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The Ketchum Report


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Guest BFSleuth

I think you may find reference to the red hair genes in some of Substad's posts early in this thread.

Edited to add: I searched and don't find this. It may be in one of Substad's comments or interviews on other blogs. Still looked.

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Guest mdhunter

^ Thanks for trying. I thought I had heard that also. That's why I assumed hair color. I got the same results trying to verify the info.

I don't mind waiting for the report. It does suck sometimes not knowing the results, but that's life. Then I will still have to wait for the layman's version. LOL

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Guest BFSleuth

Now I've got my dander up and started searching for that red hair gene reference. Can't find it, but I could have sworn I read it either earlier in this thread, on a blog post, or during a blog(pod)cast. If anyone has the reference(s) I'd appreciate help with that.

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does anyone know of the dates in witch samples were sent to other labs for testing ?

i'm curious to the reason why no one else received a report on the samples from other labs, and made it public.

it just seems that their is a hush across the board when it comes to the results of the samples.

I'm beginning to think that there is more going on at a bigger scale, and it maybe all tied together.

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BFF Patron

Now I've got my dander up and started searching for that red hair gene reference. Can't find it, but I could have sworn I read it either earlier in this thread, on a blog post, or during a blog(pod)cast. If anyone has the reference(s) I'd appreciate help with that.

I think it was listed in the Ketchum copyright docs link posted in one of the threads too. MC1R

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Guest mdhunter

^ HaHa, Bipedalist. That link is so far into stuff I have no desire to learn it ain't funny. By the time I got up to speed the paper would be out and translated to layman's terms. I guess I will have to get OK again with waiting.

I used to have a geneticist that could help me understand what I wanted to know for practical use in my area of interest, but lost contact with her a year or so ago.That was getting into manipulating some fairly precise color genetics without losing other traits.She was the one that told me a lot of this isn't fully understood yet even though some literature states certain things as fact.I never thought about asking how this would relate to human/primate genetics. She probably could have dumbed it down for me.

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Guest mdhunter

I just reread my post. I want to make it clear that the geneticist was not named Melba and was not from Texas. It is just a coincidence that I lost contact about a year ago.We just happened to be working on the same thing from different perspectives.

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NDA's vary in what can or can't be revealed. NDA's I've signed in the past preclude even acknowledging I have an NDA with "XYZ" company. If the NDA's with Dr. Ketchum allow for acknowledgment of the NDA agreement, then apparently they haven't violated the NDA.

Fair enough

Or there is not a very good picture of Native American DNA in the genebank. There was controversy on some previous genetic studies of Native American DNA. Was my impression that they don't have much Native DNA at all.

Well, first, Native Americans still show up as H Sapiens Sapiens (ie, humans), so one gene sample is the same as any other in this regard.

Second IF (and I stress "IF") some of the early rumors are true and BF is some form of interbreedable relict human, then similarities to NA DNA would be entirely appropriate, as that would be the group that it interbred most frequently with.

Every NDA i've ever seen has an expiration date. If this goes on much longer, my guess is that NDAs executed in the early days of her study will have expired and we'll hear more from participants ...

I had wondered if that might not be the case...but if it is, I would have expected to see Ketchum scrambling to get her paper out BEFORE that happened.

I read mine just now, & it doesn't say that I can't publicly acknowledge that I have signed it.

Does it have an expiration date?

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How many samples of Native American DNA are in Genebank? If there is a low number of samples... That would explain the modern human DNA that doesn't quite fall in normal human range Genebank samples, no?

What do you guys think?

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Do all samples show this variance? They do not according to what little information there is on it. Only 4 of the samples seemed to be of note. Those samples are the Modern Human result yes?

Maybe the samples had human DNA contamination from the collector/submitter. That could skew the Mitochondrial DNA results but not the nuclear as I understand it.

The mtDNA is the human result yes?

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With a number of labs testing and tests to replicate results, I am going out on a limb here and suggest that they will be able to rule out contamination.

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