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The Ketchum Report


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Well Sykes did not start the study to find bigfoot, I thought it was to find the genetic relationships among ancient hominids, with a few squatch samples thrown in.

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That link Mulder posted to me sounded like something happened that's made Sally feed up with the whole thing, to the point where she wants to give up the whole pr thing. Something to think about.

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Tons of speculation here, I don't think that has any bearing whatsoever with the paper or the release of it. I can tell you that I can safely say the majority of the stuff you see on any of the blogs is NOT correct. There has been much work done by many folks and that is not speculation.


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Well Sykes did not start the study to find bigfoot, I thought it was to find the genetic relationships among ancient hominids, with a few squatch samples thrown in.

With his study being titled "Collateral hominid Project" I think he is atleast prospecting for any trace of such beings, even though he may not expect to find it. Their study is specificly aimed at cryptozoologists and are directly calling them out to send in samples.

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Thanks for the info, GK. Do you think the sequencing you noted is sufficient for complete identification of a new species, or is there another level of sequencing that might be required?

Sorry I didn''t get to respond sooner. We use sequences to look for polymorphisms and other genetic changes that link to diseases. I'm not sure what is needed to ID a new species, but as far as I know, there are no other "levels" of sequencing once you have a complete sequence.

Is that to take a sample and compare/contrast it with the genome of a previously sequenced species to see what the differences might be or is that to take a sample and completely sequence the genome even if that species has never been sequenced before? How is what you guys do different from the much ballyhooed sequencing of the Human and Fruit Fly Genomes a few years back? Is it basically the same thing but takes on 4 days and costs 5K??!! If so, WOW!


The sequencing we do is the same as the human and fruit fly sequences from years ago. The government and private industry have invested heavily in the technology so that it is now possible to sequence entire genomes quickly and cheaply.


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OntarioSquatch.. You are 110% on the money, I stand corrected.. As I mentioned before, I'll bet the farm the TBRC come up with proof long before we ever see the light of day of this report, or more importantly, this reports ability in providing any what so ever absolute definition and/or connection to sasquatch.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

Me too lol. It may be several months until the paper is published, but for the TBRC to actually hunt one down might take much longer. Unless maybe you're sure the paper is a hoax.

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If we do not here something in the next 6/7 weeks, I would then believe there is problems beyond repair. It's just a little strange how nothing is be addressed

and it hanging out in limbo right now. I'm really puzzled as to why there was not a release, knowing one of her main priorities is protecting the species.

Every day that goes by without the study results is just another day closer to one being harvested.

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Hi Zigoapex. I know it has been explained a few times in the thread here. But this simple point of the matter is this; It is in peer review and in NOT in Dr K's hands anymore regarding release. The peer review board is compromised of many of her "peers" with doctorates and other very qualified people to look at all of the documents. Depending on the scope of what is trying to be accomplished, has a direct bearing on how long it takes. There could be a call for more pics, video, dna or whatever else they need to get it completed.

You have to undertsand that these folks will be putting their names and reputations on the final document, so it is important to have a completely passable document. I wouldn't doubt it is many more months and it wouldn't surprise me if it is tomorrow this is completed.


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