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The Ketchum Report


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Guest gershake

Somebody on the " team " said on FB an hour ago that the Ketchum study is " done ".

" Her study is done. We are waiting for the journal to publish Melba's DNA results "

Who and where? Link please?
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Guest Nalajr

That is IF they have the courage to do so.

Yet another element to contend with.

So I guess now that it's done, they can tell us what journal has it and is wringing their hands over publishing it. Can't they?


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Guest MikeG


I want you to think very carefully about talking about people on Dr Ketchum's team, bearing in mind that a number of people in and around the team, including the good doctor, are members of this forum, and that it is just about our number one taboo here to release personal identification information.

Please do not say anything that might give away the identity of forum members, or you will find yourself in deep trouble very quickly indeed.


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^No need to follow on Facebook unless your interest is in regular melodrama. If anything ever actually comes of Dr. Ketchum's analysis, there will be abundant media coverage on all major outlets. After all, she's claiming proof of an extant, undescribed hominin in North America.

SaS, what adds credence to all of this, is the fact that at least one other study is underway, and probably others that are not in the BF blogs and the like.


So I guess now that it's done, they can tell us what journal has it and is wringing their hands over publishing it. Can't they?

They cant. they have to wait until the embargo is lifted, she has said this numerous times.

Edited by zigoapex
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BFF Patron

I would think that the appearance of healthy Sykes competition will now make the journal fasttrack what is fasttrackable. Don't want to lose to another journal, right?

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SaS, what adds credence to all of this, is the fact that at least one other study is underway, and probably others that are not in the BF blogs and the like.

That's nice. When any of these studies actually publish, then there might be some credence to be had. Until that time, I'll keep my credence safely isolated from rumor, speculation, hype, etc.

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Guest Particle Noun


Yeah, if the Sykes report were to have any impact on the Ketchum study at all, I imagine it would be on the journals side of things. No publication wants to get scooped, and if the science is solid behind this, then that is even more true.

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I want you to think very carefully about talking about people on Dr Ketchum's team, bearing in mind that a number of people in and around the team, including the good doctor, are members of this forum, and that it is just about our number one taboo here to release personal identification information.

Please do not say anything that might give away the identity of forum members, or you will find yourself in deep trouble very quickly indeed.


Mike, as a point of clarification, are you saying that it is against the rules to say that any particular person is a member of the "Ketchum Team" on the chance that they might be a forum member?

Isn't that like saying that you could not disclose Dr Meldrum (also a forum member) as a member of his university's faculty?

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BFF Patron

Whis is why she's making sure her ducks are in order before going public, I'm guessing.

Her ducks are not only in order, they have suffered from heat-stroke from treading water at attention for so long


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So when did Linda become the spokesperson for Melba's study. From what I remember of the public fb page, she was just a supportive fan, Not in the know. Sorry but i'm not going to rely on what she says. And who is this " somebody on the team"? How do you know they are apart of the paper. as far as I know Melba asn't confirmed any of this.

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