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The Ketchum Report


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Guest spurfoot

Most journals charge $20-$30 for an individual article. Buying the entire issue is more of course.

Copyright law allows "fair use" quoting. So long as it is not a large scale copy, but only small segments, US law allows it.

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Don't worry. There are other Bigfoot sites aside from BFF that'll give us free access. That is, if it ever comes out. It's Thursday today. This could be it!! Maybe! Sigh.

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Guest spurfoot

Journal editors are not stupid about the ordering of the things they publish. Today's publication, in Science, of a re-sequencing of the Denisovan genome could presage a forthcoming hominid type publication of the sort that this thread discusses. Perhaps, the Ketchum report itself. Stay tuned for the next few weeks.


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Guest BFSleuth

Thank you for that link on the new Denisovan DNA study, spurfoot! Very interesting that they developed a way to "unzip" double strands of DNA into single strands, then attach "adapter" molecules in order to read the DNA code piece by piece.

Now they understand that the Denisovans had little genetic variation (small population) and interbred with Neanderthals as well as HSS.

I also noticed in addition to the 3 main authors of the paper, there are 31 other contributors. That's a lot of work getting that many people in on a project.

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BFF Patron

More importantly they noted that neandertals had more in common with present day east Asians and Native Americans than present day Europeans! Imagine that!

Edited by bipedalist
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Yup, I think (IMHO) you are on to something. They, referring to the Science Journal article on denisovans, might be the start. But only time will tell.

Speaking of time, the next Robert Lindsey "guess", should include the monthly release schedule of The Nat Geo.....

That would be by my calculations Sept 20' (small chance), Oct 18' (better chance), Nov 22', (now we are getting hot), and Dec 20', (less chance).

Just my guess of course. Anyway it sounds better than the negative "ants in my pants" posts on this forum.

BTW, most of us have a can't wait, but will wait attitude. Please Take note that most of us, "each dissapointing thursday that rolls by", don't make negative comments when anticipation out weighs common sense.

This ain't going to be the county fair, it will be more like the World Fain when it releases.

Again, IMHO, this won't be a one horse show, article) , with so many PHDs on board. Melba mentioned " i think" more than a dozen or a double digit number?

In fact ".... 31 might be a good number. Anyway it makes sense that, several articles are set to be published at the same time. Could be part of the problem with the timing.

Also, Did Melba not say on her Facebook page, before it was taken down ......, That she would have a release on her Facebook page, that most of us laymen would understand?

I understood, that once the big day comes the Facebok page might come back up.....

Anyways, I'm betting the Melba will take care of us fellow forum members, and take the lead again.

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Guest Tontar

Up to 250 pages and I'm still having a hard time staying awake waiting. :-)

Are we there yet? Nope, be quiet. Are we there yet? Nope, be quiet. Are we there yet? Do I have to pull this car over???

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Guest poignant

^ Holy crap!

Neanderthal migration?

Waiting for the artist revisions of neanderthals to show more asiatic features...everyone hold your breath :D

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BFF Patron
...This ain't going to be the county fair, it will be more like the World Fain when it releases.

Just hope it ain't the World Feign....

:keeporder: copy that...that is all! :crazy:

Edited by bipedalist
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More importantly they noted that neandertals had more in common with present day east Asians and Native Americans than present day Europeans! Imagine that!

Apologies if this has been asked before, but what is the general opinion of the thesis that BF is a modern-day neanderthal? Is there any hard evidence against it?

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Guest poignant

Aren't Hsn rigid foot walkers like us? Plus they carry their head high and not slouched forward, so my opinion from the general pool is that BF is not Hsn.

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