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Drew, I think what you are asking for is proof, not evidence.


I'm fairly knowledgable NGJ, I just didn't walk away with the same impressions you did from what has been historically presented. Hair morphology does not definitively identify anything, but if you want to believe that it does, that is your perogative. I can relate better to proponents that say they have witnessed a bigfoot better than I can to those that base their belief on what passes for evidence, that is just wishful thinknig and bias. Now I hear about a DNA study, I see pics and films of many interesting things attributed to bigfoot, but that isn't good enough. I think if anyone actually had anything worth looking at, we would have it by now, the DNA study is probably the best thing going at the moment if it really exists.


"I can relate better to proponents that say they have witnessed a bigfoot better than I can to those that base their belief on what passes for evidence, that is just wishful thinknig and bias."

Could not agree more with you there CT.

BFF Patron
Posted (edited)
....there's a guy named Tom Burnette that claims he sent a bigfoot skull to Melba for testing. This is the first I've heard of this. Anybody got some info about it?

Several Bigfooters have visited Tom (Biscardi, Alex MW and myself plus a few more) and he even appeared on SasquatchWatch blogtalk with Billy Willard (years ago) and a show on Alex Midnight Walkers blogtalk show recently.

I personally visited Tom and posted up to the old forum about some things in followup as well as reviewing his book.

I have a personal picture of the skull and a couple pages of a bone dna report which I had/have permission to own/release (and did so on the old forum too) and can provide it..... it looked to be a deer skull which had saw marks through the cranium if I remember correctly. It was apparently dragged up to a clearing by his dog and was thought to have come from a location where Tom professed to see an abandoned baby BF which was deserted by it's mother and allegedly died (and the body eventually disappeared). Tom confused some easily identifiable raccoon prints as what he thought were baby BF prints.

Tom also posted up a snippet of a DNA report from paleo DNA as I remember and revealed two of the three pages of sequences but would not release the third page which could have been the summary page of conclusions, who knows. Though I never got to spend time on his property overnight, I was convinced that I had seen no evidence of BF while visiting during daylight hours anyhow. I did share some gamecams with Tom until he could get up and running with his own. He did have some ingrates crash his property unexpectedly (private property) and had BF literature in the front seat of their truck and those kinds of uninvited guests were pretty upsetting to him. Tom certainly lived in a squatchy area at the time of my visit and could have easily had some kind of experiences at a previous time.

With my encouragement he did eventually retrieve the skull part from one dna lab and sent them along to another dna lab.

Edited by bipedalist

"Okay fair enough, thanks for indulging me. Oh- I almost forgot this stuff!"

*hands over as-yet unidentified hair and blood samples*

"That's something, huh?? Put these unknown biological samples together with those footprints you were looking at, that really compelling video taken by that Patterson guy, and the thousands of eyewitness reports and I think we might have something here! I know it's in no way proof, but it sure is interesting! I don't expect you to take any of this as proof, mind you, just don't ridicule me for wanting to investigate further, since that's the only hope of ever finding your precious proof!"

I have no problem with you investigating anything, my debate was about the quality of the evidence. How is that ridicule? No one owes anyone proof, but if the bias persists about what is proof it will do your investigation more harm than good in the long run IMO.

If I were going to do research, these are the researchers I think have the right attitude and that you should use as a mentor( regardless of what you might think about their personalities), they question everything, they don't accept everything they read because someone has a PhD behind their name, they are well read in their own right to be able distinguish what is sound theory and what is bull based strictly on what I've read here and a few other places. That would be John Cartwright, Splash, and Masterbarber, all excellent examples of folks who use their critical thinking skills.


I have a feeling the guy has a piece of bone from some known animal and made up the story of the baby bigfoot. This lack of evidence is just too common amongst eye witness reports.

Guest Particle Noun

**Moderator Statement**

As this thread deals with an aspect of the Ketchum report, it is being merged with the existing The Ketchum Report thread.

Thanks everyone.

Posted (edited)

I was wondering about the sudden jump in the conversation....I remember reading that book Bipedalist, I always wondered what ever became of the skull.

Edited by CTfoot
Posted (edited)

In these complaints about Ketchums dna business there's a guy named Tom Burnette that claims he sent a bigfoot skull to Melba for testing. This is the first I've heard of this. Anybody got some info about it?



Tom Lives about 30 mins from me and I have talked to him a few times. I was pose to interview him for my FM radio show about a year and a half ago (the show was to touch on the Tim Peeler Case as well which is not far from my home as well) We had a hard time getting that planned. Its possible I can still interview him. Tom Biscardi came and camped on his property but left without nothing but harsh words and Tom does not care for Biscardi at this point. The story is a BF left the baby in his yard but he didnt keep it...he returned it to the woods on his property and later found the body. He sent the skull to a university but nothing happened he then said he sent it to another University in TX. this is the first time I heard it was Melba so I am suprised cause he never mentioned her. Tim says his property is habituated. He is very leary of anyone because of Biscardi and he dosent trust any media, I had to promise to not show him in a bad light or use my show to make fun of him. Maybe I will give him a call and see whats going on.

Edited by Chad Triplett
BFF Patron
Posted (edited)

Billy Willard did a respectable job of interviewing him and it is archived at the sasquatchwatch blogtalk site. I did not hear his interview with AlexMW a year or so ago.

Tom came a tad unglued on the last incarnation of this forum and he somehow thought I'd thrown him under the bus despite pointing out to him in advance that if I disagreed with him about anything that I would make mention of it in as diplomatic way as I could. He has since apologized for the way he reacted to some of my differences of opinion. He knows that it is far from me or others to know what kind of habituation he may have had on that property when things were quite active, it would take more than a short weekend worth of work like Biscardi did to know what was happening.

It was funny in that I recall he said Biscardi had some logs tossed at him or something and left "hurriedly" in the middle of the night if I recall correctly.

Edited by bipedalist
Posted (edited)

What if Tom's Claims Are True? Below is his complaint against Ketchum. All the recent chatter is the results supposedly came back on the human side so........

"I sent melba ketchum a skull which I beleived to be a primate perhaps bigfoot, she never sent my results for over three years to this day she has not sent my results her technician told me I had human dna in my test results they have never sent my results. This means that the mitocondria for an ape, or chimp or bigfoot would light up the same as human . I beleive Melba Ketchum is stealing all the evidence for her own benefit. She does talk shows on bigfoot and is a thief as far as I am concerned if anyone know how to help me sue her or wishes to take action against her and dna diagnostics please contact me at *********@hotmail.com or call me at 828********..Thanks TOM BURNETTE"

Edited by Chad Triplett
BFF Patron
Posted (edited)

Did you look at the skull pictures I posted Chad? That is what he sent to Ketchum I suppose though he boxed it when her lab returned it to him and then resent it to paleo DNA at which time the skull was returned to him and then he allowed me to photograph it. To me the skull pictures looked far from primate.... of course revealing page 3 from that paleo DNA report would do a lot for the mtDNA findings wouldn't it?

Edited by bipedalist
Guest JVDBogart

It amazes me that anyone with any Bigfoot related evidence could possibly pick Biscardi to send it to?? A basic web search would inform them that Biscardi is the LAST person you would want to contact and deal with. How does he still get any attention with his rep? Amazing!

BFF Patron
Posted (edited)

NO, Biscardi visited him on his property, may have examined the skull but had nothing to do with dna sampling of the skull or transporting that I recall. And as for Tom Burnette never mentioning Melba, he told of always dealing with techs and assistants and lab workers and never a head honcho.

Edited by bipedalist
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