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The Ketchum Report


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Guest OntarioSquatch

I honestly dont think the desire to protect bigfoot, no matter how strong the conviction, would trump the desire for the all mighty dollar.

A desire for money doesn't necessarily mean a lack of desire for other things. I think Bill Munns put it nicely one time, that money is a necessity in today's society. But apparently it's also something skeptics are often suspicious of and use to try and discredit people like Roger Patterson and other well known Bigfooters. Sure Dr. Ketchum is thinking of money. So is David Paulides. But does it mean dishonesty?

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Guest Darrell

Money is a necessity, so what? If a person is making money by selling books & DVD's, personal apearances, and even services, then I think it prudent to examine their motivation in this phenomena. Maybe it doesnt always mean they are all dishonest but some are. Patterson is a perfect example of a guy who would do anything for a buck. How about Tom Biscardi? Matt Moneymaker? Paul Freeman? Ivan Marx? Would these guys be into bigfoot if they could'nt make a buck?

Edited by Darrell
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Guest BFSleuth

^ yeah, I think they would all be "into" bigfoot if they couldn't make a buck. Just not full time.

Like the rest of us.

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You guys brought this beast to life to talk about money without mentioning the money college level researchers make via tenure? For shame. There is no such thing as a pure scientist. It's all about the money...

Tim B.

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Are you kidding . College level researchers starting salary in the state I live, at the university level is 48,000/year. High school teachers are paid more . Believe me , not many get rich by going into science . Med school faculty are paid more , but still will not get rich by any means . I apologize as this is off topic

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BFF Patron

^ Word.

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Guest BFSleuth

.... yeah, its a shame all workers don't work for free... they must all be in it for the money.... :D

I'd just like to say that anyone that thinks you would be getting filthy rich off of BF research is likely over estimating the market. I don't think Learjets and mansions are in the cards....

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Are you kidding . College level researchers starting salary in the state I live, at the university level is 48,000/year. High school teachers are paid more . Believe me , not many get rich by going into science . Med school faculty are paid more , but still will not get rich by any means . I apologize as this is off topic

Yeah, I got out of academic research myself after finding myself chasing full time university posts that paid 16,000 USD per annum. This was the mid-nineties. So that's the value of a PhD. I'd probably still be saving for my first trip to the PNW if I hadn't switched to IT...

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Guest Darrell

AFAIK nobody has struck it rich with bigfoot. Maybe Matt Moneymaker? But it still doesnt stop certain types from thinking the next big discovery is going to make them rich. Add to that those that will prey on those because their greed clouds their common sense. Tom Biscardi and the bigfoot body boys anyone? How about Peter Bryne? He hasnt worked a real job for over 50 years. My point is that nobody in the upper elite of this phenomena does their thing for free. Not Moneymaker and the BFRO, not Jeff meldrum, not Melba Ketchum.

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.... yeah, its a shame all workers don't work for free... they must all be in it for the money.... :D

I'd just like to say that anyone that thinks you would be getting filthy rich off of BF research is likely over estimating the market. I don't think Learjets and mansions are in the cards....

Bfsleuth I plused your earlier post that the big names in bigfooting would most likely still be involved, just not full time.

And as far as the learjets and mansions, those are reserved only for the moderators here on the forum right? Don't be coy now, we all know you folks make the big bucks by being moderators here! lol

Edited by Ky Woodsman
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Guest Tontar

People don't have to get rich to work the bigfoot market. If it's a hobby that someone loves, turing a bit of an income can be a nice thing for them. Rich is a relative term. Heck, most people can't even consider getting rich working their normal jobs, so if they can spend some of their time doing something they like to do, and there's a bit of income, fantastic. People will make what the market will bear. And people have to eat way before they can dream about mansions and Lear jets. :-)

More generally, HRP says that the grooming video shows two sasquatches going about their business obviously unaware they are being filmed. Which is what one might expect if someone was hiding in a tree stand for hours waiting for something to present itself. If the sasquatches are normal mammals, like people, gorillas, chimps, neanderthals, monkeys, wolves, deer, whatever, it is completely within reason to think they could be filmed secretly. ajciani, you seem to think it unbelievable that this would happen, as if sasquatches are not so similar to the list of animals above. Are you suggesting that sasquatches have all those higher senses that don't exist in similar animals? The ability to sense more than other animals, to see infrared, to hear electricity, to feel the vibe of the cameraman, where other similar animals can't?

If Ketchum has DNA that concludes that sasquatches are biological creatures, then we need to start bringing our ideas of what they are down to earth, to ground them in reality as surely as DNA would. That might mean allowing them to be fairly basic biological creatures, like us, like our other primate relatives, with simple, non-mystical senses.

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Guest craichead

You know I was just thinking a little bit ago that with all this use of DNA analysis and lie detectors, Maury Povich probably could've solved this mystery a long time ago.

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Righto Guys 'n Gals.

That's enough of the ESP stuff in here. This thread is entitled The Ketchum Report for a reason. I don't think there is any possibility that the putative report will mention ESP, as it is apparently being carried out by a DNA specialist. Therefore, it is a moderator's directive that you return to the topic.

Some posts will be deleted. Stand by to recieve PMs.

No further off -topic posts, thanks.


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Guest OntarioSquatch

Going back on the topic of DNA, I have way more confidence in Brian Sykes than I do in Dr. Ketchum. I think Oxford's study might be the one that proves Bigfoot's existence.

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