realizing they're being fed a bunch of lies.

Indeed. Every photo and film that folks have claimed to be Bigfoot should have been confiscated if the gov't was interested in suppressing such information and had the power to do so. Come on folks, that's an alarm clock you're hearing and a pot of coffee you're smelling...

If every photo or film vanished, sooner or later it would become obvious that was what was happening. So you reserve vanishings and other hard-ball tactics for the big cases, and use psychological operations tricks to keep the issue confused on everything else.

The most powerful tool in any conspiracy's arsenal is the meme that "conspiracies don't exist", and that people who "believe" in conspiracies are "crazy".


I don't think it's that complicated. I don't believe that the average government employee knows they exist either. When one is required to act in an official capacity, though, regarding a situation, as it's reported up the chain there's some mechanism to simply make it go away in the interest of public safety. With regard to keeping the lower level officials quiet, I think it is simply a matter of pointing out how disruptive it would be if the public became aware. None of them really want their jobs to get more complicated, or to make things tougher for their employing agency. And none of them want to be that guy from Roswell who sent out the press release about what turns out to be a downed weather balloon.

Are there exceptions to this. Sure. There was the dashcam video from the Carolinas. Too inconclusive for the public to take seriously, though.

The Sierra Shooter had two bodies, one small enough that he could have carried it away. But he was so freaked out that even he, under those circumstances, decided to let it lie. This is a common theme among hunters who reportedly shoot one.

Take it from me, in a chance encounter the last thing you're thinking about is "How do I prove this thing exists?". If you're close enough to get clear, unmistakable photographic or vido evidence and are surprised, your first thoughts are of survival. If you have an opportunity to pursue one, you quickly realize you're taking a major risk because you start wondering where the parent is or where the female's mate is or simply where the rest of them are.

Guest OntarioSquatch

There are rumors that one of the bodies were recovered and is with the Olympic Project. I have no idea how accurate the rumor is, but the Olympic Project did claim they have enough Bigfoot Samples to last for years.

Guest Transformer

Do you think that such a conspiracy exists in Canada? The National police force The Royal Candian Mounted Police do not discourage investigations or reports of sasquatch and have offically investigated them in the past and cooperated with the press.


Indeed. Every photo and film that folks have claimed to be Bigfoot should have been confiscated if the gov't was interested in suppressing such information and had the power to do so. Come on folks, that's an alarm clock you're hearing and a pot of coffee you're smelling...

Sas: That's your alarm clock you're hearing, need to get your coffee and wake up. You are DEAD wrong on this one.

Guest Tontar

Kitakaze's suit is a government funded reproduction, cut, sewn, and artificially aged in a special unit of Area 51. It's release is planned to coincide with the Ketchum release, to invalidate it in a way, much like the weather balloon fabric display after Roswell. Kit works for the government as a special CIA operative, which is why he has so much cohesive information. His story is the result of an elaborate think tank project to keep us in the dark, while multi-millionaires are farming bigfoots of numerous different types in the dark jungles of the southern states. Life is good, filled with exciting news all the time! :-)


Do you think that such a conspiracy exists in Canada? The National police force The Royal Candian Mounted Police do not discourage investigations or reports of sasquatch and have offically investigated them in the past and cooperated with the press.

Didn't someone recently post that an ad hoc group of Canadian park officials who were conducting their own investigation were ordered to cease and desist by their own service?


Ummm...if the government was trying to cover up sasquatches wouldn't they have taken the hunter's story about killing two more seriously? I thought he reported the kills to Fish and Game but was just laughed at. Can somebody explain how the Government Cover-up and the Double Sasquatch Shootings and DNA samples from the "steak" can exist at the same time? One of them has to false, right?

When they went back to search for the bodies...they were gone. Was that before of after they contacted FIsh and Game??

Guest Tontar

Yeah, ad all that was there was a piece of skin with hair on it. Could be a plant, eh? why would there be a chunk of skin and no bodies, no bones, nothing else? Just might be that the bodies were removed, and replaced with skin from some other animal. Hmmmm...

Guest BFSleuth

I think lest anyone go back off the deep end talking about how Ketchum reported that DNA of BF = human DNA please reference both these excellent posts by MikeG (especially the link to the 2nd one):

Since completely and utterly disowned by Ketchum herself, here on the forum:

25 January 2012 - 03:37 AM

To address the recent hype and misstatements concerning my paper, please be advised that the information pulled off the US Copyright website for a 2010 preregistration for a proposed media project is not an accurate summary of our scientific testing and data and does not reflect the current conclusions of our scientific paper. The contemplated media project was never produced and no update was ever made to the short description on the preregistration statement. Instead of working on proposed media projects, we have been focusing our time and energy on our ongoing scientific testing and data which will be accurately summarized in the final version of our scientific paper. The final paper presenting our data, analysis and updated conclusions will be published in a peer reviewed scientific journal but we do not have a publication date at this time.



Kitakaze's suit is a government funded reproduction, cut, sewn, and artificially aged in a special unit of Area 51. It's release is planned to coincide with the Ketchum release, to invalidate it in a way, much like the weather balloon fabric display after Roswell. Kit works for the government as a special CIA operative, which is why he has so much cohesive information. His story is the result of an elaborate think tank project to keep us in the dark, while multi-millionaires are farming bigfoots of numerous different types in the dark jungles of the southern states. Life is good, filled with exciting news all the time! :-)

Anaylying the above from a psy-ops perspective, it's very typical of what one would expect from a misinformation plant.

It has a joksey, casually dismissive/derisive tone, makes a number of plausible sounding but inaccurate statements that would require considerable effort to effectively refute, then slips in a couple of clearly over-the-top spurious claims to up the derision factor.

Psychologically, it makes use of humor to short-circuit a critical thinking-based response to the bad claims presented. Laughing (even just being amused) makes people feel good, and that leaves the informational content with a positive connotation in their minds that reason and logic have a hard time overcoming.

Mind you I"m not suggesting Tontar is a plant...simply pointing out that the post is entirely consistent with the sort of psychologically sophisticated counter-informational agit-prop one would expect a conspiracy (if one existed) to employ in a misinformation campaign.

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